DM's Everglades 2009 trip (picture intense) |

DM's Everglades 2009 trip (picture intense)


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2006
Palm Bay, FL (East coast)
So, my group planned on doing another little loop trip thru the Everglades starting from Flamingo on January 03 and ending on January 12. Rick and myself dove down on January 01 and camped at the park, so we could get to the ranger station at 8:00 AM on Friday to get the permits for the sites and order we wanted. And the rest of the gang would (4 more) would get to Flamingo some time on Friday. You can only reserve you trip sites 24 hours before you set off. And you need to have alternate site plans if you can not get some of the sites you want. We do it as two groups, so we need to have the double chickees.
Our original plan was to start on the outside (gulf) and camp at East Cape Sable, NW Cape Sable, Graveyard Creek, Harney River chickee, Canepatch (2 night), Oyster Bay chickee, Roberts River chickee and Hells Bay chickee. All legs where between 10 & 15 miles. When we got the permit Harney River was already booked, so we just swapped our Harney River & Canepatch days. Got all the sites we wanted, just not the exact order and it made for about a 17 mile paddle on one day to get to Canepatch from Graveyard.
Day 1, loaded our boats with 10 days of water, food and what every we would need.
Our first leg, from Flamingo to East Cape, 10.39 miles.

Camp site at East Cape.

Raccoons were terrible at this site, trying to get into boats for either food or fresh water all night long.
Our second leg, from East Cape to NW Cape, 13.49 miles.


Got there and got camp set up before the rains came. Just rain, no thunder or lightning. We all just stood out in the rain and used it as a chance to rinse some of the salt water off. Not one single raccoon footprint to be found at this site. The bobcat that left his prints must have eaten them all.


Leg 3, from NW Cape to Graveyard creek, 11.74 miles.

Texas is about 900 miles that way.

Waiting on the West side of Little Shark Island for lunch and to cross Ponce De Leon Bay.


Graveyard creek campsite. Only one very skinny raccoon, checked everything out, didn't attack the boats like the East Cape ones.

Leg 4, Graveyard to Canepatch, 22.82 miles. Stayed for two days.

Was only supposed to be about 17, but the route we took went up another smaller river branch that joined the Harney River farther up, but our way was blocked by some downed trees, so we had to back track and added about 5 miles to our leg. Got to the Canepatch site after dark.


Very nice site, surrounded by trees all the way around, no raccoons. But did have one very un-afraid of, way to used to humans, 7-8 foot danger gator that hung around & under the dock.

Had a storm front roll thru on our second day, lots of gusty winds, but very little in the way of rain. Temps got into the upper 50's that night.

Leg 5, Canepatch to Harney River chickee, 11.31 miles.




Leg 6, Harney River to Oyster Bay chickee, 14.60 miles.



Leg 7, Oyster Bay to Roberts River chickee, 13.60 miles.

Leg 8, Roberts River to Hells Bay chickee, 8.15 miles.

One way to unload a kayak at a chickee.

Sunrise from Hells Bay chickee



Final leg, Hells Bay to park road thru the Hells Bay canoe trail, 7.59 miles.

Very twisty and narrow in places. Had made arrangements with one of the wives to meet us about 1:00 PM at the Canoe trail launch, asked her to bring a cooler with ice cold beverages of choice.
At the take out after 120 miles of paddling. I am the one with the non-alcoholic beverage.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend Mike,

What a fine report. The pichurs wuz az good az any I seen on here. I wuz surprized ya'll pitch them tents so close together....but mebbe ya'll dont snore? :wink:

In that last pichur, the geezer with the stylish hat, sunglasses 'n the dirk knife on hiz leg looks mitey familiar....but mebbe it iz like Japs...we all look alike. :mrgreen:


I am not young enough to know everything.  Oscar Wilde


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend Wannabe San,

All geezers look a like.....kinda smell the same too. :lol:


I told the doctor I broke my leg in two places. He told me to quit going to those places. Henny Youngman


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
Friend and Brother Bear,
People of certain ethnic orgins sometimes takes offense too quickly. :oops: I see now what you were trying to say. I will try go get this chip off my shoulder( probally a cow chip anyway). :roll: :wink:
So Solly


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2008
Hoschton, GA
What a great trip! Thanks for posting the excellent pics and maps.

My wife and I spent a week exploring the keys a few months ago, and we regretted that we only had one day to devote to the everglades. We could see that a whole vacation could easily be devoted to that park.



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend Wannabe San,

This iz the same fella. He come frum the Sunshine State. He is the fella in the middle with hiz paddle. I figger it iz the same fella on the trip with Dangerous Mouse. That iz Swamprat on the right, me in my Coolie hat on the left. Kevin the postman iz in the center. Wait til Swamprat drops by. He mite be able ta tell, but I swear that iz the same fella.



ps I realize it iz hard ta see it iz the same guy frum that pichur, but I seen him frum the front. He didnt have no dirk knife on hiz leg 'er a pistol, but it wuz him.

If you believe everything you read, better not read.  Japanese proverb


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
All the boats in that pichur iz Daggers.....2 Captions, 1 Impulse. I raize my glass 'n wish Dagger didnt quit makin' canoes. Piper, how bout some pipin' music......somethin' ta bring a tear. Aye Laddie.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2006
Palm Bay, FL (East coast)
bearridge said:
I wuz surprized ya'll pitch them tents so close together....but mebbe ya'll dont snore? :wink:

In that last pichur, the geezer with the stylish hat, sunglasses 'n the dirk knife on hiz leg looks mitey familiar...

