Eye Bolt Deflector | SouthernPaddler.com

Eye Bolt Deflector


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2009
I usually have a eye bolt attached to the bow of my pirogue. I have had my fishing line snag between the eye of the bolt and the batter board. This has occurred when the wind blows the bow around or a fish pulls the line under it.
I made this defector to cover the gap and hopefully allow the line to slide up and over the bolt.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
G'day, JD. Does the line ever get caught on TOP of the eyebolt?

When a fish gets the line hung up, does he tow you around? I guess that, instead of a Nantucket sleigh ride when whale boats got towed, it would be a bayou sleigh ride, ehh?


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2009
Dave it is a new build. I will have to get to that post when I'm finished building.

Jack I have never had a fish pull my line down enough to tangle or hang up on the top side. I guess it is possible. That would warrant another deflector on top or building the eye into the stem piece/batter board.
I like your term, "bayou sleigh ride". The kayak saltwater fisherman call it a "Cajun sleigh ride" when a large red drum pulls them around. I'm not Cajun, so I think I will go with the "bayou sleigh ride " description.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
The only fish big enough to tow me around was a 33" northern pike in central Canada. But, we were in a boat too big. Had a big muskie come along and towed us, it could've been a Canuck sleigh ride.

I like the holes in the stem ends to be just inboard of the stem, and a couple of inches above waterline. Probably, that's why I don't catch any fish while in my canoe or kayak?


New Member
Jun 18, 2019
I usually have a eye bolt attached to the bow of my pirogue. I have had my fishing line snag between the eye of the bolt and the batter board. This has occurred when the wind blows the bow around or a fish pulls the line under it.
I made this defector to cover the gap and hopefully allow the line to slide up and over the bolt. Simulation de rachat de crédit
View attachment 1135
Hey is this a new boat build in the photo?