Jesco White...Dancin' Outlaw |

Jesco White...Dancin' Outlaw


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2003
Venus Fl.
Thems is hill folks. :shock: Dad bought a place up in Salem SC. His neighbor has 10 acres, next door. Nothing but a goat pasture all the way down the hill to the creek. Lives in a 16' travel trailer, by the gate at the top of the hill. He came over to dads place at the closing to warn him about the cherokees that live across the holler! :)
edit: Forgot to add. favorite line in all four parts... Your messing with my mind woman! What little I have left!


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
If yer talkin' bout the Miracle Woman, that iz hiz Mom. The one who sez "I dont know why he loves that woman, but he does." She also tole how his Dad, D. Ray, knowed 52 more steps than any other mountain dancer. I dont know of any other neighbors.

There iz the woman in the pickup who near bout backed over the camera fella. That iz hiz sister Daisy....the one they set out ta make this video bout. They just stumbled upon Jesco. I sho would hate ta have seen him before hiz Elvis phase.


Sure, I'm white. Didn't you hear me say, "God bless George Washington. God bless my mother."? I mean, now what kind of Indian would say a fool thing like that? Jack Crabb


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia
:shock: :shock:

Hey Dave,

That bloke looks like he would fit in with the ferals down the back of Agnes Waters or the ferals here for that matter. :lol:

I'm thinking his mother might also be his sister.

I got half a dozen just like him working for me. About as usful at tits on a boar pig.


Well-Known Member

I was thinking he looked a lot like the ferals who live around Mt Morgan but you are right there is a family down Agnes way that look just like them

Or as a feral near where I once lived said " people look down at me because my sister was my mother and my uncle my father " , that guy was a walking advertisement for Euthanasia
