handmade or deja vu all over again | Page 4 | SouthernPaddler.com

handmade or deja vu all over again


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2006
Denham Springs, LA
thanks for the kind comments, the pleasure is also ours

don't know that i remember the exact dimensions - we just work weith whatever the log gives us, but i think it is just a bit over 12 feet long (maybe 12' 3"), 26 or 28 inches wide and 8 inches deep.

It's still losing weight and will continue to do so for another 6 or 8 months - last week it was about 140 pounds and will probably settle out in the 120 pound range. The sides are 3/4" thick and the bottom is 1 1/4". Structurally it's thicker (and therefore heavier) than it needs to be but since it's still wet and will likely spend most of the time in air conditioned display, we still have to worry about managing the drying without cracking the wood. If it was going to be tossed back into the water and stay wet then we could have cut the sides closer to 1/2" and the bottom closer to 3/4"

john the pom

Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2007
Took this in Dubai Museum a year or so ago. Not a lot has changed hey. A one log boat, and a water tank in the background.

Third attempt at resizing this pic!
Cheers John
Ps the doubling effect at the top and down one side is probly my fault. :oops:


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2009
Tampa Bay, Florida
Great Job! Little did I know when I posted the link to that movie, we would get to be involved in watching one being built. Please keep us updated as to the progress of the upcoming film. Thanks again for including us in this project.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
Keith and Seedtick,
I wish I could see the compleated boat in person. It was a thrill just seeeing it partially compleated. Once again let me thank the two of you for letting us visit your shops.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2009
Please post the schedule or a link for the T.V. programing when you know. Thanks. :)



Well-Known Member
Louisiana Public Broadcasting will air a preview special on tuesday, Aug 10 @ 7:pm, which will repeat on Saturday, Aug 14 @ 3:pm. The regular series will premier on Thursday, Sept 23 @ 7:pm with an encore on Sat, Sept 25 @ 1:pm. All episodes will follow on Thursdays @ 7:pm with encores on Saturdays @ 1:pm. All shows will had aired once by late March or early April. At that point, the show will uplink to public television stations nationally and will repeat on LPB. Thank you, Keith


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2009
keith said:
Louisiana Public Broadcasting will air a preview special on tuesday, Aug 10 @ 7:pm, which will repeat on Saturday, Aug 14 @ 3:pm. The regular series will premier on Thursday, Sept 23 @ 7:pm with an encore on Sat, Sept 25 @ 1:pm. All episodes will follow on Thursdays @ 7:pm with encores on Saturdays @ 1:pm. All shows will had aired once by late March or early April. At that point, the show will uplink to public television stations nationally and will repeat on LPB. Thank you, Keith

Any idea which Thursday for the dug out?


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
seedtick said:
<SNIP> maybe have a showing at the next rendezvous
Now I'll have to help Piper San build a theater in his carport - hanging dark curtains, setting up seats, popping corn, slathering on mudbug butter and swamp salt, digging rain trenches, and selling tickets. And I was just getting used to unemployment.

"Peacorn! Popnuts! Chewin' Jack, and Cracker gum! Come and get it! Tickets only 25 cents. Our usher, Joey, will show you to your seats."