I paddle my pirogue , actually all of them , sitting just off center (Back) of the center rib.
When I do that and use a canoe paddle , I use the J Stroke and it goes where I want it to. It works just as well with the Quarter Stroke , the Full Sweep ,the Backwater Stroke , the Draw Stroke , the Sculling Draw or the Diagonal Draw.
For slipping along and making no sound then it is the Underwater Stroke and nothing will know you are in the area. You can slip right up on anything using it, even sunbathers (female types) on the river bank , even pass by them and they never know you are there. Unless you cough at just the right time. :lol: :lol: :lol:
It is an acquired art , learned over a few years , I was paddling a canoe before most kids are riding a bicycle. By the way .... I DO NOT switch sides with every other stroke , it is paddle on one side for several hours and then switch if you need to , Usually I don't. Start on one side and stay there all day.
Going upstream or wanting to cover some distance then it is a kayak paddle. The rest of the time it is a canoe paddle. I like them because they are quieter then a kayak paddle and you can slip up on more wild life.