May Trip '08 Nantahala 'n Chattooga |

May Trip '08 Nantahala 'n Chattooga


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
keith said:
I see a happy man. May we all find peace on the water. later keith

Bear only smiles when there are rocks in the water and all the water is white and moving. :D

Bear... This is the best picture of you on a river I have ever seen.




Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Swamprat wuz jest too dang busy keepin' the water under the boat ta take more'n a few pichurs of the river, includin' Eye of the Needle where he didnt......but here iz 78 pichurs of Section III. I am sorry they like pichurs at the same spots 'n dont show no pichurs of anythin' cept big rapids. ... _#rapid554

I am workin' on a report.....had ta spread 'n dry our gear, then pick up 1000 sticks 'n limbs before I mowed. Took two long days. I got a big bruise I wanna sell on ebay. I kin see Elvis in it.


Make yourself sheep and the wolves will eat you. Benjamin Franklin


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Me'n Swamprat iz in the last 7 pichurs on page 2 'n the first one on page 3. The NOC folks took these pichurs.

Miz Bear, Roscoe Brown frum Arkansaw, me'n Twyla Ann hit the road early last Wednesday mornin'. We planned ta set off Thursday, but the NOAA sez a hoodoochie wuz comin' Thursday....all day 'n all nite too. We caint set up our Eureka Hilton when it iz rain' dogs'n cats. It wuz jest anuther May trip. Well, it started out that way. Jest before we left the NOAA folks sez it mite rain Wednesday too, but they missed the boat on that one. It rained on us all day Wednesday....even whilst we loaded Miz Bear's pickup in the dark.....but the sky cleared not too long after we hit the Tammy Wynette Memorialized Highroad near Red Bay, Bamalama.

It wuz great ta pull inta the Lost Mines under a blue sky. We set ta work unloadin' gear 'n set up the Eureka Hilton...but we kept quiet cuz the weather gods mite be listenin' ta see if one of us aimed ta gloat. Ole Jim wuz next door. He haz been comin' ta the Lost Mines in May 'n October fer near bout 20 years hizownself, but he had a bike wreck, tore up hiz shoulder 'n had ta give up paddlin'. He retired bout 5 years ago, but now he iz bout ta be the oldest park ranger trainee in the history of Virginia. He biked over on the Tsali trails near bout ever day. Lucien 'n Ramona 'n Philip frum the Memphis Whitewater club had ta come the week after we left, so I hope we git ta see 'em all in October.

Since oldyaker 'n Pat skipped the stop there Thursday 'er Friday, Swamprat wuz the only fella frum here who showed up.....but there wuz a heap of other paddlers frum the Sunshine state. It wuz the same group we joined fer some paddlin' last May. They hail frum Cocoa where Bill Logan lives....jest down the road frum the High Sheriff. Swampgator 'n Miz Nancy showed up one rainy afternoon, jest in time ta swap some tall tales 'n gather up later down at the River End Cafe that sets out over the Nantahala 'n sells a $7.50 fatburgers.

After sleepin' most of the day 'n nite on Thursday (NOAA wuz did come a hoodoochie), we wuz rested up. Swamprat put up hiz new Hennessy 'n a tent....jest in case. He slept in the hammock ever nite 'n jest had the tent in case the hammock didnt work out. He sez the sleepin' wuz mitey fine. I had mine, but never got a chance ta hang it. My mind kept wanderin' over ta the Chattooga Section III cuz Miz Ann sez it had rained a heap over the last 10 days 'n then it rained so much Thursday, I figgered Section III mite be roarin'. I already tole ya'll how many times Miz Bear 'n me drove over when the water wuz close ta good, but had ta drive back home empty cuz I never found nobody ta paddle with. The forest law wont let ya paddle Section III below Earl's Ford less ya got two boats 'er more.

Friday after breakfast we went down ta the NOC store ta check the water level on the Chattooga. They got a blackboard ta keep track of the water level on most of the rivers round there. We aimed ta paddle the Nantahala Friday. The Cocoa folks aimed ta do the same. They set out awful early, but we caught up with them at Slow Joe's Cafe (cross the river, in front of the NOC raft room). Some of them planned ta rent a raft 'er duckies. They wuz thumb twittlin' cuz the rent bizness shut down when the Duke Power turbine went out 'n they turnt the river off.

