Help for the non tech geezers |

Help for the non tech geezers


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2007
Savannah, GA
A bald Cypress said
Mabey I'm just a bit slower than the rest of ya but, I still can't quote a portion of a message

Just trying as I haven't done this either.....

Copy and paste the portion you want to quote then after you paste it to a reply select "Quote" from the toolbar and then type around it..... Hope that's close....


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
When ya read a post someone has made then just click on the quote button at the top on the right side.....

It will give you a screen of what they said........ Delete what does not count between there name and the quotes , then hit preview to make sure it worked for you..... As long as you do not get rid of the [ and ] after there name then the rest is up for grabs......... As in..

I spaced it out so you could see it , as long as the [ and ] are there it will work.

[ quote= "a Bald Cypress" ] Mabey I'm just a bit slower than the rest of ya but, I still can't quote a portion of a message.
The whole thing yep but, a portion nope.
[ size= 24 ] HELP [/size] [ /quote ]

After that then just skip down a line and add your comment....... Hit preview again to make sure it worked and if it did then hit Submit and it is done.

Play around with it ... You will not hurt anything and if you think you did then just forget it and hit the back button since nothing was entered.
If you goof up .... e-mail me and I will help you..... Sometimes. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Want some fun......... Play around with this message ... Ya will not hurt anything but your mind. :lol:


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan

Chuckie got this right. He's also good with gritz, snausages, and some boats. Do NOT, repeat do NOT, trust him with tide tables or selecting restaurants. Or, anything that has a sharp point.

It's OK to bunk beside him now; he stopped wetting the bed a couple years ago.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2008
Tequesta, FL
oldsparkey said:
Play around with it ... You will not hurt anything and if you think you did then just forget it and hit the back button since nothing was entered.
If you goof up .... e-mail me and I will help you..... Sometimes. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Experimenting here, Boss :?



Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
See deleted the the last quote in the brackets behing Chuckles sentence. Had you left it there....It would have been in the highlighted box. Always leave the quote word in brackets in front of and behind the sentence you wish to quote.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Paddlin'Gator said:
OK, so how do you get the quote in the highlighted box?

You will see the word quote in brackets at the beginning and end of this quoted sentence in the box where your typing your message? Notice it's all in a high lighted box when I hit submit.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2008
Tequesta, FL
oldyaker said:
You will see the word quote in brackets at the beginning and end of this quoted sentence in the box where your typing your message? Notice it's all in a high lighted box when I hit submit.

Here's another try.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Paddlin'Gator said:
oldyaker said:
You will see the word quote in brackets at the beginning and end of this quoted sentence in the box where your typing your message? Notice it's all in a high lighted box when I hit submit.
Here's another try.

Dang P-Gator....I believed it should have worked that time for you...See...It works for me. Let me scratch my head on this one awhile.. :? :?:


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Hmmmmm :idea: Are you clicking quote in the upper right hand panel of the message panel?
Or are you clicking the other quote in the panel where you are typing your message?

If you just click quote on the upper right hand corner of the message panel you are reading, it should auto highlight when you submit the new message.

Maybe you have a Grinch in your computer?


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2008
Tequesta, FL
I' clicked on "quote" in the upper right hand corner then deleted all the text between the the first and last set of brackets except what I wanted to include. The text came out right, but with the brackets still at each end and no highlighted box.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Paddlin'Gator said:
Are there settings buried someplace that I might have screwed up?

Don't think so P-Gator.....I just tapped the quote in the upper right hand corner of the message you just typed. I than typed this message below it and this is what you see. I'm becoming suspicious of your Bill Gates Window browser....Or do you have something else?

Just hit quote this time and don't delete anything from the message.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2008
Tequesta, FL
oldyaker said:
Paddlin'Gator said:
Are there settings buried someplace that I might have screwed up?

Don't think so P-Gator.....I just tapped the quote in the upper right hand corner of the message you just typed. I than typed this message below it and this is what you see. I'm becoming suspicious of your Bill Gates Window browser....Or do you have something else?

Just hit quote this time and don't delete anything from the message.

I click on "quote in the corner, added this sentence and will click "preview" then "submit".

I use Mozilla, not IE.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
I really believe you are doing everything right P-Gator. I know you personally and your a sharp guy even if you are a Geezer. I think there is another problem. Do you still have IE? If you you do, open that browser up and get on SP....Than try quoting from the forum again. We'll play with this to work it out.

Right now I need to run to Mothers and I'll check back this evening.

I'll bet there are young sharp Geezers who may even help us figure this Gremlin out.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Before I leave for a short while.....I just remember a problem I have with Mozilla. I have to add emoticons as I type my message. If I wait until I'm done typing a message, the emoticons always appear at the end of the message......I can't add them in between sentences. This does not happen when I use IE. Maybe you are having a similar Mozilla problem in a different way?