Good Luck in Camp |

Good Luck in Camp

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Having food luck in camp is largely a matter of preplanning. It isn't hard. Here's some of the secrets.

#1 To get smoke out of your eyes, simply chant, "I hate rabbits! I hate rabbits! I hate rabbits! ....." This is scientifically proven to work, even in strong breezes.

#2 To keep it from raining, take at least two sets of rain gear, and have both immediately handy and ready.

#3 To ward off lightning, spend money on an electronic lightning detector, and have it on at all times. (Bring extra batteries.)

#4 To ensure that others will bring lots of food, you take along enough for an army.

#5 To ensure warm weather, take along wool drawers, two wool shirts, and woolen mittens. (Fleece will not produce the desired effects.)

#6 To ensure a breezy campsite, lightly tack down your tent and don't anchor the rain fly.

See! It's not all that hard.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Some good humorous points but the truth about camping ..........
Ain't it the way is always goes. :lol:
Your suggestions have happen to folks in there camping experiences they have posted on here ( or was that on the back channels) I have forgotten and I bet they have , also..

All I need to do is to put the boat on the buggy or hang the hammock out back to air before a trip , guaranteed rain.
