Hennessy Hammocks | Page 2 | SouthernPaddler.com

Hennessy Hammocks


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Mister High Sheriff,

He sez he will only three season camp. That makes sense......winter, fall 'n spring. No point in summer campin', cuz it iz too hot ta sleep in a hammock 'er a tent....'n the bugs make life worse. So he dont need the bug net, jest a tarp instead of that small ENO fly. I went ta the Cooke Custom Sewing site today 'n looked round. I caint order nuthin' frum him sober. $150 fer a four panel! I am workin' on a call ta ask how much fer a four panel made outta the longer panels....like the ones they use on the six panel tarp. That oughta be jest the rite size fer a hammock. The six panel is okay IF ya got plenty of room 'n if ya kin tie it up HIGH. Otherwise it iz so big it will block all yer breeze 'n kill the view.

I mite jest take my Hennessy fly 'n my ENO single nest? I am purty sho it would work fine. I'd run outside 'n give that a try, but it iz after 7 p.m. 'n 91 degrees. That way I kin save my tarp money fer taxation without representation. [groan] Aye Laddie!


ps How did ya sleep in that ENO? I heard the snorin'. It sounded like it done okay. [chuckle]

Democracy is when the indigent, and not the men of property, are the rulers.  Aristotle


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
Bear, I don't know where you live, but down here, there is NO time of the year when mosquitoes are not around. When Jack , Piper and I went in Feb., there were quite a few out and it was in the low 40's at night.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Yep... That was snoring you heard that night , some dang good sleep. Even with all that racket coming from the one hammock hung behind me up in those trees. You know the hammock behind when Joe and I were. :D
The Hennessey rain fly would work , especially the Hex Fly. If not Campmor has a nice tarp out of nylon that is a 11,5 x 11,5 for $69.99. I know that for a fact since I have one and have had it for a while. :D

They also have more tarps for a lot less and all the way up to 20 x 30 for $24.99.

Now I have to agree he did say three seasons but not which seasons those three were and not drawing any conclusions on them , one of the seasons might be summer.

As far as Mosquitoes the only time we don't have them around here is when we have a hurricane and they get blown up to Georgia. :lol:



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend Joey,

I am four hours north of Ponchatoula....rice fields all round us..........'n low spots where the swamp wuz never cleared 'n leveled. Skeeters ain't bad round here til the May rain. It iz usually so hot 'n dry in August, they thin out some.....but nobody in their rite mind goes outside then less they gotta ta put the three squares on the table 'n keep the roof over their heads. By September you run inta some skeeters, but by late October they aint a problem. October ta mid-May life iz good....even when it iz cold. I love a campfire.....love watchin' the flames....jest like my ancestors done when they lived in caves 'n wore stylish animal skins. [chuckle]


Abundance of knowledge does not teach men to be wise.  Heraclitus


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Mister High Sheriff,

The ENO iz $55. Since I figger the season he wont camp iz summer, all he needs is a fly (less he lives in Louisiana). The Sam Walton Store sells plastic communist tarpaulins fer jest a few bucks. If he dont like sleepin' in a ENO, he dang sho kin enjoy it in the backyard 'er on car campin' trips, rite? If ya slept good in it with yer face smashed up inta that small ENO fly, jest think of how much better if ya had put up a bigger tarp......higher? If he dont wanna waste no dough on a tarp, he kin spring fer a Cooke....which will hurt ta buy, but he will enjoy it fer many years ta come. Buyin' one of 'em iz a real (but costly) pleasure. Anybody figgers out how ta sew one like that....let me know. I mite take up sewin'. [chuckle]

He dont need a bug net. He dont need ta spring fer the ENO fly....or the slap straps. He kin buy them later if he likes the ENO.

Seems like an eazy call ta me. Buy the ENO 'n a Cooke tarp 'er somethin' cheaper. Give it a try on a expedishun. If he dont like it fer campin', use it fer lazy days round the hacienda? Mebbe git a bottle of pre-mixed margaritas? Everbody needs a yard hammock, rite? [grin] If he dont like it, I bet he kin sell it 'n git most of hiz money back.


ps Too hot ta try that Clark til winter?

Guard: Sorry Luke, jest doing my job, ya gotta appreciate that?
Luke: Naw.....jest sayin' its yer job dont make it right boss.


