Mary Valley Road Trip | Page 2 |

Mary Valley Road Trip


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
Then back into yet another hard climb. I think I am getting too old for this nonsense.


We came to another path with a sign indicating Kondalilla Falls to the left (which was our destination) and to the right, the car park near where we were staying. We were both exhausted by now, having skipped a proper lunch in our hurry to get out of the gorge before dark and subsisted on fruit and snack bars only, and we made the decision to head to the car park.

Now, I have made the walk to what I allways thought were the Kondallia Falls and back many times and this path is one that I recognized no part of. As we continued along this path, and yet another steep, rocky climb, I found my sense of confusion and disorentation increase with every step and also found that I had reverted to "survival" mode. I was experiencing chest pain and regulated my pace to the level of pain I had, but just had to keep moving forward. There was nothing else for it.

Then we came around a corner and two very bad looking men were just there! (trust me in this, I know a bad man when I see one) They were walking in the opposite direction to us and thankfully, showed no interest in us. I couldn't help but think that had they tried do do something, in my current state, there was nothing I could have done to protect the love of my life. I would have died trying for sure, but I know the reality of the situation.

We continued on, a little faster and with frequent glances the way we had come, just trying to get some distance between us and all the while, my feelings of confusion and not a little fear by now increased. Then, we crested the slope! and I saw country that I recognized at last! We came out at what I had allways thought of as Kondallila Falls and into sunlight. I knew where we were! :D and there were other people there :D :D Normal people :D :D :D

It meant nothing now that we still had about 3 klms to walk up hill, we were safe. We stopped here to rest, re-fuel and consume the brilliant lunch Mz Denise had packed for us. it was like a needle!.




After resting for about an hour, we trudged up the hill and remaining kilometres in fading light to our cabin and lovely hot spa. :D 8)


Well-Known Member
Mick, I've been showing your pics on these last two threads to Susie, my girlfriend. . . She looks at each one very sweetly and looks up at me with those big Hazel colored eyes and asks very straight forwardly: "Okay, so when are you taking me to Queensland?" :p :shock: :D 8)

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
hairymick said:
...and as the afternoon wore on, and with the fading light at the bottom of the gorge, the place seemed to take on a sort of mystical appearance.
That looks deeply thought provoking.

Cathedral of the Great Outdoors. Communing with our Creator is a Natural pastime out here. One expects to see something tall, glowing, and ethereally right emerge from upstream.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia

Bring the lovely Miss susie with you mate. :D No worries :D :D


I couldn't have said it better myself. This place had a very special effect on me that is difficult for me to put into words. I desperately wanted to spend more time there but just couldn't risk it.

Will definately be going back - soon :D


for the last little part of this epic :oops: , The following day, it was time to leave and head off for home but first - more shopping in Montville.

Monteville is about in the centre of the Blackall Ranges and has devellopped quite a reputation as a sort of market town. Trendy little shops of alternative nature have sprung up everywhere and tourists come from all over the country just to part with their hard earned on arty, crafty but mostly useless stuff. :lol:




:lol: :lol: :lol:

Then on to Maleney to some small waterfalls we had heard about but never seen.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
We found the car park near these falls and did the short walk to them, only about 500 yards - very nice. 8)


I left Robin do her thing while I went back to the car to get the makings for a cuppa while we spent a nice hour or so, just enjoying the place. (very few visitors here med-week :D



All too soon, It was time to pack it in and head back to the car for the drive home.


When we got there, we found this,


Some parasites had tried (unsuccessfully) to break into MY car. My outrage was complete and it took some time for Robin to convince me of the reality of how things could have been much worse.

We had our valuables in there (and more cameras) all tucked away out of sight, of course and at least, the car was still there. Later, much later, it dawned on me just how lucky I had been that somebody else had obviously disturbed these maggots before they could complete the job. Had I returned and found them at the task, there is no doubt in either Robin's or my mind, that I would be in custody now and some maggot would be very lucky to just be in intensive care. I bloody hate thieves and i would have kicked the shit out of these basterds.

