seedtick said:finally got the dugout out on the maiden voyage with its new owner - Chef John Folse
keith said:Louisiana Public Broadcasting will air a preview special on tuesday, Aug 10 @ 7m, which will repeat on Saturday, Aug 14 @ 3
m. The regular series will premier on Thursday, Sept 23 @ 7
m with an encore on Sat, Sept 25 @ 1
m. All episodes will follow on Thursdays @ 7
m with encores on Saturdays @ 1
m. All shows will had aired once by late March or early April. At that point, the show will uplink to public television stations nationally and will repeat on LPB. Thank you, Keith
Now I'll have to help Piper San build a theater in his carport - hanging dark curtains, setting up seats, popping corn, slathering on mudbug butter and swamp salt, digging rain trenches, and selling tickets. And I was just getting used to unemployment.seedtick said:<SNIP> maybe have a showing at the next rendezvous