Jun 15, 2009
Not much true winter camping in my repertoir - here winter only lasts from New Years until Jan 3, so you don't miss much anyway. I will spend some time camping in the 40s though. On the other end, I'm with bear. It's awfully hard to sleep when it's 90F at midnight. I tend to stay inside.

I've decided to build myself a Hennessy clone as a temporary measure. I've been looking for fabric locally, but looks like I'll have to order from the web.

Incidentally, have any of you home made hammock guys tried making one more than 60" wide. The fabric seems to top out at 60", but I was hoping to mimic the Safari which is 70". Seems to me the extra 10" in that might be a significant difference. Yes?



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
bearridge said:
Mister High Sheriff,

Too hot ta try that Clark til winter?

Rather warm out there but I am stuck here for a spell even if it was decent weather. The boss lady had some foot surgery and is out of commission for a while , the Doc said 4 to 6 weeks.
So........... I am driving Ms. Daisey and being her Step an Fetch It.
My relaxation ( Quiet time) and just for kicks plus a little freedom , getting some dental work done along with a couple of crowns. The Dentists office is a good place to relax , those lay back chairs they have are comfortable and he does all the work. Even has a TV at the foot of it for you to watch if you are not napping.
Don't get me wrong those chairs are not as comfortable as an hammock but they are close and it is nice and cool in there. :lol:

If I was able to get out for a while , it is hot during the day , upper 90's , almost to the 100 mark. Then the rains move threw and like today , bright sunny 95 or a shade more then just in a few minutes we go from stagnate hot air to some wind. Next is here comes the rain , small hail and the temp drops to 68. By the way the wind was gusting to 60 mph , nothing like Texas has but we are getting close. :roll:

The up side is our rivers have trees along the banks so a hammock can be hung and your shoes don't get blown down a sand/gravel bar in the wind. Then paddling out there is no worries about rapids or rocks , just sand bars and Gators. "O"oop's , almost forgot , at times there are some Sand Bar Bunnies sunbathing along the river with nothing on , a quiet paddler can pick the right time to say ... Howdy Ladies and watch them scramble for the towels to protect there modesty. :lol:



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
It wuz a dark 'n stormy nite.....jest kiddin'. It wuz 90+ this afternoon, but a fine breeze wuz blowin' frum the southwest. I set the ENO up under my Hennessy fly.....barely fit, although the ENO aint az long az the Hennessy. It also aint az wide. Chuck, did ya have any truble with yer ENO bein' so narrow cross the shoulders? It wuz awful tite....really crimped. I wondered how me'n a sleepin' bag mite fit?


...just because you have an individual right does not mean that the state or local government can't constrain the exercise of that right...  Barrack Hussein Obama


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
The bag fills it out so the sides don't hit you when laying in it , a thin pad under the bag moves it out more. I got one of the pads for under a Mummy bag and it worked really good for me.

All I can say is to spearmint with stuff till you get it where you like it. I have mine where it is down right comfortable .... For Me. :wink:

Plan on using the same in the Clark since what you have in there determines the width of freedom inside the hammock unlike the Hennessey which has that built in. ( Unless you tie out the 4 corners of the Clark to make it more open as when using it as a tent on the ground. Which when hanging in the air could cause a structural failure or in better words , damage to the hammock)

As I said , each one has it's good side and it's faults it is up to the camper to make the adjustments for there comfort. Nothing says that you can't use the good with any other one , combine the the best from each to have it suit your camping taste or comfort. :D

I haven't camped in the Clark as of yet but I sure was wishing I had that Hex fly from Hennessey when camping in the ENO Hammock. If the Clark rain fly does not work out then it will be taken off and either the Hex Fly or a tarp will be used. Right now it looks like the one with the Clark will work , I got the over sized one. Time will tell.

Heck . Joe ( lazyriverguy ) hung his Hennessey with the rain fly over it and then put up a 16 x 20 tarp over that , If you will recall when we were on that Last St.Mary's River trip and that nasty storm hit us. Same time when my canoe decided to make it down river by it's self before the storm and Mac fetched the canoe for me.