It seems that the freaking hippy, dole bludgers have moved to Maleney and from what I have since found out, the car park at these falls is one of their favourite hunting grounds where they prey on unsuspecting visitors like us. Hell, It is a miracle i even remembered to lock my car.

I really wanted to kill something over this.

end of rant, sorry guys, I have learnt my lesson and learnt it well.

The car, an old Ford, (great car :D ) has remote central locking that has been destroyed. It is in the dealers getting a new system fitted now and we hope to get it back later in the week.

In the mean time, Mz Robin and i are off, up the coast tomorrow for a little paddling 8) We are taking her little car that will only carry two of our skinnier store bought kayaks, Dang! I was really looking forward to taking my Okwata - but nevermind, these are fine boats as well. Will be away for a few days and hopefully be back with another little story and piccies. :D

Thank you for taking the time to read this and we hope you have enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed sharing.


end of rant


Well-Known Member
Hate to hear what happened to your car, my friend. . . If you had caught them in the act, I am sure we could've talked Bill into takin' the Aussie law exam and defending you in court. . . (yeah, like that could really happen. . . :lol: ). . . I am just glad things were not worse than they were. . .

Hope your paddle trip is a success and brings you both the peace and enjoyment you both deserve. . .

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
What a trip!! While I'm glad your valuables are still in our control it is a damned shame that such people pollute the Earth. Yakus Ancineticus (Old Yaker) would call them "pastardis". I think that's Eye-tal-yun for bastard?

The streams are really something there. Nice waters, great topography.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend Mick,

That sounded like a heap of my tales....the ones with bad lightnin', mebbe a tornado, a geezer burrito, busted rib, fergittin' where ta meet up at the take out, etc. Them pichurs wuz mitey fine ones. I am glad ya'll finally got back ta what ya'll do best. [chuckle]


ps Paddlin' pichurs soon? Dang good on ya'll!

pps Got a question. Not too many big trees. Ya'll clear cut them mountains?

I place economy among the first and most important virtues, and public debt as the greatest of dangers to be feared. To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. If we run into such debts, we must be taxed in our meat and drink, in our necessities and in our comforts, in our labor and in our amusements. If we can prevent the government from wasting the labor of the people, under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy. Thomas Jefferson


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida

Seams like that vandalism is everywhere today.

Mac was in a slight wreck and after getting his trunk ( the front left side) repaired/replaced he decided to do a little fishing . So he went to an area by his place (down a long dirt road past some orange groves to a launching area on the Indian River)

When he got back to his truck someone had taken a crow bar to his door lock and broke into his truck. They got nothing since he had taken everything out while the truck was in the shop and had not put it back in the truck. The local Sheriffs Dept told him that this was a common thing at that boat ramp and it was younger folks looking for CD's , change and anything else in the vehicle they could spend or cash in. If Mac could of gotten his hands on them they would of been shark bait.

So his truck was back in the shop to get the drivers door fixed.

That is one reason when we do trips we park the vehicles at some secure spot ( ranger station , outfitters , friends house , police station) and not at the launching area or anyplace there is a question about. 1st thing I ask myself , Could I break into a vehicle at this place , if the answer is yes then the vehicle is parked someplace else. :lol: :lol: :lol: mine would be simple to break into , just open the door , rag top Jeep Wranglers are not the most secure vehicle to leave things in.



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
A sad commentary on the way things are today and how no one can be trusted or personal property left alone. Heck I was reading where a 84 year old grandfather stopped to help two stranded motorists and they tried to hijack his vehicle , he put both of them down and out with a couple of solid body hits (Punches and kicks).

What happen to the days when your vehicle could be parked anywhere and the worse thing that happened was someone would call the house and make contact with someone there to make sure you were OK and not stranded. Lock the vehicles doors , that was unheard of , lock your front door and all the windows at night , that was krazy talk back then. Leave your boat , motor and fishing gear in it at the lake and no one bothered it.

