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My Latest Addiction


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
I went to the grocery store with the Wife this morning (and a good bit of the afternoon) to buy a load of grocerys. I saw a container with little green and white balls in it. On the label it said Wasabi Peas. I put them in the cart. They were hot. Not like hot peppers which stay hot, but hot for a moment then not. Do not eat them too fast as they will probably blow out your sinuses. It was quite different, but I loved it. Mrs. B liked them too. I'm glad we cannot get them locally. If we could I would probally turn into one of those dreaded and loathsome Wasabi addicts. :D :roll:
Wannabe Wasabi


Well-Known Member
My big old Siamese cat likes to sit with me and snack, and as a rule anything that comes out of a zip-top bag and is crunchy belongs to him, too.

Well, i had some of those peas, and I agree they are GOOOOOOOD. He begged till he got one. Watching my 20 pound Siamese run full speed through the house, spitting was worth the clean up. He didn't beg treats for a while after that. :D :D :D


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
In Japan, my kids would buy roasted peas in what looked like 7-UP bottles. Japanese eat roasted peas like we eat roasted peanuts. Adding wasabi (horseradish, for all practical purposes) is something I never would have thought of until I saw it. JARVIS good eatin'!

And, Piper San, I love a twisted mind like yours.