I sez "well, why dont we drive over 'n see what the Tuck iz doin' after all the rain?" They liked that idea 'n so everbody headed fer Dillsboro. I looked at the river 'n recalled what happened ta Mick's fine wood boat. We tole 'em "so long, via condidos muchachos". None of 'em wuz a Mexican, but one ole fella keeps a nice, Southern Korea gal. They shoved off downriver. We headed back ta camp. When they come back late in the day, that ole fella with the Korea gal fergot hiz shot, blacked out, fell outta hiz boat 'n they had ta pull him outta the river 'n tote him back in anuther fella's canoe. They wuz kinda cold 'n wet.

Friday wuz okay, but the NOAA folks tole us Saturday wuz gwine ta be sunny 'n extra special. Swamprat heard me tell tall tales bout Section III 'n had the itch. We talked bout it Thursday nite. When we come back frum Dillsboro Friday I got a fella at the NOC store ta call their outpost over on the Chattooga ta see how much dinero fer the shuttle ta Earl's Ford. Seems only Wildwater had a permit fer that. The nice fella even called 'em up fer me. I talked ta a young fella who tole me he had ta check with hiz strawboss. I give him my name, credit card number 'n address. He wuz gwine ta check with the boss 'n call me on my cellularized telephone.

I really needed ta hit the showers, but I set round the campground fer hours waitin' on the call that never come. I went back down ta the store (fergot ta git the Wildwater number) ta see if that nice fella would try agin 'er gimme the number. Jest before the sun begun ta sink over the Smokies, I got a young Wildwater gal on the store telephone. She sez the strawboss wuz still out, but she dont see no problem with them takin' us over ta Earl's Ford. I tole her ta call me when her boss give the okay 'n headed back up ta the campground. Too dang tired ta shower 'n way past the cocktail hour, I jest poured me some Dago Red 'n done like Ole Sparkler (without a pot roast).

Miz Bear wuz worryin' bout the bathhouse cuz Miz Ann tole her that two busloads of blind folks frum downtown Raleigh, Carolina wuz comin' in Friday evenin'. They worried the snot outta Miz Ann.....called her bout 10 times askin' if she had free ice cube machines near the it wuz a hotel. Finally Miz Ann tole 'em ta quit askin' her questions......the $16 a site fee aint near bout enuff ta answer a heap a dang fool questions. She tole 'em fer jest one ta call 'n spread the news amongst theirownselves. They even asked her if it wuz okay ta put a rope up frum the tents, cross the road 'n inta the bathhouse. I reckon it aint no limit on dumb.

Me'n Swamprat talked some more bout the Chattooga. I reckon when ya spend so much time tryin' ta do a thing that wuz fun a long time ago 'n ya keep comin' up short fer years 'n years, sometimes the thing grows like little pardner on canned spinach. I reckon I fergot all the bad 'n jest recalled the good parts. Friday nite I woke up 3-4 times worryin' that mebbe my time fer that stretch had come 'n gone. The blackboard down ta the store showed the river had dropped jest a tiny part of a inch, but that didnt make no sense after all the rain. I figgered it mite be real high.....ragin'. I didnt believe the blackboard.

Ever nite 'n ever mornin' ole Brier Whip-Poor-Will put on a singin' show that would make Wayne Newton hum a Grand Canyon Suite. We agreed ta hit the road after hiz first song. It come at 5:48 a.m. Swamprat haz a watch. I had one once upon a time. I give Miz Bear a kiss, tole the cats ta "eat my kitty litter" 'n grabbed my lifesaver 'n paddle. I showed Swamprat the Needmore Road shortcut along the Little Tennessee River (which aint a bad paddle). He didnt squirm much even tho it wuz foggy. We come ta the Sunset Cafe in Franklin. Over the years I ate some mitey fine vittles there. There wuz some new Florida folks at the next table. They aimed ta trick the waitress by settin' in different chairs, then askin' fer "the usual". One of 'em asked if she would tell the cook ta blot the grease off hiz bacon. Anuther one asked fer toast made outta sourdough bread with the crust cut off 'n some kinda queer tea.....not sweet 'er unsweet. I bet the Carolina waitresses wish folks like that would stay in Florida.

