I have a camping project to work on , making deposits | Page 5 | SouthernPaddler.com

I have a camping project to work on , making deposits

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Thanks, Chuck. The Wag Bag is what I was looking for. It will fit well in this plastic bucket I have, and can then be safely put into a dumpster. This would be only for camping with a plane whilst tied down on concrete. Out in camp, the hole in the ground (or Dorazio's hammock rain fly) will do nicely.


Sep 4, 2009
After all these very cool posts I must toss out a small lump of trivia after all I just got back from Colonial Williamsburg , Va and it so fits.

What did they call a nicely built potty chair with a cushion seat (think winter/ delicate tooshies)??

Why an Easey Chair ! So any of you who own an eazey chairdo you really want it inthe living room!?

Then again if camping if place close to water's edge you can sit and cast lines. Sorry too gross. Bad Chipster down boy down.

to all the Alta Kaka's out there , enjoy! (yiddish my guess same in german/dutch, means old shtr, bull artist). But Where Betty White is from, Apple Kaka means apple cakes so egads.

don'cha love words

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
We've become BS'ers, and hadn't heard of the term alta kaka's. However, to us, "BS" means "Boat Science" (ahem)

I assume that, "alta" means tall or high? Kaka has its traditional meaning?

We always tell the truth on Suthrin Piddler. Over two hundred years ago, Cap'n Meriwether taught me to be honest, and I have been ever since. So are we all, (to paraphrase Shakespeare) all honorable men.