Re: New Boat For My Brother-10/24 WOOD WORK IS DONE
My problem with the resin not curing must have been another "fogger" incident. The stuff just wouldn't harden after a week of waiting. So a little elbow grease, vinegar, and acetone and off with the old and on with the new. Now I'm back on track and the fiberglass is set and sanded with #1 steel wool and ready for varnish. Waiting now for the gray inside walls to dry for a second coat.
The Red Oak for the top of the gunnels is in place and I also decided to stain the top rail even darker to match the fillets. That stuff is hard as iron and really difficult to bend.
All the rigging has been pre-fitted and holes drilled so I don't have to take a chance with a fresh varnish finish.
The Trolley is complete and ready to go, the seat is complete and only waiting for me to float this thing and get the center so I can place the seat. I even got TCF a pretty black crate to go behind his seat and a new (homemade of course) black mesh fish basket to hold all those Crappies (did I spell that right????).
My problem with the resin not curing must have been another "fogger" incident. The stuff just wouldn't harden after a week of waiting. So a little elbow grease, vinegar, and acetone and off with the old and on with the new. Now I'm back on track and the fiberglass is set and sanded with #1 steel wool and ready for varnish. Waiting now for the gray inside walls to dry for a second coat.
The Red Oak for the top of the gunnels is in place and I also decided to stain the top rail even darker to match the fillets. That stuff is hard as iron and really difficult to bend.
All the rigging has been pre-fitted and holes drilled so I don't have to take a chance with a fresh varnish finish.
The Trolley is complete and ready to go, the seat is complete and only waiting for me to float this thing and get the center so I can place the seat. I even got TCF a pretty black crate to go behind his seat and a new (homemade of course) black mesh fish basket to hold all those Crappies (did I spell that right????).