My first boat |

My first boat


Well-Known Member
Just want to share, the only bragging here is it floats and I learned a lot.



needs a bit more weight up front...


but comes with cup holders


and seems to move well


Now there's a space in the shed for another project... :twisted:



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend Tor,

Nice lookin' boat. Before ya know it yer little pardners will be paddlin' it without ya. Trust me.....that time passes soooooooooo fast. :wink:


People who are wise, good, smart, skillful, or hardworking don't need politics, they have jobs. P. J. O'Rourke

john the pom

Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2007
"Just want to share, the only bragging here is it floats and I learned a lot."
Mild rebuke coming up here, the only true bit in that is that you learned a lot.
Take a step back and look at what you've achieved here. You went and built a boat! How many people do you know personally that have done that? Not only did you build a boat, but you trust it to safely carry your most precious cargo.
Not a small amount of us have the confidence in our work. (Ok I mean me) to NOT paint our selfbuilt boats. That thing is gonna give you and your kids so much pleasure over the years.
Go back to your first post, edit it and say YES I'm bragging. You've earned the right :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the kind words fellas,

Looking at some of the builds by other blokes it's hard not to be humble :)

However yes it's very functional and it was a lot of fun (even though the shoulders ache a little today). It created a hell of a lot of attention (from a discreet distance) and more than one camera was pointed at it (not including mine) the Mrs is proud of it too. I guess I need to drag out the soapbox every now and then...

Plans arrived today for the next build... :roll:

What have I started...?



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend Tor,

IIRC, Matt 'n Ron both made some little pardner boats. Matt's little gal wanted purple. Ron's wanted a bumble bee.


Abundance of knowledge does not teach men to be wise. Heraclitus


Well-Known Member
Very nice! Definitely something to be proud of. After I built my canoe/pirogue, I didn't think that it looked like much, but the fact that I built it myself apparently blew the minds of non-boatbuilders. You know the warts and shortcomings. Everyone else just sees a beautiful, handbuilt canoe.

And thanks for the cup holder idea!


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
G'day Tor,

That is a fine boat mate. The lines are true and fair and I know the effort you have put into building her.

As a first build, she was a very ambitious project right from the start ut you have done way better with her than I did on my first build.

Only you know the mistakes you made and you have learned from each of them. None of the little mistakes count for very much at all. They don't affect the integrity of the boat and the only person they are a pain in the arse to is yourself. Trust me on this. NO BODY ELSE WILL EVEN NOTICE THEM.

You have done darn good mate. Be proud of your achievement and enjoy it while you are building your next boat.

Oh yeah, welcome to the dark side - my son. 8) :lol:

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Tor, use it with the family. You will be amazed, twenty years hence, at the memories and lessons you are instilling in little partner's minds.

Oh, and just ignore all the fun you are having along the way.