I have to get a digitized , Waterproof , cameras for those trips with Bear since he always makes the rains show up and we miss some good pictures. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Az ya know I got a big tarp too, but I dont wanna tote it no more....ferever. My Hennessy fly worked whilst ya'll walked round makin' too much danged noise over under Joe's circus tent. [chuckle] My problem with the Hennessy hammock iz rasslin' with the sleepin' bag 'n pad at 3 a.m. The ENO iz light, but small 'n narrow. If a pad 'er my sleepin' bag open it up fer some good shut eye, I will use it, but it iz way too hot ta even lay in a sleepin' bag......85 at 9:25 p.m.

I think the best fly/tarp fer a hammock iz likely a tarp Cooke dont even have fer sale, but I bet they kin make one up without no truble....a four panel made frum the 6 panel sections (longer, not square like the four panels they sell). That oughta beat the Hennessy 'er the ENO flys by a half mile.


I remember, well, HALF REMEMBER, a fun evening with some high test rum made into Fuzzy Navels.......at the beginning of the evening I was very impressed that the bottle had a flame arrester on the cap.  By midnight or so I could not have spelled flame arrester....  Keith Davis


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida

A piece of used plastic would beat the ENO Rain Fly but it will take a lot to beat the Hennessey Hex Fly. If I remember right , you got the standard fly for your Hennessey. Your Cookie done in a rectangle would beat it but it would take a lot to beat that Hex Fly.

The Hennesey fly you have only has two tie off points for the ground , the Hex has 4. Here is a good picture of what I am saying.....Joe ( Paddlin'Gator) tent is in the foreground with the two ground tie offs , mine is back of that with the Hex fly and the 4 tie offs to the ground. Ya green Timberline tent is back of Joe's hammock in the left side of the picture.


Bear Like you it is wrestling with the sleeping bag in the early morning hours that made me decide to try the side entry hammocks. After one night in the ENO I decide that was a lot easier for this ole goat. I have almost gotten the entry and exit down on the Hennessey and truly love that hammock and will continue to use it but right now it is side entry for me. Which is just like stepping out of your bed and then getting back in. Grant you they are a lot narrower but sometimes you have to give up all the extra room for more convinces , like easy and quick entry and exit.

I sure would like to see it cool down a bit so I could give the Clark Tropical a good test run , Heat index here of 105 today and no one is outside except for the early morning hours.

If the sleeping bag was attached to the pad so you did not have to adjust it every time it would be a lot better. All night sleepers don't have the problems , they get in and get comfortable and are set for the night. :D


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
I got the Hex fly. I think they made 'em standard on the big hammocks a few years back. When ya'll went strollin' down Memory Lane, ya musta left some behind. lol

Heat index iz 105 here.

I set my ENO up under my circus tarp, then under the Hennessy fly. Both work fine, but the circus tarp likely would be a problem along the Buffalo 'er St. Mary.....a bit too big. I been strugglin' with anuther Cooke.....10' x 14'. I like all them little tabs 'n the special canoe t-grip reinforced loop system in the middle. When I get ta look at that Clifford Jacobs video agin, I will likely be slam fulla new ideas on how ta tie that tarp off......mebbe make it look like a goose 'er a toaster?

swelterin' over here boss

Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go.  Oscar Wilde


Well-Known Member
Chuck, assuming that I'll be using my down bag and HH this winter, I may do a safety pin assembly of the bag and underpad. Further, I'm going to build some sort of shock cord grabber from the loop in the peak line to the hood of the bag, just to keep it all in place while getting in.



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
bearridge said:
I been strugglin' with anuther Cooke.....10' x 14'. I like all them little tabs 'n the special canoe t-grip reinforced loop system in the middle. When I get ta look at that Clifford Jacobs video agin, I will likely be slam fulla new ideas on how ta tie that tarp off......mebbe make it look like a goose 'er a toaster?

swelterin' over here boss

DAM.. We have a Kayak Jack striker here by listing to that cliffy jokerson person. Bear ya have forgotten more about camping here in the south then he ever knew or will ever know about camping in the south. :wink:
By the way , he does not like hammocks , anyway never has said anything about them besides in passing/using them as a joke. :roll: :roll:

Personally I think he is way overrated and loves to endorse a lot things to get a kickback from them , just like anyone who say's .. Mention my name when ordering it , a real money grubbing Jokiest in my book.



