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More crap


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
It will take a lot of effort on the next truly Conservative President to undo all the harm this Jackass has inflicted on us. That is if we can elect one. The mindless idiots have elected this one twice. Shame on the Conservatives for not coming out swinging and fighting during their campaigns. The rinos do not want to win. They are happy tobe in second place and gather up what scraps they can. I do not know where it will wind up.
Was truly a shame that the rancher got shot. Another case where someone was in a position of authority and did not have the common sense to be there. Things are out of hand here. Fed. Gvm't. taking over local police depts.. It's like Bear used to say 'Were living in Bizarro World. I keep waiting for our Port Arthur Incident. I believe it will come. My Two Cents Worth.


Well-Known Member
Ah, yes Port Arthur where a left handed retard with motor skills so bad he couldn't even tie his shoe laces was able to shoot a firearm he's had never owned and never handled and able to shoot 12 people in the head and wound another 10 in 15 seconds , all with only firing 17 rounds right handed from the hip then go on to shoot several more all in 90 seconds

A man whose previous experience was with a air rifle and by the admission of him self and others he just wasn't very good with it

A man who was kept in solitary confinement for 120 days , the first part of which he was suffering 3rd degree burns and was tied down to a bed laying on his wounds and it's said with out the benefit of painkillers , is only visitors the guard who come by to taunt him with what they were going to do with him

He eventually confessed to get a TV , there was no trial , no coronial inquiry and all the records and evidence sealed for 30 years

Some thing is very wrong here

I truly think it's time for a libertarian government , the democrats and republicans are all bought and paid for by the same people , a vote for them is just furthering the problem



Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
Watch out David, out TIC (Thug in Chief) Is taking his pen in hand once again and this time the E.O. will be gun control of some sort. Good luck with that. He is doing what Dishonest Abe did, by pass the US Constitution and pay it no attention.


Well-Known Member
I still don't get this executive order crap , I thought the whole thing was set up with lots of checks and balances , not so who ever sat in the office was a dictator who could bypass the rest of the government , but I suppose it does take will on the part of the congress and such to say hell no ! and neither side of government seems too keen on doing that , like I said , bought and paid for , even going back to the American revolution , where the same money people encouraged both sides and financed both , the founding fathers didn't realise they were being conned

You need to hang on to your second amendment , your freedom of the press has already been screwed over , all your press is owned by the people who own the major parties and your fourth has been screwed over so much it doesn't seem to matter any more

One thing that really gets me is the attitude that the president of the USA is the leader of the free world , hell he's not my leader I didn't vote for him , from what I can see your pollies are even worse than ours and ours suck arse big time

We don't vote to get some one in , we vote to get the other arsehole out , seems to be the same in the USA



Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2012
David, you are dead on with your views of the situation. This half-breed ass, shouldn't be allowed to make laws on his own. We are supposed to have government that is: of, for and by the people. Now we have government for itself alone. Thomas Jefferson warned about government getting too big. George Sorros OWNS the leftist, socialist Democratic party, the mainstream Republican party, all three major news networks, obama and a holding company that owns a number of firearms manufacturers. Sorros has stated that he wants to ruin this nation. He created Acorn, where he hand-picked obama as his puppet to help him get the job done. It's like the end times in the Bible, where the jewish anti-crist has his beast to help him create the one world system that's run by the devil. I know that most people don't want to hear this. In fact, I don't want to see this happen yet, but I do believe and I think it's getting closer and closer. Dave.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2007
jesup, ga.
Yep gamecock you are correct the bible is being fulfilled. It only gets worse every day. Our government ant what it was founded on?