I jest come in frum the west forty. Mother Robin iz out there in her nest.....keepin' the heat of her eggs. She been settin' on them eggs fer near bout three weeks. This mornin' Miz Bear tole her to give it up.....save herownself. We figger the eggs hard boiled in the 99 degree heat. Miz Bear felt so bad fer Mother Robin that she would put the sprinkler on the leaves above her....so the water would trickle down 'n cool her off.
This mornin' I ambled over ta the nest, but Mother Robin wuz gone. Lo 'n behold a ugly little baby robin wuz lookin' round like Steve Wonder....head rollin' round like it had come loose at the neck. I tole Miz Bear.
A few minutes ago we went out ta check on the mother 'n babies. I moved in close 'n it looked like more'n one ugly baby robin, but Mother Robin commenced ta howlin' like banshee. I left. Miz Bear waited a while 'n moved in. She reached her hand out ta pet Mother Robin's beak (like she done a few days back), but she opened up her beak like she wuz hongry 'er thirsty.
Miz Bear had put a bowl of water under the crepe myrtle tree where Mother Robin made her nest. There wuz a leaf in it. She got the leaf, made a cup 'n held it out ta Mother Robin. She opened up her beak 'n drank frum the leaf.
I didnt see none of that. Miz Bear went inside 'n come out on the south forty, binoculars in hand....sez I gotta see it 'er I wont believe it. Well, we went ta the nest, but I held back. Sho nuff.....Mother Robin wuz still thirsty. Miz Bear give her bout 15 leaf fulls of water. I watched the whole thing.
If Ole Marlin Perkins wuz alive today....he would be filled up with envy. :lol:
Giraffiti: Vandalism spray-painted very, very high.