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
islandpiper said:
Chuck, assuming that I'll be using my down bag and HH this winter, I may do a safety pin assembly of the bag and underpad. Further, I'm going to build some sort of shock cord grabber from the loop in the peak line to the hood of the bag, just to keep it all in place while getting in.


Never tried it , later on this year when things get cooler let us know how it works. I just tuck the top of my bag under the pad so it stays put when I get in there. Set it all up for the night when I hang the hammock and know it is ready for me. It's those late night and early morning visits to a thirsty tree that gives me fits when getting back in for the rest of the time. I have found that when I get out to arraign everything then getting back in is not a problem , providing I have the time to do that. :lol:

Everyone works it out so it works for them , just takes some camping time to fine tune it.



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
If I tote the Hennessy, I aim ta dress myself fer cold....with some extra polartec handy fer the wee hours. I dont plan ta tote a sleepin' bag agin....no more....ferever (with my Hennessy).

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan

I'm the guy who got others on here to try Hennessy. I've camped in them for nearly 10 years now. I can give my experience, and you can decide for yourself.

In my opinion, a Hennessy Hammock is well worth the money. There are sales of seconds or blems once in a while, haunt the Hennessy site and watch. Also, call and ask. I've never been in one of he larger hammocks, and have never felt a need for more room in my standard sized hammock. I'm 5'8", but have a couple of feet spare room, and frankly don't know what one would do with even more room to waste. Maybe those guys are doing things in the hammock that I don't?

Definitely get a larger rain fly. The "standard" fly is catenary cut. "Catenary" is a foreign word that can be loosely translated as "it will never cover you sufficiently because it has long, useless points on each end, so get a rectangular tarp or fly, never a catenary cut one". Get a hex fly.

I often rig my fly with one side down fairly tight, and the other spread out to provide an awning covered eating area beside the hammock. If bad weather is threatened, I hang a full 1 liter bottle of water on the side that is an awning, and prop it up with a paddle. If it rains, I kick the paddle out and now both sides of the fly are down. Don't get the toys that hang out here and fill a bottle with rain water. By the time the bottle is full of rain, so is your sleeping bag. Hang a pre filled bottle out there. I've been thinking about tying a line to the paddle so I could just yank it from the comfort of my sleeping bag.

I like the end entry because it prevents you from falling out over the side of a hammock. You have to be kind of careful climbing in over the edge of a hammock; they can flip, spit you out fast. My method for getting into a sleeping bag is to sit in the hammock entry, slip my feet into the bag, stand up with my head in the hammock, arrange the hood of the bag up onto my head, and zip the bag mostly up. Then, lay back into the hammock. I've never had bugs or mosquitoes bite me through the fabric of the hammock, even when sleeping outside of a bag.

I use a 10' X 12' or 10' X 14' rain fly (CookeCustomSewing.com tell Dan that Kayak Jack sent you) instead of the hex. I rig it so the long part of the fly is cross ways to the centerline of the hammock. I rig one end of the tarp/ rain fly so it is down, near the ground (about a foot high) and the other end is out for an awning, I like this better than a hex fly, but it is more expensive. I'd advise you to try the hex fly, and only consider my method after you've camped a while in the Hennessy.

Email me if you have more questions, [email protected]


Jun 15, 2009
Thanks 'jack.

I bought the material today to build myself a clone of a Hennessy. The material will be too hot for a while here, but I'm not going camping any time soon. It was 101F here today 111 with the heat index. I ain't camping for a while right now. - at least not here.

Thanks for all the input. I'm going to make mine bigger since I'm not a gram counter. If I want it smaller, I can always take a little off. Just like at the barber, it'll be harder to put it back on. : )


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan

The difference between a good haircut and a bad haircut is three weeks. No matter which way you're going.

I'd suggest that you get to know Joey Dupre' real well. He made his own hammock, and has a lot of tips, most of them understandable. (If he starts speaking Cajun at you, just be patient.) Joey is one of the best outdoors craftsmen I've ever met. And, he tells decent jokes too. Were I you, I'd start a back channel correspondence with him, and gain a lot of insight from the exchange.

Best of sewing to you, and keep me posted on your progress. BTW, what part of the country are you in?