I use to go in there ............ | SouthernPaddler.com

I use to go in there ............


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
I guess I am just getting to old .......

I can remember when gas was .20 cents a gallon , for the good stuff and during a gas war it was 17 cents a gallon. Cokes were a nickle. At the drug store a fountain shake and burger was less 50 cents.
Now days things are costing a lot more , OK so you make more but back then you made less and spent less for items. $1.25 an hour was minimum wadge and if you prorate things out for today everything back then was a better deal then it is today.

What got me was today at the grocery store..... Things have gone NUT'S.
A small quart container of sliced / cut up watermelon is $8.00 needless to say it and even a whole watermellon is still at the store and not home with me.
Then I went to the meat department , There were empty spots in it with nothing in them except cold air. One section had a few roasts there , Eye Round ones at $13,95 a pound and most were in the $40,00 for a total price. I picked up one and looking at it ... it was $49.89. I dropped it quicker then if it was a HOT Charcoal Brickett from the grill. :oops:
Less red meat and more fish and vegetables for this family. Plus shopping at the member stores ( Costco and Sam's ) and not the national chain stores.

I use to go in there ( a year or two ago ) and with $10.00 to $15.00 get what I wanted , then in the last couple of years things have keep creeping up and up till now when they have skyrocketed , they are ridicules on the price and I think I know the reason why.
It is sitting in the White House and has a rip off insurance plan that stores have to furnish named after him. Naturally the stores will pass that cost off to the customer.
It appears they will have to increase the prices even more just because the consumer is not going to pay that much. I watched some of the folks shopping and a lot of them looked at stuff , checked the price and put the item back opting out for something in the same category for less. Usually a store brand or a bargain brand and if it was a buy one get one free they were hot items.

These day and times are getting very interesting and I sure feel sorry for the younger crowd and there future .
When they are my age it will never be as good as my past was.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
Chuck, isn't it odd that information like that doesn't make prime time news? If it were Bush in the White House, the media would be wringing their hands and complaining every chance they could.