Hey Ct I just had to laugh alittle when I read your post.

I don,t know if you read my post alittle while back where I went on a canoe trip with a friend. Well I have a old town guide 14.7. Where we went the river was very low alot of blow downs we had to go over & around. I was gone three days & didn,t turn over . I even stood up in it alot.
I know it isn,t like a piro but if it was going to roll it should have done it then!! I went tuesday on a trip with my dog was the first time of that . She would walk from one side to the other side & it would lean , but we was a long way from rolling.
Now on the piro side I do have a little Willy Harris plywood boat. Don,t know if Chuck or any one has ever heard of him. He used to build boats around the coast here . This boat is 9' in lenght . You sit in the middle solo. Me & My son has been in it before . Talk about center of gravity if you sneeze in this one it will wet you. I have paddled it several times & havent swamped yet. It didn,t take me long to get used to it. :wink: :lol: Hang in there I believe you will get used to it.