Missing Lunitac | SouthernPaddler.com

Missing Lunitac


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
My bet is that when Jack got back he scared her off by trying to get her to paddle under the Eastern Star...... Every one knows that you use the North Star as the guide on the water , or they should since that is the one we suggest as the best when in the woods and on the water. :evil:



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Re: m

a Bald Cypress said:
Could it be because I called her a missing lunitac instead of a lunatic ?
Mebbe she come inta a heap a lunadough? :wink: Vaudeville mite be dead in the rest of the world, but not here. :lol:

Q Hey, did ya git a hair cut?

A Naw, I got 'em all cut. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :roll: :roll: :lol: :roll: :lol: :lol:


Active Member
Apr 23, 2008
Lower Alabama
Wow, I didn't know I'd be missed!

Sorry about that. I'm on the tail end of a kitchen remodel and my cabinet man is working faster than the rest of the crew: my plumber (me), my drywaller (me and hubby), the spackler (me), my electrician (hubby) and my painter (me).

The darling son picked a fine time to go see his frenchified girlfriend in Canuckistan. I mean, he goes to school 20 hours a week, works 20 hours a week and then help's mom on the weekends. What more could a young man want in life!?!?! And why does he have to travel to Canuckistan to get it?

c'est amour! ou est il sexe?

He's usually such a big help. BUT, he'll be in the Ottawa until early June.

SO...today I'll be sawzalling out old cabinets, vacuuming drywall dust and seeing about how to install wall mount faucet.

Once my new cabinets are installed (within the next 2 weeks) I'll just have a little tiling and painting to do.

THEN I can move on to the boat project.

Tomorrow, I'll be visiting a friend who says she has some canoe trips in the making. I hope one will give me an opportunity to take Miss Mollie and see how she behaves.



Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
Aaaah Miss Clare!

Welcome back girl!

Some piccies of your kitchen work would be nice - please :D

Workin on our own little kitchen as we speak. Miss Robin wanted a new one, I like the art deco style one that is allready there (circa 1950's)- but run down some. Compromise is we are restoring the old cabinets etc with new brightwork bench tops and splash backs and repairing the supporting carcasses.

Re the young bloke,

Bloody good on him! I have heard some very good things about the Canukistan girls of French descent :p :twisted: Half hus luck!
Not that there is anything wrong with American girls of course. :D One stole my heart years ago.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2008
So Cal USA
I think the fellas all hold you in high esteem. A gal that will build a
boat is kinda rare. A fella that will build a boat is kinda rare. Maybee
their all warped, I dunno. Good luck with your rehab.
Coogs 8)


Active Member
Apr 23, 2008
Lower Alabama
Hi Mick, Coogy!

The remodeling is coming along fine. We live in a bungalow so I'm working toward that fusion of old arts and crafts with new stainless steel look. It will be fabulous. Corian counters, glass tile backsplash, undermount sinks, shaker cabinets, and big wooden table like a farmhouse should have.

My father and son added 20 feet onto the back of the house, giving 10 ft to the kitchen & my bedroom and 10 feet for a porch & laundry room. It was bloody hard (as Mick would say). Hubby and I helped quite a bit but truth be told the old man and the boy bore the main brunt of the work. I do have piccies of me shoveling wet concrete, laying cinderblock and nailing up cement board siding. I don't know if you'd recognize me for being covered in grime. I'll load them to a website and post a link when I'm through. Same for the boat build. Walter takes pix of all these processes. The documentarian photographer.

We did it all ourselves, from the pouring of the concrete footers to the roof tiles. One day I thought my father was going to get us killed. Him and me hoisting two 30 ft 8 x 8 posts. Either he was trying to kill us or he had more faith in me than I had in myself. Those suckers are not light.

My husband is looking at me with those lowered brows every time I mention the boat project. But he'll be keen on it when I'm not cracking my whip for all the other work I've got lined up for him. Dry wall is no fun. But he finished that today. Boat building will be very fun. He admits but he's worried I won't give him any rest after the kitchen is done. He DID buy a new jigsaw and said, This will be better for the pirogue than that old piece of $h!+.

I've got a buddy in wholesale lumber who I spoke with tonight. He says he can get me the marine plywood I need at a fraction of the cost. WooHoo!

He also says he's got a Stauter-built skiff he'll give me if I promise to refurb her right.


I may take him up on it. But then I'd need a trailer.

Even so, I've got this pirogue already figured out in my head. And once I get something in there, well, there's nothing to it but to do it.

I've even got the notion of taking that graphite you guys paint on the bottom and making a stencil that will twirl it up on the bow like a tribal tattoo. And I like the broad dowels sliced up for the gunwales spacer. And I like the water proof deck compartment. And that Uncle John seat for darn sure.

No one ever answered by question about spud poles and holes. Beneficial or not?

I've got to say, y'all have got me a bit scared of this stitch and glue technique. I'm not sure I believe in wood afixed without screws. Or nails. Or at least staples.

But, boys, you got some pretty boats on this here forum. Coogs, yours is looking mighty fine. I want to know where you get copper so cheap you can stitch a pirogue up with it! I hope you recycle it into a rain chain or maybe put some bling on your gunwales or something!


Jimmy W

Well-Known Member
May 1, 2006
north georgia, USA
Welcome back Clare;
Re: the spud holes, I haven't had any experience with them. They might be good for photography in skinny water, but it would be easier to just rig an anchor to drop from each end without having to go to the front and the back and put in the poles. The poles would stabilize the boat better. They would also add some drag while paddling.
The stitch and glue is very strong with the epoxy-wood flour joints and filets and the glass cloth on each side.
For the stitching, I just used galvanized wire instead of copper, but copper would be easier on the fingers. Many people use the plastic wire ties.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2008
So Cal USA
I buy 12ga. and strip the insulation off with a pair of stripper pliers.
Wire ties seems to "mickey mouse" to me. I like the 1/16" holes as
their easy to fill. Copper is easy to work with. I have to admit that
I cut it out with a pair of dykes. It can't really be saved. It breaks
when you "untwist it".

Thank's for the compliments.
And, nice you came back.
Regards, coogs


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2006
Denham Springs, LA
Spud holes are short pieces of 1 1/2" PVC pipe that extend from the bottom to the breasthook. Thye are flush with the bottom and flush with the breasthook and offer no additional problems with paddling or standing/stepping on the breasthook. They're best used in relatively shallow water (less than 3') but can be used in any depth if you have long enough spud poles to drive into the mud. They offer significantly more stability than anchors.



Well-Known Member
May 3, 2008
So Cal USA
Thank's Clare. Comments, good ones are always nice.
If ya want to personalise your pirogue, have you used a
airbrush before?


Active Member
Apr 23, 2008
Lower Alabama
Years ago I had a job sculpting mardi gras floats. I did some airbrushing then. I was better at the sculpting than the airbrushing but only because we had some damned good airbrushers in our float barn and I didn't get much practice.

Why pay a good sculptor to airbrush, eh?