FlaMike's Pirogue Build! | Page 10 | SouthernPaddler.com

FlaMike's Pirogue Build!


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2007
Spring Hill, FL
Oh yes!

I mentioned before that I liked the looks of the sanded graphite bottom, sort of a gun-metal gray and not so flashy.

Well, if you think a high-gloss paint job can make every little surface flaw stick out like a sore thumb, wait until you sand an epoxy-graphite hull! :shock:

I just did a little bit of sanding, to knock down a minor run in the finish. What I discovered was that surface that I thought was nice and flat and smooth, actually has some high and low spots, all beautifully high-lighted in gun-metal gray and gloss black.

When the last coat of epoxy/graphite goes on, it will stay nice and shiny! :lol:

Mike S.
Spring Hill, FL


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2007
Spring Hill, FL
As of now, about a quarter after 4 in the darkness, I'm no longer liking those foam brushes! Those inexpensive, 2" bristle brushes that go for $0.89 each at Home Depot, and by the "contractor pack" a little bit less, are now my current favorite brush for epoxified graphite.

And since I'm thinking and writing stuff like that, I'm going to pack it in and get some sleep! (I gotta' be nuck'in futz!)

Mike S.
Spring Hill, FL


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
I'm lazy and use the rollers for epoxy. I get the 9 inch ones cut them in half so they are 4 1/2 inches and use them on a three 1/2 inch roller handle.

That doubles the amount of them I have and one piece will do the whole bottom of the boat. Throw in a disposable paint tray liner and it is easy sailing.



Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2007
Short Shorts, Arkansas
I am a roller fan as well but also follow with a brush to get a nice smooth unrippled look that the roller leaves. I use the disposable foam rollers cut in half with a hack saw which leaves a nice clean edge. After I roll out the surface I then take one of those cheap black handle brushes from wally world (3 dollars and change for 5 brushes of various sizes) and brush in long easy strokes with the length of the boat. It has given me great results and if you wanted to you could even clean the brush as there is very little epoxy in the bristles. Also I have found those cheap arse wooden handle chip brushes to be useless for epoxy. They are constantly shedding onto your hard work and they arent stiff enough for anything. I wont use them again.

results speak for themselves


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2007
Spring Hill, FL
Funny how most everything looks a lot better after a little sleep! :D

I really appreciate all the advice about brushes and rollers, painting is one thing I've never been very good at. In a way, that's kind of funny because one of my favorite past-times is oil painting, mostly landscapes. I've spent a fortune on brushes for that and have learned to keep those brushes clean and the bristles well formed.

Before you say it, I'm not about to use those brushes to spread epoxy! :shock:

Chip brushes! Yes, the one's cctyer won't use are the ones I actually like for epoxy. $5 for a bag full, use and toss! They are a lot like the natural bristle brushes in my oil painting kit, guess that's why I like them. They do shed a bit, but so do the most expensive artist's brush. I've gotten quite good at spotting those errant hog's bristles and picking them out of wet paint.

I did buy some GOOD brushes for the varnish, thought. Those will be cleaned and kept, (just like my art brushes.)

In all the confusion of trying to get everything done and working somewhere in between my usual night schedule and a day one, I somehow thought today was Thursday and I was getting behind in what I needed to get done. Now, I rested and better oriented, and I find that I'm right on track with two days to play with. I'm going to drop in on the "Serious Questions" section and ask about painting technique. Kind of an "idiot level" question, but like I said. . . :lol:

Mike S.
Spring Hill, FL


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2007
Spring Hill, FL
Got the info I needed on painting. (Thanks, guys!)

The sides have been painted, and I now have a quart can of Z-Spar Varnish for the "brightwork." Rigging up a spot light so I could get a good look at the paint job in the garage revealed one "unhappy reality," I'm not quite done with the epoxy/graphite goo.

Just on one side, there's a foot-long patch that is translucent. You can just make out the wood grain, so I'll have to give that area another coat. This must have been where I was working when I finally figured out that I'd been making my mixture a little graphite-rich. Oh well.

That will be easy to take care of, latter today.

As soon as it's dry enough, I'll turn the boat over and get the insides done. I'm no longer worried that I'll run out of time, this week. Lots of time left! :)

I've got some "added features" to work on. I picked up some aluminium flat stock and will be making some "plug & play" drink holders and maybe a few other things. I figure why not take advantage of that inner rail with the spacers. . . Looks easy enough.

Almost forgot, I am re-building my boat dolly. This time, with two wheels. The other one was kind of fun, in a pain-in-the-keester sort of way, but it looks too much like a B-17 tail wheel.

As soon as the weather will allow, I guess I'll post some pictures in the Boat Bragging section and finally be able to let this thread rest in peace.

If I actually do get this one wrapped up and start my fishing trips, I'm going to miss this "build thread" thing! :roll:

Oh, whatever shall I do? :p

Mike S.
Spring Hill, FL

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
FlaMike said:
...I am re-building my boat dolly. This time, with two wheels. The other one was kind of fun, in a pain-in-the-keester sort of way, but it looks too much like a B-17 tail wheel...

You can use wheels that are both lighter duty, and larger diameter. Would be easier to wheel the boat then. They don't have to be under the boat, could be beside the boat with a shallow curved axle under the boat.

More like a B-17 MLG (Main Landing Gear).


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2007
Spring Hill, FL
When I have time, I'll search out some wheels and make a really light-weight dolly. Next door neighbor has a tube-bender and has offer his help. But for now, I'll sacrifice another boat dolly that was being used for that 12 ft aluminium boat that I'll not be using again.

These wheels once supported a garden cart, from Harbor Freight Tools. Got it when they had a "free-shipping" special. Served it's purpose and then kind of got forgotten about. I made a long, steerable dolly for that aluminum boat so I could move it from the truck, fully loaded for fishing and slide it in the water. It was probably just a few pounds shy of being an actual boat trailer, something I wanted to avoid.

I'll remount the rear set of wheels from that one, in place of the large wheelbarrow wheel. It will still be a little heavy, but it will be stable. I wasn't planning on one that could fold up and fit in the boat, I have no need of that right now.

It took most of the day for me and my running mate to get down to Clearwater for the finger printing and picture taking. They said, "You'll be getting an email pretty quickly, about 4 to 6 weeks."

That's how these government-types think! 4 to 6 weeks = quickly? Doesn't exactly fill me with confidence. Last time they said "fast-track," more than a year passed before anything happened.

Soon as I get the critters fed, I'm back in the garage, nice and cool since it rained all day (again!) This is my "up all night thing," getting ready for my night shift on Friday. Plenty of time to finish things off.

Hope the darned weather clears by next Tuesday! If so, then I'm off doing some serious exploring in the Ozello Keys! :D


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2007
Spring Hill, FL
Thanks! I needed a break from sanding. . . :lol:

OK, now I certainly HOPE this is not a link to a web site that is "persona non grata" here, but I'll take a chance and post it. (I'll understand if it gets removed, no problem!)

Made with PVC, simple but effective.


Is this what you were thinking of? Looks good to me. The poster says it was originally designed for a Pirogue and he modified it for a kayak. I haven't seen the original, but I'll keep looking.

Mike S.
Spring Hill, FL


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2007
Spring Hill, FL
The painting, varnishing, is all done. Made for a long night. And at some point during that night, something happened, something I've been waiting for.

As is often the case, for me anyway, I finally heard what I'd been wanting to hear.

She told me her name.

Sometimes, I'll come up with a name for a cat, or a dog, but most of the time I just wait. Sooner or later, the name that is needed makes itself known. My wife will ask what I'm going to name a kitten, I tell her that I'm not, I'm just waiting for the kitten to tell me it's name. They usually do.

In a couple of days, when I can take the pictures that will explain it all, I'll tell you what I've already been told.

Mike S.
Spring Hill, FL

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
I name my boats too. I told my late wife, when I first got an Old Town canoe, "Honey! I named the boat after you!"

REALLY!!" she enthused, as she ran outside to see it. There, on the lawn, sat my canoe. In 2" high, reflective letters, it read, "AFTER YOU".

My favorite name for my boats is the"Ruptured Duck".


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2007
Spring Hill, FL
You must like skating on the thin ice! :lol:

I'm still paying the price for having introduced my wife on another forum years ago, as "Dementia." Problem was, it stuck! And to make matters worse, we used to meet up with people from that forum and more than a few thought Dementia was actually her real name. . . :roll:

Of course, it doesn't help that I have her listed on my cell phone by that name, and that's how I programed her in the voice dial. :mrgreen:

I just work up, by the way. Packed it in about nine this morning, now I'm ready to do my 3 overnight shifts. Went out to the garage while the coffee was brewing and I have to say the boat is looking pretty good. I have to remind myself not to pick out all the flaws I know are there and see it the way someone else would. All the varnish and paint is dry-to-touch, so I can stop worrying about bugs and cats becoming part of the finish.

My "little jobs" for when I get home in the mornings over the next three days include finishing the second boat seat and varnishing them both, touching up one small area with the epoxy-graphite goo, and of course, the Mark II, Mod I boat dolly.

In there somewhere, I'd like to get a couple of drink holders done, as well as a couple of movable brackets made the same way. I'm using some of the stock that the inner rail spacers came out of, along with that flat aluminum stock to make drink holders that will plug in to the space between the inner rail and the hull.

I bought some plastic drink holders, the one's that hang on your car door and spill stuff into your lap while you're driving, but turns out, they don't fit the water bottles I use, or much of anything else. With that aluminum stock, I can make my own to fit, plus they'll be somewhat adjustable if need be, for larger or smaller drinks.

The same method can be used to make other racks or holders for "whatever," like maybe a rod holder. The nice thing being that if they are in the way, I can move them back behind me or where ever, and they'll stay where they are put, keeping things from getting turned over or from being under foot.

I'm really hoping and wishing for a couple of days of good weather during the coming week! I can think of little else but getting the boat into the backcountry of Ozello. The nine wt rod has yet to take on a redfish and that's what started all this in the first place.

And that area will make a great backdrop for the pictures I want to take, so I can make my post in the "Boat Bragging" section.

I've not forgotten about taking pictures of the stability testing, either. Just have to get the wife and camera together when our schedules coincide. I think they will go a long way towards dispelling some of the concerns about Pirogue stability. And of course, when I have all this together, I'll transfer it to a CD, and get it off to Uncle John.

Mike S.
Spring Hill, FL

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
... and after you use those cubby holes and rod/ drink holder s a few years, you can redesign them to do other tasks as your hobbies and interests change.

One of Chuck's boats is so advanced it has a latrine in it. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that it was his OTHER boat. I don't think he used that live well much anyway.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2007
Spring Hill, FL
One of Chuck's boats is so advanced it has a latrine in it. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that it was his OTHER boat. I don't think he used that live well much anyway.
I'm betting he doesn't use it near as much now! :lol:

You know, as "build threads" go, this one has been a long one. Don't' know if it's a record or not, but I'd like to add this one note to it, before I'm done.


Without your help, I don't know that this project would not have been added to the list of things I started, but never quite finished. Is a boat ever finished? Probably not, but this one has been built and out on the water, several times now. She works WELL!

So, thanks again, each and every-darned one of you! And of course, a special thanks to Uncle John, who designed her and gave me lots of advice and encouragement along the way. I'll be sending a CD along to him, with all the pictures (unedited) and some text, for his use on the web site.

I just finished a post in the "Boat Bragging" section. Quite a few pictures of her in her "new clothes." Rather different from the pics I posted in the "Trip Report" section, so take a look.

It's been quite a ride! :lol:

Mike S.
Spring Hill, FL