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Drunk Plums.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Re: Sufferin' Paddler Cookbook

Kayak Jack said:
A few months ago when we talked about how to ccok fish - you guys talked more about the breading to go on fish than you did about fish itself! If we talked about boats the same way, we'd be discussing the color of the dock and length of the grass on the beach.

And all this started with plums, sugar and gin! You people would be a hoot sitt'n around a campfire. "A carnival of senseless discussion and mindless banter!" Someone else made this quote on this forum one time and
I just like it. Sonds intellygent.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
oldsparkey said:
(SNIP) a southernpaddler cook & other stuff book (SNIP)
Southrin Paddler Cookbook - recipes found nailed to the outhouse door

Recipe# 1: Possum n gritz
Recipe# 2: White litnin n grit
Recipe# 3: Possum n white litnin
Both recipes are southrin originuls.
Recipe# (what's the next number?): Hawg jowls n turnip greens
Recipe # 1: Nutria n sugar cane
Recipe# 2: Cotton mouth n chicken

anuther recipe# 1: Gritz fudge
recipe# 2 Gritz n tapioca

Armodilla stuffed with (what else?) gritz
Saur Kraut n gritz

And - the piece de resistance' Alka Seltzer n gritz


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Southeastern North Carolina
mahbee gator in book two.....

Road kill, "mid-night" trapping, smoked coon,

i'm begin'in to ponder that sum hare haz been into th' plum juice an' still typ'in! :lol:

Don't fergit snowcream!!!!!!!!!!!



Friend Kayak Jack,

In deference to you 'n the High Sheriff ('n a few others here), why not call it the Drunk Prunes? I figger most a ya'll wuz gwine ta substitute 'em anyway? :wink:




Well-Known Member
Hi Jack,

Good One, one of my favorite jokes!!

You hear about the farmer that was out in the field lifting up the pig to eat one apple at a time off of the apple tree. This guy comes by, sees him doing this and says "Say, doesn't it take a lot of time to lift that pig and let him eat one apple at a time" The farmer says yes, but "WHAT'S TIME TO A PIG". :lol:



Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Pickled Pigs' Feet

4 pigs' feet
2 cups stock
2 cups apple cider vinegar
2 Tbsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
1 Tbsp. whole cloves
1 cinnamon stick
1 cup sweet pickles, chopped

Clean feet,(The pig's, not yours) scraping them well. Place in deep kettle and cover with salt water. Bring to boil, than simmer until meat is tender, about 4-5 hours. Meat should come easily off the bone. Cut meat in small pieces and set aside. Mix together 2 cups cooking stock, vinegar, seasonings and spices. Bring to boil and continue boiling for for half an hour. Strain out spices. Lay chopped meat and pickles in bottom of loaf pan. Pour boiled liquid over it. Chill completely until mixture congeals and is throughly set. Slice and serve.


Kayak Jack said:

Friend Kayak Jack,

It iz wrote in the Birmingham Sea Scrolls: "Wherefore art thou grits....hast thou give out on me?"

A girl James Roy picked up hitchhikin' sez she heard that haz somethin' ta do with carbohydrants.

Mister Stone thinks some fella wuz out paddlin' on a big lake (likely bass fishin') when a powerful storm come upon him 'n he commenced ta paddlin' fer the shore like Dale Earnhardt comin' round the backside goin' fer the lead. Ole Dale didn't run outta carbo cuz all the NASCAR drivers drink a heap a Budwiser beer, but this poor fella jest ate grits that mornin'. He jest give out. [He musta been a ancient yankee cuz who else woulda ate jest grits? Everbody else knows ya gotta have some country ham, sausage, sunny side ups, homemade biscuits 'n such with yer grits.]

It aint eazy ta translate a sea scroll....even when ya been ta the Bodine School. Just look how hard it wuz ta read them clay tablets the Babylomians wrote on.....sez Noah didnt build no ark...'n sez he wuz a deadbeat who wuz run outta town cuz he warnt payin' hiz debts. Went on down ta Bahrain where it looks more like Hawaii than Messopotamia. Hardly any camels leavin' huge steamy piles everwhere.

But jest cuz a bunch a Babylomians sez it, dont make it so. Mite be a super tanker settin' up on Arafat.



P.S. Camels aint the only ones who kin leave some huge, steamy piles. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Ol Yaker,
My dad would make those same pigs feet every winter.

He has some apple shaped bowls that he put that congealed mess in. I remember opening the fridge and looking at those hooves. :eek:

I can still smell them boiling in the big blue crab pot.

He would wait, and eat them while watching football. Oh boy, sorry if yall like them, but right now my stomach is on the verge of doing flip flops.
