G'day Thumbs,
Just a thought mate. The only coppers who enforce the length thingy here are the Transport mob and they rarely, if ever pull over a passenger car unless it is a real sh!t box. They are way too concerned with the trucks etc.
I drive a Nissan Navara dual cab ute (pick up) and there is only about 4 feet between my roof racks. I carry all my canoes and kayaks on them without a problem. my Jem Southwind is the longest of them at 17 feet 9 inches.
The Brits are carrying full sized canoes, (15' to 17') on their dinky little rice burners all the time.

Poke here,
If you are still concerned about your boat length, have a look at an Uncle Johns skiff. Poke here :-
The beauty of the this build methodology is that you can easily build to whatever length or beam you want, (within reason) provided you keep to the angles of the frames.

I started building one a couple of years ago but then started renovating my home and just haven't had the time to finish it. I am building mine using 4mm ply and reckon it will be about as light as a pirogue and will be finishing it in the coming months now that my renovations are nearing completion. My build thread is here.
A much better and more complete build (Chuck's) is here
I think this design is genius in its simplicity of build and versatility of the craft.