Hey Y'all,
I've got Walter following the thread. But you may have noticed, I'm the talkative one of the two of us! I hope I haven't barged in on the He-Man Woman Haters Club.
Just to show how much I've been lurking, I thought of you on AZNAC day! But I wasn't registered. So belated thanks for all Diggers! God bless and good on ya!
I can picture myself in Robin's boat with Mollie in the front and a cooler in the back. I could probably strap a tent and a sleeping bag in there too.
I can see WalterBuck's LF gear in the back of your pirogue and a mess of camping gear and a tripod in the front. He reckons all his gear weighs near 100#. But he's only weighs in at 150# so we're not too bad on the weight there.
We're not going to discuss my weight but I'm probably in league with your lovely Robin so I surely can carry the darling dog, a cooler (tasty beverages included

) and a some camp gear.
Just how much gear do you aim to tote in your Touring T? I'm guessing the heaviest, most bulkiest thing WB has are his tripods. And his 8x20 film box isn't small either. How would you go about securing your gear and keeping it water tight if you were to go out on a day trip OR and overnighter?
I may have mentioned before but I don't have any experience camping (or toting camping gear) in a canoe. Just me and my lunch.
And if we decided we were old and past the need to tent together, trading our tent for 2 hammocks, where would Mollie sleep? :shock: Do they make a doggie hammock?
Actually, reading this board has only pointed out to me how behind the times WB and I are in camping gear. I thought Hennessy was just cognac.
Thanks again for your advice and jovial camaraderie! Not the commie kind (comrad-er-y) just the friendly kind!
I hope you are patient cuz I'll have a million more questions before it's done! Research, baby. That's how I do. Save a lot of bad decisions that way. I'll soon seek advice on the hauling the bitch. And I'm not talking about myself!
I'll get Walter on here when we get to building. This will be a great summer project for us. I'll even get the boy in on it. Shucks, we may be working toward 3 pirogues before you know it. But boy (Sam) will need a big one just to haul his food. Have you SEEN what a 21 year old can eat if he's doing physical labor!!! :shock: