Falls in the air. | SouthernPaddler.com

Falls in the air.


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2006
East Lansing/Okemos Michigan
Falls in the air, October is here. The trees are changing, frost is forming on our windshields. And Hennessy Hammocks are selling their Demo, Seconds, and Clearance items. We just ordered hammocks for the family and are excited to try them out.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Gator said:
Falls in the air, October is here. The trees are changing, frost is forming on our windshields. And Hennessy Hammocks are selling their Demo, Seconds, and Clearance items. We just ordered hammocks for the family and are excited to try them out.


I feel real safe in saying you will really enjoy them , they are some nice hammocks and do offer a lot of comfort. If I may I would like to make one suggestion.......
When camping in them make sure you have something under you to insulate your sleeping gear. Remember you are in the air and the bag will compress under you , offering very little insulation so a pad or something under it stops that. A thin foam mat does the trick , like the ones they have for camping.

Hammocks do offer a lot more places to camp then a tent does , all you need are two good supports to tie of to and it does not matter what is under you of the angle of the ground.

This last trip ...The Fisheating Creek "Swamp" Trip

Joe and I sleep over Cypress Knees , look at the ground under the hammocks.

Try putting a tent up there. :lol: :lol: :lol:



Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2006
Katy, TX
Gator said:
Falls in the air, October is here.
I'm jealous. If fall is in the air, I can't seem to see it through the haze of 98% humidity or the wafting clouds of mosquitos getting a second lease on life. :evil:

Bring on the cold weather already!!!

tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
I know this is a question from a southern boy. But when your ice fishing and catch one how do you dress it and cook it,dadburn ice keeps melting on me before I can get it cooked.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Gator said:
Falls in the air, October is here. The trees are changing, frost is forming on our windshields. And Hennessy Hammocks are selling their Demo, Seconds, and Clearance items. We just ordered hammocks for the family and are excited to try them out.

Not to get off subject on here like we have done in the past ....No Sir , no one on here would ...EVER...dare or think of doing that. :roll:

"O" , Did you get the one that has some Scotch and Cigars with it or did you decide on the Low Fat one as mentioned in the above posts from the guys. I did learn as lot about Ice Fishing , down here it is digging around in the cooler for that last chunk of ice to put in your drink. Seams there are two different types of ice fishing. :lol: :lol: :lol:

OK , As boring as it might be ..... Back to business and away from the fun........ DAM.

Gator , Have you received the hammocks yet and if so what is your opinion of them , inquiring minds would like to know. Or you can discount the inquiring minds and just call me nosy. :oops:

PS. If you have any questions about the Hammock there are a lot of folks on here that can offer advice on or about them. We even have a authorized Hennessey Hammock dealer on here with us. He was camping with me on the last trip , name withheld to protect the innocent party. Don't want to ruin his reputation by saying his name and camping with me at the same time. 8)


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2006
East Lansing/Okemos Michigan
I haven't recieved them yet. They are shipped via Canada Post, which must be their version of the pony express. They were shipped on the 8th, left Canada on the 10th and accepted in the USA on the 14th. I could walk to the border in less time. Canada Post's tracking site doesn't say a delivery date. I'm getting a little antsy waiting.