HAPPY THANKSGIVING | SouthernPaddler.com


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
I hope that all of us have a deeply satisfying Thanksgiving. Take a few minutes to think about our freedom to choose. That is the root from which all freedoms stem.
Eat well, interact well, value family and friends.
Kayak Jack
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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
I'm sure all of us will do what is necessary for our safety during the holidays. Thanks to the COVID pandemic the youngest daughter , her husband and our Grandson will be in Canada just like last year for the holidays. The Oldest daughter and her husband are across the state this Thanksgiving and with any luck we will visit them on Christmas. A repeat of last year.
Again the one choice we made was doing the Covid safety dance by electronics. Cell phones and video chat methods with everyone. That's everyone but the turkey , it's the guest of honor here at the house this Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving , Merry Christmas and a safe New Year to all.