Now days the boat and everything would be gone , just like some of the camping gear a couple of the guys were putting out side there place , by there vehicle when packing for a trip we took , someone stopped and went shopping without even leaving a thank you card.

Society is progressing with advancing miracles everyday while rapidly regression to anti social behavior with no respect for anyone or there property. :evil:


a Bald Cypress

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2007
Northwest Louisiana
But,But,But, we who buy things for our own use have so much and those who steal have so little and are so misunderstood. It's only right that they should be able to take what they want.

It is also only right that some bleeding heart butthead will let them off with a slap on the wrist if they are ever caught. I also believe it is only fair you anyone who has the gall to defend his person or property to be charged with a felony if the poor misunderstood thives are in any way injured or inconvienenced.

After all, it is you [the rich] who should be more forgiving and understanding.

Perhaps if you the "haves" would walk a mile in their shoes [more than likely also stolen] you would understand just how much it costs to support a crack habit.

I just can't for the life of me understand why there is not more sympathy shown for those poor souls.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia

Ooooh Baldy,

that is one of the best baits I have ever seen mate :lol:

and is so close the the actual thinking of these maggots it is freaking scary.

I also like the one, "It is not my fault, I have ADHD or am bipolar" or, some such other bullshit.

All of us who have anything at all, have it because we bloody worked for it, saved for it and in many cases, went without for years to be in a position where we could finally afford to buy it.

I have smacked more than one maggot in the eye for saying shit like I mentioned above to me. I am just so tired of all the excuses these sub-humans come up with. We have a government that promotes this type of thinking (and so do you now) where excellence in anything is shunned and incompetence and lazyness is promoted. Our government is actually paying a bonus to these unmen to breed, in the vicinity of 5 thousand dollars per baby they can pump out and into the system and bleed it even further.

Oh, Happy days. i need a drink

grandpa paddler

Well-Known Member
May 25, 2005
WNY-land of exhorbitant taxes
hairymick said:
"...It is not my fault, I have ADHD..."
blah blah blah blah... When I was a kid, I had all the signs of what is now called ADHD. But I was called lazy and mischievious, no drugs or medication, just extra pressure at home and school. I survived with a modicum of success. Made it thru school, spent 40 years (36+ in mgmt) @ the same company, did a fair job of helping Grandma raise 3 kids, served BSA on local, district & council levels, serve my church locally and regionally, spent 20 yrs as a Rotarian... (I just twisted my arm reachin' for my back). The point is: ADHD isn't a hindrance, it's an opportunity to do things differently. 30 years ago the co. hired a full time PhD. shrink to help us develop to our fullest potential. After all my tests and sessions, she diagnosed me with AADD and suggested that I consider a different line of work 'cuz I wouldn't be able to cope with the job. 2 years later she was "released" and I kept gettin' raises.

So, I don't want to hear the BHL's tell me that I have to make exceptions for them.

Ok, I'm done ventin'!!!

a Bald Cypress

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2007
Northwest Louisiana
Not only a drink Mick, more pics of your lovely travels are in order.

I'll get off my soap box after one more statement.

It is my firm belief that high speed lead poisioning is a viable answer to most anyone caught committing a crime.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
I dont know of any crime, cept the passionate ones, that won't stop if ya got three strikes 'n yer out. Jest like that time Jake Spoon fell in with a bad crowd. Debtor prison will make folks quit welshin' on their debts too.


Gus McCrae: Say goodbye to your brothers; I expect you got them into this.
Dan Suggs: The hell with them! They ain't worth a red piss; and neither are you!
Gus McCrae: I'll say this, Suggs; you're the kind of man it's a pleasure to hang. If all you can talk is guff, you can talk it to the Devil.
Roy Suggs: I shoulda been second. Little Eddie was the youngest.
Gus McCrae: I apologize, son; I never meant to scare his horse like that. Well, are you ready?
Roy Suggs: Yeah, I guess so.