The Ducks Unlimited folks asked us to build a pirogue for them to raffle off. One member of the group managed to get most of the materials donated for us to use. What follows is the building of what is called a marsh pirogue. It is distinguished from other styles primarily by having a wide flare and no ribs. More stable than other styles (e.g river, lake or swamp pirogues), a marsh pirogue is well suited for poling as well as paddling.
Material donation included plywood, this one will be painted.
The plywood was a 4 X 8 sheet of 1/4" and a sheet of 3/8". We cut the sides out of the 1/4" sheet.
We like to scarf instead of butt joint.
Then glue up the scarfs
Then go home, no sense in working too much at one time.
Material donation included plywood, this one will be painted.
The plywood was a 4 X 8 sheet of 1/4" and a sheet of 3/8". We cut the sides out of the 1/4" sheet.
We like to scarf instead of butt joint.
Then glue up the scarfs
Then go home, no sense in working too much at one time.