We ate 'n hit the highroad fer Clayton. We found the Wildwater spot over in Southern Carolina. When we pulled up bout 20 folks wuz listenin' ta the "talk" bout how ta make it down Section IV in a raft. We passed up on that 'n a nice young pardner frum Colorado asked if we wuz "the shuttle". He went ta Colorado State 'n learnt hiz river tricks on the Poudre River (Colorado's only Nationalized Scenic River). We put on river clothes, filled water bottles 'n put our canoes in the back of hiz pickup. He drove us over ta Sandy Ford....not Earl's. That wuz the best move I made all day. A 13 miles trip wuz now a 10 mile trip. I tole Swamprat we caint tote two boats down ta the river at one time like I done 15 years ago. We toted one canoe 25 yards down thru the same forest Lewis, Drew 'n the boys drove thru on their way down ta the Chahoulawasse. We put it down 'n walked back uphill fer the other one. The walk back uphill give us time ta rest our shoulders. Then we toted the other boat down ta where we left the first one.

We done that fer bout an hour. We heard the river long before we seen it. When we got there some folks frum Arkansaw 'n Tennessee wuz camped down frum the put in on the Carolina side 'n a bunch a trucks, cars, tarps 'n such wuz over on the Georgia side. We walked round the area tryin' ta shake off the sting 'n ache frum our Bataan Death Tote. We fiddled with our gear 'n finally shoved off. In no time we wuz lookin' at The Narrows which iz a long, two part, Class III rapid. It makes a fine pichur, but it dont give ya much time ta warm up. It wuz a beautiful sunny day....perfect fer a river expedishun. Swamprat never paddled this river. He had gone frum zero ta sixty, startin' on the Tuckaseegee (inflatable kayak), then inta a Dagger Impulse solo canoe (on the Nantahala) in jest two seasons. This wuz a big jump 'n since he missed the last October trip, he wuz a bit rusty. I led the way 'n picked 2 bad lines outta 3 rite off the bat. He picked 2 'er 3 good lines. The Chattooga iz wide 'n there iz a heap a bad lines 'n a few good ones......less at 1.3'.

We seen some big Deliverance water, then Second Ledge wuz rite there. There wuz a big tree layin' cross the scout rock in the middle of the river. We pulled up 'n shared the rock with the tree. This ledge goes cross the river 'n iz a 6' drop. There iz a slot way over on river left that ya kin run when the water iz that low. The rest of the ledge aint eazy ta deal with. That dont sound like much of a drop, but it iz when yer lookin' at it frum a boat bout ta fly off the edge. I blew out the last time I run it. I blew out the first time I run it. There aint no portage that makes any sense (that I knew of), so I jest tole Swamprat ta follow me 'n ta git up some speed before he made it ta the edge. This drop iz the one in Jimmy W's pichur when he posts.

I needed a bit more speed, but I hit the slot 'n ended up on my side at the bottom....fer 3-5 seconds, then over I went. I held onta my paddle, lost my French Quarter stylish hat 'n grabbed the canoe. Later I seen how a rock had tried ta make my knuckles let go of my paddle, but my right hand held firm.......blood comin' frum 3 outta 5 knuckles. After I seen the knuckle blood, I looked at myself 'n seen some bad scrapes on my rite knee. Back at the campground I seen a big bruise on the inside of my rite arm. Two kayakers 'n one young pardner in a 11' playboat come by 'n asked if I wuz okay. I sez "sho am, but I would be obliged if ya'll would grab my stylish hat downstream 'n put it on a rock". It wuz there waitin' fer me. Swamprat seen me crash 'n figgered he would take a walk round the river rite end of the ledge. It wuz a mistake he likely wont make agin. It took him too long 'n burnt up too many calories. I dont blame him none.

