I haven't tried any of there products ...but my order is going to be shipped in a day.
They have a wide selection of freeze dried foods , Survival packs of dried foods and all sorts of good things to mix and match for camping food. Meats , Fruits , Vegetables , TVP , Grains , Organics , Meals.
Most of the instructions say a 1/2 cup of this to a cup of boiling water and let it sit for 5 to 7 minutes and then enjoy it.
I know I will have to keep this a secret from Jack when I do this so he will not eat everything when it is cooked but What Has to be Has to be........ I want to take the plain dehydrated TVP ( Tofu ) , add some Beef Base to it to make it a Hamburger substitute and try it in some Freezer Bag recipes for camping.
The unflavored TVP will take any flavor it is marinated with or added to , just add the Beef Base to it and then the hot water to reconstitute the TVP and you have a beef flavored item.
( Actually it is cheaper to purchase theirs then to get the TVP from the store , and dehydrate it ).
Before you ask..........
BEEF BASE.......
They have a wide selection of freeze dried foods , Survival packs of dried foods and all sorts of good things to mix and match for camping food. Meats , Fruits , Vegetables , TVP , Grains , Organics , Meals.
Most of the instructions say a 1/2 cup of this to a cup of boiling water and let it sit for 5 to 7 minutes and then enjoy it.
I know I will have to keep this a secret from Jack when I do this so he will not eat everything when it is cooked but What Has to be Has to be........ I want to take the plain dehydrated TVP ( Tofu ) , add some Beef Base to it to make it a Hamburger substitute and try it in some Freezer Bag recipes for camping.
The unflavored TVP will take any flavor it is marinated with or added to , just add the Beef Base to it and then the hot water to reconstitute the TVP and you have a beef flavored item.
( Actually it is cheaper to purchase theirs then to get the TVP from the store , and dehydrate it ).
Before you ask..........
BEEF BASE.......