jdupre' said:
Chuck, just bring your favorite dutch oven. You can ALWAYS fit ONE MORE THING into the canoe when you really want to.

The extra weight might cost you .00197 mph in speed( or .00198- hard to say) :wink: which will get you to the first campsite slightly later( seconds?). Any inconvenience will be made up the first time you lift the lid and take in the aroma of that first dish.
Only trouble when I do that , Bear is there standing over it and drooling in the pot.
Bear is like the old TV show Richard Boon was in called Paladin. His calling card was "Have Gun will Travel" Bears is " Have Spoon , Will taste anything" :lol: Guess I could use the lid as a shield since it is not really needed for cooking what I am thinking about.
Now I will not even say anything about Mac, he is sort of a Bear also.... Dam good pot cleaner when it comes to enjoying the chow when out camping. :lol:
To be honest on any trip with the gang if I can't fit that Dutch Oven in my canoe someone always finds a space for it , it never stays behind , just the Hot Dog Rolls do that , Jezee ..... they even made a migration out to the west to stay safe on that one trip. :roll:
One nice thing about being the cook , no one leaves you behind ... or the ice chest or the cooking gear and we do eat pretty good on the trips. No one has ever lost any weight on one of the trips. :wink:
I always have thought that a well fed camper/paddler is a happy camper/paddler. Thats one reason I am working on a Beef Stroganoff that can be cooked up in the Oven without the lid on it. My Gunnie Pig will be the wife , pups and myself tonight for supper.
Never have used the McCormick Sauce mix for it , have the beef , and all the rest even the sour cream and noodles for it. If it works out , a good easy supper when out camping. ( Also have the extras hat can be used ..... white wine , Ground Red Pepper - cayenne- , fresh parsley out back growing and mushrooms in the frig) All of those would not be a problem to have along on a trip.
By the way , everything will be done in a flat bottom Cast Iron pan ... but on the stove.