We didnt have no map, so we relied on my memory. It done okay at times. I recalled some of the rapids, but not when 'er where they wuz on the river. Swamprat blew out in Eye of the Needle. Then we run some more rapids. I tole ya'll bout that time I took my daughter, her boyfriend 'n an ole pal's son down Section III before. The high danger on that trip wuz Paint Rock, an undercut rock in the middle of a bad drop. It iz worse at real low water levels cuz of the rocks stickin' out. When me'n Swamprat come upon it.....way downriver frum where my mind sez it wuz......we seen rite off there wuz only one chute that a canoe mite git thru. We looked 'n thought 'n looked 'n worried. I knew there wuz no eazy portage agin so I tole Swamprat ta hole my beer 'n watch this. [Jest kiddin' beer drinkin' on this river.] I shoved off, headed fer the chute (which I figgered wuz the same one I had run ever other time I run it), but at the bottom somethin' whacked me hard 'n turnt me on the side where I held my own fer a few seconds agin. Then I rolled over 'n had a big "aw shit" moment. The only thing in my head wuz "undercut rock". My canoe wuz in front of me (thank goodness) 'n I had my hat, glasses 'n paddle, but I went under the edge of the undercut rock......jest like my daughter 'n James done bout 8 years ago. I self rescued myownself, my boat 'n all my gear. Swamprat wuz bumfuzzled agin. He made a difficult portage agin. Good call.

Blowin' out wears ya down.....moreso if yer a geezer. My knuckles hurt, my knee hurt, both knee caps really begun to hurt we pulled over ta rest. We figgered I had been on my knees fer 3-4 hours......too dang long. It took me quite a while ta stand up. It took a while longer before I walked. My back wuz wishin' I had some Tylenol 'er morphine on me. I begun ta wish fer a 6 mile river bout mile 4. Az me'n Swamprat got past Paint Rock, a father 'n son come thru in inflatables. They made it thru Paint Rock okay. After they made it thru the Dad sez "that wuz good, this one aint a danger". I tole him "hold on there brother, this iz Paint Rock, the rock iz undercut 'n it iz a danger". He sez "naw, that aint what this here map sez....this iz Roller Coaster". Well, I wuz bumfuzzled. Wuz I wrong all these years when I tole the tale of my daughter 'n the wipeout at Paint Rock, with all the danger of the undercut rock? Did my heart jump up inta my throat fer no reason? When we got back ta the NOC store the next day we looked at the map that fella had. He wuz confused. He tole us he wuz proud ta see ole geezers out on the whitewater 'n hoped that when he wuz ole 'n gray, he'd be paddlin' too. Those wuz the only five paddlers we seen on the river all day til we got close ta Bull Sluice.

By the time we reached Paint Rock, I wuz ready ta jest git off the water 'n inta Miz Bear's ole pickup. Swamprat kin tell ya'll how much I whined bout my knees 'n how long it took me ta pull myownself up outta that canoe 'n walk. There iz some big rapids after Paint Rock, but ever time I been down Section III, I wuz too tired to remember 'em. Then we come upon Bull Sluice. Ya caint fergit it. It wuz a sunny Saturday afternoon. There wuz local folks swimmin', sunbathin', drinkin' beer, cheerin', jeerin', callin' out ta the paddlers who run it 'er jest tote their boats round it. The fella who sez he wuz proud ta see ole geezers paddlin' on the Chattooga made it part way inta Bull Sluice, but changed hiz mind 'n climbed out. Hiz boy run it okay in hiz inflated boat.

Totin' our boats up the side of the mountain 'n over the boulders round Bull Sluice aint eazy at all.....not at all....but we made it after 30 minutes. We had ta rest a bit before we set off thru one 'er two more rapids before the take out beach. It took me 5 minutes ta git up off my knees 'n then we rested a bit before the long uphill haul up ta the parkin' lot. This tote took anuther 20-30 minutes. By the time we made it ta that top we had near bout toted boats az much az we paddled boats. Bataan Death Tote II. We loaded up 'n headed back ta the Lost Mine. It wuz one of the purtiest days I seen on the river in long time. If the water had been higher it woulda been dang near perfect. Swamprat 'n me figger we peeled off 10 years worth of Royalex frum the bottom of our canoes. When I looked at the pitiful few canoes at the NOC store 'n up at the fort, I seen that folks jest dont buy canoes no more. When young folks git a boat fer their kid, a kayak iz cheaper, eazy ta store 'n comes in "small". It made me wanna take better care of my canoe, cuz if I tear it up, I dont know what ta do. Dagger quit makin' canoes.

