Giving Thanks |

Giving Thanks

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
We're coming up on a Holiday that seems unique to America - giving thanks for our national heritage of freedom. The concept of freedom is simple - but attaining and keeping it is difficult and elusive. Very few countries in human history have done what ours has. May we be glad for it, and guard it with our lives. My gratitude and thanks to our Creator, and to the brave, thoughtful people who have gone before us.


Well-Known Member
This time of year springs up news articles about what really happened the first Thanksgiving and how United States celebrates it is some how wrong.

Several historical accounts lay claim to hard times, small crops, and bloody conflict. Not exactly the type of things you want to honor. But those who do not learn from the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them.

In my mind, Thanksgiving is a time to come together, be grateful for the things we do have, and making it through to trials life has thrown at us. Perhaps we shouldn't save this celebration for one day out the year.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
JEM said:
In my mind, Thanksgiving is a time to come together, be grateful for the things we do have, and making it through to trials life has thrown at us. Perhaps we shouldn't save this celebration for one day out the year.

Thanksgiving at the Littleton Household will be today.

Mary and Ryan ( the Grandson) will be going home to Canada the day before the normal Thanksgiving. So while they are here and especially with her Sister coming over to visit we will be celebrating today.

A family gathering here with the two sisters and the new addition to the family. Ha Ha Ha , they are even letting me do the cooking. :roll: The Turkey , Dressing , Smashed Potatoes , Gravy , Green Beans ( snaps) , Cranberry's , Fresh Rolls , Mincemeat pie , Pumpkin Pie.

I don't think the holiday has to be on a certain date but on the day when everyone can be together to enjoy everything while sharing in the festivities and creating new memories.


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
It'll be next Saturday at our home. I'll marinate some chicken breasts (some in juice from bread & butter pickles; others in a mix of balsamic vinegar, honey, and rosemary - and maybe just a teensy weensy bit of garlic). Then, I'll hickory smoke them all. Dressing with extra sage (home grown stuff), sliced oranges for dessert, brown rice, all slud down with a slurp or three of wine (Chateau de Cardboard).


Active Member
Nov 20, 2011
Far South Coast NSW Australia
Back in the sixties, like many of my generation in Australia, I was called up for National Service and ended up on active service in Vietnam. As an artillery signaller I went out on a number of patrols, mainly with my fellow Aussies, but also on an occasion with an American unit.
On Thanksgiving Day 1968, one of my mates and I, had the honour to be invited to attend a Thanksgiving Dinner in the mess of an American heavy artillery battery attached to the Australian Task Force in Nui Dat. The warmth and the hospitality shown to us on that day of Thanksgiving was wonderful. I was with a great bunch of guys and I learnt that no matter if you were American or Australian we were all just the same. We were kids, patriotic to our own countries, determined to do our duty with courage, as our fathers had done in a previous conflict a quarter of a century earlier, and we were all homesick.
I still carry some of the demons from Vietnam and there are many visions I try hard to forget, but the memory of the hospitality of that day is still very dear to me.
Thanksgiving this year will fall on my 65th birthday so I will undoubtably be having a couple of glasses of amber beverage. I will however be proud to take the time to toast you Americans on your day.



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
We had our Thanksgiving last Saturday when everyone could be here. Mary and the grandson are back in Canada today so it is leftover turkey for the wife and I for lunch. I froze some to have today , after thawing it I made a pot of dressing and added some gravy and the thawed turkey to make a hash. That makes a good lunch, especially if you have some cranberries to go with it. Lunch time desert was some ( Edy's ) pumpkin ice cream that tastes just like pumpkin pie.
Supper will be a couple of nice thick steaks on the grill. :D


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2007
jesup, ga.
matt i tend to agree with you . we do have alot to be thankful of and it should be everyday we are thankful of what we have.