Hello everyone. It's been a long, busy winter and spring but I'm finally gearing up for boat building season. Last year I started on Matt's Iroquois plans, got the shell put together and installed filets but I have not taped or fiberglassed any of the seems. Then I ran out of time.
Today I went out and set up a solid level frame to set the canoe on while I worked. After setting the canoe on the frame I noticed that the flat bottom had warped up. At the center with the taped butt joints it is dead nuts flat. When the bottom goes towards the stern it starts to bow up about a 1/4". Go towards the bow and it warps up about 1/2" and runs all the way till it gets about 1 ft. away from the tip. Hard to see with the naked eye as it sits now but I'm worried about the looks on a finished boat.
Here is my options as I see them:
1) Don't worry about the warped bottom and finish the boat.
2) Scrap the shell and start from scratch. Only materials I would be out is the epoxy and wood flour for the filets and the plywood.
3) Make a center cut in the bottom all the way from bow to stern and "reform" the bottom panel. This option may be harder and and more time consuming that staring over.
4) Try to force out the warps with screws and wood blocking, tape and fiber glass the canoe and hope that the don't reappear when I remove the screws and blocks.
5) Install ribs. I really don't want too because the areas that need them most are right where I'd like have my feet and knees if I kneel in the boat.
6) Have you master builders come up with a great idea to help me out!!!!
Today I went out and set up a solid level frame to set the canoe on while I worked. After setting the canoe on the frame I noticed that the flat bottom had warped up. At the center with the taped butt joints it is dead nuts flat. When the bottom goes towards the stern it starts to bow up about a 1/4". Go towards the bow and it warps up about 1/2" and runs all the way till it gets about 1 ft. away from the tip. Hard to see with the naked eye as it sits now but I'm worried about the looks on a finished boat.
Here is my options as I see them:
1) Don't worry about the warped bottom and finish the boat.
2) Scrap the shell and start from scratch. Only materials I would be out is the epoxy and wood flour for the filets and the plywood.
3) Make a center cut in the bottom all the way from bow to stern and "reform" the bottom panel. This option may be harder and and more time consuming that staring over.
4) Try to force out the warps with screws and wood blocking, tape and fiber glass the canoe and hope that the don't reappear when I remove the screws and blocks.
5) Install ribs. I really don't want too because the areas that need them most are right where I'd like have my feet and knees if I kneel in the boat.
6) Have you master builders come up with a great idea to help me out!!!!