We wuz whupped when we made it back. I made it ta the shower. The Cocoa group tole us the ole fella who fell outta the boat on the Tuck fell out agin on the Nantahala. This time he took hiz insulin. He jest fell outta the boat. Me'n Swamprat looked at the weather Sunday which didnt look good.....cold 'n mebbe some rain, but NOAA sez Monday wuz lookin' good fer sunshine. After such a fine day on the Chattooga Saturday, we decided ta lay low Sunday. Joe 'n Nancy come over the moutain fer a visit. Swamprat 'n Miz Bear both napped on 'n off. It wuz anuther Sparkanator Day.....jest relaxin'.

Monday wuz great....jest like Saturday. The NOAA tole us anuther hoodoochie wuz comin' Tuesday. We caint take down the Eureka Hilton in the rain, so we all agreed ta head out Tuesday, instead of Wednesday. We ran the whole river Monday. There wuz no crowd. Swamprat run the falls 'n done great. I run the falls 'n didnt do so great......backwards agin. However, I paddled hard 'n kept the water under the boat on the big drop at the end.

We didnt see the hoodoochie Tuesday on our drive home, but Miz Ann called this mornin' ta tell us that it hit 'em hard.....2" in a hour, high winds, hail, the Burger Basket wuz shut down cuz the young folks who run it had a baby 'n the Duke Power turbine went down so they turnt the river off agin. We didnt paddle much, but the days that we did wuz the best in a long, long time. The other days would not have been fun 'n we likely woulda been tired when the sparklin' days rolled round.

paddlin' geezer canoe clud


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
Great report, Bear. Those pictures really capture the action. Awesome looking water ( especially for this flatlander). We don't have rapids here where the bayous drop maybe a foot a mile and current is in the .10 mph range. Don't think the old flat bottom pirogue would last long there!



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
I thank all ya'll fer them kind words. Sections III & the part of Section IV I paddled iz fulla them giant boulders which wuz all shook up back when Truthful Jack wuz a little pardner. There iz jest somethin' bout paddlin' thru big rocks, cliffs 'n bluffs that makes ya humble 'n grateful. Now dont git me wrong, I like the sandy banks of Black Creek, the St. Mary 'n the Oklawaha. That Big O looks good fer eazy fun on the water. Some times I need a sip of branch water; some times I want some fine sippin' whiskey, but any day on the water when ya dont hear a combustion engine iz special.....'n danged hard ta find these days. :cry:

Those big rocks Joel jest showed us frum hiz Ice Water Expedishun call out ta me. Someday I wanna see them caves out west where them injuns used ta live til they run outta firewood 'er branch water. I missed my chance ta put my canoe on the Colorado at Lee's Ferry. I am runnin' mitey low on preposterone. I got a few big expedishuns on my mind, but when I look back, I didnt spend near bout az much time paddlin' az I shoulda.

Mebbe some folks like a solo trip, but ta me all the boulders, rapids 'n sandbar campsites jest dont mean much without some good paddlin' buddies ta share 'em with. I have been mitey lucky ta join up with so many nice folks 'n look forward ta joinin' up with plenty more before they spread my ashes on the rivers.


If you wish to glimpse inside a human soul and get to know a man, don't bother analyzing his ways of being silent, of talking, of weeping, of seeing how much he is moved by noble ideas; you will get better results if you just watch him laugh. If he laughs well, he's a good man. Fyodor Dostoyevski

john the pom

Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2007
Jeez bear I just can't get my head around this whitewater thing. Seems to be the equivalent of riding a skateboard on the freeway. Ya should wear armour at the very least.
P.s. Don't your fishing lures get tangled in the rocks?


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend John,

It aint quite that bad, but I am beginnin' ta see it az a sport fer young folk. Most of the harm iz bad bruises. I come home with a few big, dark ones 'n scabs that healed. I wish there wuz a Chattooga that wuz a bit eazier ta reach 'n paddle, but then it would be slam fulla folks on a day like last Saturday.

When I started paddlin' whitewater, I wuz over 3/4 full preposterone. I blew out some, but jumped rite back on the horse that flung me. When drownin' finally soaked in, I wuz too far gone ta come back. I done it fer the pure excitement......still do fer the most part. A few ole pals still paddle whitewater, but not many. The undertaker got some. Some jest give it up 'n walked away. A few come back ever few years 'n ride in a raft.

