Kayak deck design | Page 3 | SouthernPaddler.com

Kayak deck design


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
I agree with you, stickbow, about the Greenland kayak being a true sea kayak. But consider the fact that they were built with only materials that could be scavenged is those isolated areas: scraps of driftwood, bone, sinew, animal skin, etc. Their kayaks might have been VERY different in design if the Greenlanders had access to all the materials we have today.

Seeing your handle, stickbow, reminds me of something I read in one of the Traditional Bowyers Bibles. Hunter/gatherer people that used bows tended to stop experimenting on design when they found something that worked. If it did the job and the insufficiencies could be accepted, the design lived on. Not necessarily the "perfect" design, but one that allowed survival- the true test.

If a Greenlander went out for seal and came back alive with a seal- bingo!


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
One way to make hatches almost fail proof is to replace the springy bungee cords with cord and good knots when going out into rough seas. That should stop any possibility of losing hatches.
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Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
jdupre' said:
One way to make hatches almost fail proof is to replace the springy bungee cords with cord and good knots when going out into rough seas. That should stop any possibility of losing hatches.
Yes and no, Joey. A bungee applies pressure to a hatch, and works to squeeze it up against the gasket, thus aiding sealing. A rope will not apply that pressure. A rope will, however, limit outward travel of a hatch at a pretty specific point. A bungee will allow a hatch to travel outwards quite a lot before the elasticity overcomes whatever pushed out on the hatch. A combination of BOTH bungee and rope would serve to (1) seal the hatch, and (2) limit outer travel.

tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx

2 buckle straps and a bunji ,got it all covered.
Ron :D


Active Member
May 2, 2017
Ocala National Forest
Friend Ronnie,

Truthful Jack wuz gone fer quite a spell 'n Mick aint been on a holiday in weeks, so I figgered somethin' must be up.......the stars jest aint lined up rite. Then them Mexicans cut up one anuther cuz one of 'em farted at the Clarion Motel where I stayed in Waco. I reckon there mite be some wood that sinks, but I figger even my plastic boats will float, no matter how much water ya put in 'em, so I figger this "discussion" must be bout keepin' gear dry? Seems ta me a bag oughta do that az good az a hatch....but I seen yer point that a deck keeps the air frum slowin' yer boat down. If ya got a deck on yer boat, seems ta me a hatch mite make it eazier ta git yer stuff out....if it iz a mitey big one (long 'n wide).

Whew....it wears me out when I git ta elucidatin' on stuff I dont know too much about. I done a heap a elucidatin' after I got my philosophy sheepskin frum Bodine College. If any of ya'll aint been ta college, philosophy iz big time boat science. I hope ya wore them high dollar boots before ya read this one? [chuckle]

certified boat scientist

Make yourself sheep and the wolves will eat you. Benjamin Franklin
Several woods are heaver than wood, I doubt they wood make good boats. http://www.wood-database.com/wood-articles/top-ten-heaviest-woods/


Active Member
May 2, 2017
Ocala National Forest
I understand your point about the heavy woods may not be suitable for boat building. I am missing how this relates to this post about "kayak deck design"?:confused: What did I overlook?

It should have been water not wood, it was in referance to the statement by "bearridge" I reckon there mite be some wood that sinks. just an FYI, not a criticism.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2009
I think I understand how the link you posted relates to the quote. You were informing "bearridge" that there are indeed woods that don't float, because he said "I reckon there might be some wood that sinks".
I hope he reads it and responds. It would be good to hear from him. Don't think he has posted in the last 7 or8 years.

"It should have been water not wood, it was in reference......." What wood should have been water? Probably just me and not being critical but I don't understand. I have reread "bearridge" post and he seems to be simply saying that even his plastic boat will float when filled with water so the discussion about hatch covers must relate to keeping one's gear dry, not flotation.

