Election Results | SouthernPaddler.com

Election Results


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Kayak Jack said:
Since this has political over (and under) tones it may be wrong for the forum. But, I listened to NPR a bit today. They sure are whimpering and licking their wounds.


I don't think it was a vote for a particular person but an vote against Obama & Co that made the turn around plus getting some new blood in there. The only way to do that was to put the Republicans in and remove a lot of the Democrats.
Tick off the American public and they will do something about it.

Not sure but it might be a percussive for the 2012 elections and I have the feeling the Prez does not see that picture. No matter how he looks at it , it is a dark day in mud ville for him.

Plus it sure made my day since the Rat Pack in Washington is broken up. :D Berry & Joe are still there but Nancy is gone and we have a new Speaker of the House so now they might read the bills they want to pass in place of pushing them threw and then reading them , if they ever read them.
My main concern was the dethroning of Queen Nancy and she is gone from her thrown but still there as a peon.

a Bald Cypress

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2007
Northwest Louisiana
I have the beginnings of a smile on my face. I will however delay the full and eager sense of joy until I see some positive results. There is no way that any legistation can be passed now with a split house and senate UNLESS AND UNTIL there is a bit of compromise.

Time will tell. There may just have to be another bloodletting in two years.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
I would like to send a personal , heart-felt thanks to people like Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, O'Reilly, etc. for the great work they did in bringing attention to what was happening in Washington. Can't say if the election would have turned out the same if they would not have had the freedom of speech we enjoy in this country. I would guess, without their critical gaze, we would be sliding rather quickly along the path of socialism. You can laugh at the antics of Glenn Beck, but I think his promotion of the Tea Party movement really helped us dodge a bullet.



Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
The local NPR station near Jack is in the town that was the site of the founding of the Marxist Students for a Democratic Society (S. D. S.) during the Viet Nam war. Michigan State University has not changed much politically from where it was then.
NPR has always been on the far left edge of their version of the world.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2008
Tequesta, FL
Well, I'm not getting my hopes up. From what I've seen over the last ten years, the new "ins" don't have any more brains, spine or integrity than the "outs". Listening to McConnell today dashed any hope I had that they might take seriously the major problems we face and try to work on them, rather than start the 2012 campaign today in a nastier, more divisive tone than ever.. Time will tell, but my guess is that if things get better it will be in spite of the Congress.

grandpa paddler

Well-Known Member
May 25, 2005
WNY-land of exhorbitant taxes
oldsparkey said:

Trying to figure it out is like trying the figure out the weather and water level for paddling and camping on a specific date , anyone's guess , but we hope for the best.. :wink:


...but if the water level is too low (or high), you can always pick another location and you can always dress for the weather. We're pretty much stuck with lousy politicians for the duration of their term :x :x :x .


Active Member
Jul 30, 2009
oldsparkey said:
Kayak Jack said:
Since this has political over (and under) tones it may be wrong for the forum. But, I listened to NPR a bit today. They sure are whimpering and licking their wounds.


I don't think it was a vote for a particular person but an vote against Obama & Co that made the turn around plus getting some new blood in there. The only way to do that was to put the Republicans in and remove a lot of the Democrats.
Tick off the American public and they will do something about it.

Not sure but it might be a percussive for the 2012 elections and I have the feeling the Prez does not see that picture. No matter how he looks at it , it is a dark day in mud ville for him.

Plus it sure made my day since the Rat Pack in Washington is broken up. :D Berry & Joe are still there but Nancy is gone and we have a new Speaker of the House so now they might read the bills they want to pass in place of pushing them threw and then reading them , if they ever read them.
My main concern was the dethroning of Queen Nancy and she is gone from her thrown but still there as a peon.

You know Chuck, the way I see it is that if the Tea Party hadn't shown up to polarize the people, we'd still have the same old bunch of garbage still in D.C.
Hannity, Limbaugh, and Beck were tearing into the Republicans for not being more proactive leading up to the election, but the Tea Party put forth some good ideas that we hadn't heard before, like get rid of the old guard incumbents in both parties if we want REAL change. At least now we have a chance to slow down this socialist train we were on, and if the Republicans and Tea Party keep reminding us of what we need to do in 2012, we'll finish the job we've started.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
I'm not up to date on particular people, but the general line of the Libertarians make some sense to me. Problem is, that a vote to the party is almost a thrown away vote because of their lack of critical mass.

Even John Adams complained about politicians rather than statesmen. The ill breed have been present within us all along; it's part of man's nature to be an asshole.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
Ross Perot ensured that we ended up with a dope smoking draft dodger instead of a veteran as president. We don't need a repeat of that.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2008
Hoschton, GA
Kayak Jack said:
...the general line of the Libertarians make some sense to me. Problem is, that a vote to the party is almost a thrown away vote because of their lack of critical mass.

Got to find a major party candidate with Libertarian leanings. Many of the Tea Party types seem to fit that bill.

They (we) have to do a better job of picking candidates though. That O'donnel lady up in Deleware didn't have any business running for Senate. Just wasn't up to the job. Came off looking ditzy. Gotta find candidates with the right principals AND the right skills and background.



Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2008
Hoschton, GA
JEM said:
Is it local NPR people? The stations here keeps it pretty much on the level. But I only listen in the mornings.

I listen to NPR a lot. Listen to Boortz and Limbaugh a lot, too.

NPR has the best quality news on the radio. A couple of hours and you have a pretty good idea what happened in the world that day. And I think that they at least attempt to maintain some objectivity in their reporting.

But the liberal bias is undeniable. When you look at the people they pick to comment on things, it is ridiculous.

They have this one daily segment where there is liberal commentator and a (supposedly) conservative commentator and they discuss political issues. The conservative guy is David Brooks of the New York Times. He is pretty much of a joke. I once heard him refer to himself as a "big government conservative".

What the Hell is that, anyway???
