There was too much time while building my Glades Skiff that I couldn't actually work on the boat, so I spent that "extra time" on some other projects. One was coming up with an alternative to my
Turbo Cat II alcohol stove and my Nimblewill Nomad "twig stove. I'd tried a couple of the wood gas designs, but didn't get one working as well as I thought they should. I suspect something wasn't quite right about the internal air flow. Then I came across some YouTube videos on the Mountain Ranger Wood Gas Camp Stove. It looked pretty good to me, so I built one.
For me, the only hard part was getting the side-cutting can opener to work! Then again, it was the cheap model from Walmart. . . Or, I'm not smart enough to operate the thing. But I DID get it working after a while.
I didn't take and "build" pictures as the videos do such a great job of showing exactly how it's done. I'll just show you my results, then give links to the YouTube vids.
Here it is, ready to be packed up for the trip:
With all the components laid out:
Last, in the cooking configuration, a full load burning. The flame is very hard to see and almost no smoke at all. That's what I love about this one. I'd intended to get a shot right after it was lit, but missed it. It does start out with a large, yellow flame, and a fair amount of smoke. But after a minute or two, the flame becomes very hard to see and the smoke is just gone.
NOTE: The videos below do NOT open in a new tab or window. You might want to "right click" them to open them in a new tab. At least, that's the way they work for me. (It's a formatting problem I have to work on.)
Here are the "how-to-videos" the first being a demo of a finished stove:
Next, how to build it:
And last, how to finish it:
As happy as I was with the way the Turbo Cat II worked out, I'm just as pleased with this one.
Mike S.
Spring Hill, FL
Turbo Cat II alcohol stove and my Nimblewill Nomad "twig stove. I'd tried a couple of the wood gas designs, but didn't get one working as well as I thought they should. I suspect something wasn't quite right about the internal air flow. Then I came across some YouTube videos on the Mountain Ranger Wood Gas Camp Stove. It looked pretty good to me, so I built one.
For me, the only hard part was getting the side-cutting can opener to work! Then again, it was the cheap model from Walmart. . . Or, I'm not smart enough to operate the thing. But I DID get it working after a while.
I didn't take and "build" pictures as the videos do such a great job of showing exactly how it's done. I'll just show you my results, then give links to the YouTube vids.
Here it is, ready to be packed up for the trip:

With all the components laid out:

Last, in the cooking configuration, a full load burning. The flame is very hard to see and almost no smoke at all. That's what I love about this one. I'd intended to get a shot right after it was lit, but missed it. It does start out with a large, yellow flame, and a fair amount of smoke. But after a minute or two, the flame becomes very hard to see and the smoke is just gone.
NOTE: The videos below do NOT open in a new tab or window. You might want to "right click" them to open them in a new tab. At least, that's the way they work for me. (It's a formatting problem I have to work on.)
Here are the "how-to-videos" the first being a demo of a finished stove:
Next, how to build it:
And last, how to finish it:
As happy as I was with the way the Turbo Cat II worked out, I'm just as pleased with this one.
Mike S.
Spring Hill, FL