I try not ta take any dumb risks (cept the helmet thing) 'n I figger I kin keep my feet outta the entrapment rocks. However, while folks drown runnin' whitewater, drivin' on the highroads haz a lot more danger. I see me givin' up the Chattooga before too long, like I done the Ocoee 'n the Pigeon. Whitewater 'n campin' gear jest dont go together. I have come ta like campin'. Bout two years ago I wuz settin' at surfin' rapid on the Nantahala. I tole a fella settin' there what I jest tole ya'll. He sez "ya mite az well put a nail in yer coffin". Besides bein' overbearin', he wuz bout 10 years younger'n me.

I dont blame nobody who didnt do this stuff when they wuz younger fer seein' it az downrite crazy. I caint imagine how it must look cuz I never seen it that way......well, not all the way crazy. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :roll: :mrgreen: :lol: :lol:


ps Swamprat sez he seen some real nice lookin' trout whilst we wuz makin' our way down the Chattooga. He used ta drive up that way years ago 'n fly fish.

It would be thought a hard government that should tax its people one tenth part. Benjamin Franklin


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
I gotta set the record clear where I left out some stuff that means a lot ta me. First off, those blind folks pulled in early Friday evenin', kept purty quiet 'n left round noon Sunday. Miz Ann dont put a big group like that near the reglar campers. After they ('n the week end crowd) left Sunday mornin', me, Jim 'n Swamprat near bout had the Lost Mines ta ourownselves. Most of the Cocoa folks stayed somewhere in a cabin 'er motel. Miz Bear 'n me pick the best times ta miss the crowds. The campground iz full Memorial Day, Labor Day, July 4 'n purty full frum Memorial Day til they start playin' ball in the fall. One evenin' jest after the sun went down behind the mountain, Ole Jim sez "....listen ta how quiet it iz". He wuz rite. The blind folks wuz quiet 'n so wuz the rest of the weekend crowd. That aint normal fer so many folks.

The other thing wuz the Burger Basket. It iz a new place on the side of the highway jest up the road frum the NOC....tiny....not even a chair 'er table inside...two stools outside on the tiny porch. They had $3.19 hamburger that wuz fittin'. I figger the NOC folks hated ta see that young family start it up. Fries wuz $1.75, but together that iz better'n $7.50 plus a tip.

Paul's smoker made me recall the fried baloney sammich at the Burger Basket. I reckon it iz grade A, double thick baloney. I never heard of smoked baloney, but if ya put some fish sauce on it.....well.....


We have really everything in common with America nowadays except, of course, language. Oscar Wilde


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2003
Venus Fl.
Swore I would add a few comments and its been a couple of weeks now and I am still dreamng about the waters we paddled. Bro Bear. Just a thank you once again for leading me down these rivers.
The Chattooga. Incredible waters. yes, it was way to low to even try it and I will never forget the hump down the hill. and even worse the hump up the hill at the take out. But damn. Worth every minute of it!
Remember the night that we were sitting under the tarp and talking about that fast progresion that NOC has done? I think you did it with me my friend. But in the old fashioned way. Just enough guidance that I didn't kill myself and let me figure it out on my own.I kept telling Mr Jim it had been 3 or 4 years but I think you were right. 2 years ago I was whacking my way down the river in a duckie and this year. I managed to get down two rivers with only a "few" swims. In an open canoe.
Folks, Bear ridge knows these waters. He has the knowledge and will teach it to you. If you want it....
Thanks Miss Karen and Bill


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend Brad,

It aint that hard ta learn folks ta paddle whitewater when they got courage. Sorry bout yer gout. I will check with the Shade Tree Medikle Clinic staff 'n see if we kin come up with somethin' better'n horse linament. We got a money back guarantee. :mrgreen:


Charlie Allnut: How'd you like it?
Rose Sayer: Like it?
Charlie Allnut: White water rapids!
Rose Sayer: I never dreamed...
Charlie Allnut: I don't blame you for being scared - not one bit. Nobody with good sense ain't scared of white water...
Rose Sayer: I never dreamed that any mere physical experience could be so stimulating!