On the beach & ground sites, we pitched the tents close together cause it was easier to keep an eye on them against any raccoon insurgents. The chickees just dont have a choice, platform is about 10' X 12' or 12' x 12' to put your tents on, walk way lead to the porta potty. I believe we all snored, just to tired to care.

Doubt that is the same fella in your pictures. Far as I know Rick has never paddled a WW canoe. Maybe an evil twin or vise versa.

Everybody in that group except one, carries a knife on their leg.



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
I see our friend at the Cain Patch is still there. :lol: One trip down there with Mac we spent two nights at Cain Patch and one evening while I was getting the fixings for supper ready and Mac was cleaning fish at the dock , he showed up.
That Gator was about 2 to 3 feet from Mac and when Mac noticed him he whopped him with a canoe paddle and it never bothered that Gator. We did have the fish for supper , not the Gator.
That night some screech owls were in the tree between our tents and sounding off all night , later on checking we noticed they had a nest there.

John Deppa stayed at NW Cape ( A solo trip he made , down to Flamingo and back to Everglades City )and when he got up in the morning he had some panther tracks near his tent , John is a hunter and knows what Panther tracks look like. Plus he walked down the beach a short distance and saw deer tracks.

I hope you did not have the cockroach infestation that we had at Harney River Chickee. The ones falling off the chickee during the night had the fish feeding under the chickee. :lol:

I really enjoyed your trip report and pictures , brought back a lot of memories. :D



Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2006
Palm Bay, FL (East coast)
oldsparkey said:
I see our friend at the Cain Patch is still there. :lol: One trip down there with Mac we spent two nights at Cain Patch and one evening while I was getting the fixings for supper ready and Mac was cleaning fish at the dock , he showed up.
That Gator was about 2 to 3 feet from Mac and when Mac noticed him he whopped him with a canoe paddle and it never bothered that Gator.
Thats about how we noticed him. I don't think he was around when we were unloading the kayaks after dark at the dock. Later I saw the "red" dot swimming by a pretty good distance from the dock. Then later one of the girls was at the dock and heard the grunts and he was about two feet away. We whacked him with the butt off a fishing rod and also with a paddle during our stay, that just made him move away about 3 feet. Wont be long before he hurts somebody bad.

oldsparkey said:
John Deppa stayed at NW Cape ( A solo trip he made , down to Flamingo and back to Everglades City )and when he got up in the morning he had some panther tracks near his tent , John is a hunter and knows what Panther tracks look like.
I am not a hunter, and don't claim to be. But to me these look kinda small to be panther prints (wish they were). The wing span on Flat Stanley in the picture is about 8" for comparison.

Flat Stanley went on our Everglades trip with us, sent to me from a nephew in Texas. (google search "Flat Stanley" for explanation)

oldsparkey said:
I hope you did not have the cockroach infestation that we had at Harney River Chickee.

I thought the "infested" one was Sunday Bay. No sign of bugs at Harney River, tho it is just about the newest. Rebuilt & relocated after the 2004 hurricanes beat the old one up pretty bad.
The rangers said something about just about being ready to open two new chickees. But I didn't hear the details on their locations.

Couple more pictures.
The whole 120 mile route.

Four of us all cleaned up. Cold showers available back at the Flamingo camp area. Or you can pay $3 for hot showers down at the marina store.

A couple of the "bad boy" crocodiles that are always down at the dam in the marina. (I am starting to think these two are statues. But I have seen ones swimming around at the marina. We also saw some while we were out in the wilds.



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Your correct .... Sunday Bay was where the bench was on the chickee and where we had the roaches , Sweet water we had the black tip sharks and a friendly gator swimming around the chickee.

Plate creek chickee backs up to the mangroves and we had coons on the chickee. One chewed a hold in one of the hard side coolers to get some Pita Bread.

Rodgers River chickee is nice , no problems except the one time I was there and Hurricane Gordon came in/by for a visit.:lol: We tied the tents down to the boards with 120 pound fishing line and took out in the morning.
Weren't paddling then , had a 16 foot boat with a 55 on the back ... We beat Gordon back to Everglades city but not by much.

Back to paddling........
Lost mans Campsite , the ranger never told us that Hurricane Andrew blew it away so Vince and I camped in the mangroves that night , we got to meet a lot of the locals , skeeters by the ton and several pounds of skinny coons all night long. We signed up for it at the rangers station and they looked at it and never said anything about it not being there. When we got back and told them , they said .. "O" It's not there anymore and we don't allow camping in that area. Our answer was .. "No Chit" :roll:

All of my paddling down there has been in the summer months , needless to say , the place is all yours with the skeeters and coons. One trip , spent 12 days on the water and only saw one other canoe.

I wasn't with John ( he was on a solo trip ) but he said it was Panther Tracks and described the size of them which would of been a Panther. I asked him about a bob cat .... NOPE... Was his answer.



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
dangermouse01 said:
Far as I know Rick has never paddled a WW canoe. Maybe an evil twin or vise versa.
Friend Mike,

Ask him. This fella paddled a kayak on the Nantahala. He wuz with anuther ole fella with a young Korean wife 'n anuther geezer couple 'n Kevin. He looks jest like Rick (frum the front). Swamprat may recall more, but they all come frum the Sunshine State.....mebbe frum Palm Bay? I think that trip wuz hiz first 'n last whitewater. He went fer several long swims.....messed up hiz leg comin' outta hiz kayak after Delebar's Rock. Didnt run the Falls, IIRC. He liked ta take hiz clothes off too.

I dont know which of 'em iz evil, but if it aint the same fella, they gotta be twins.


Long separated by cruel fate, the star-crossed lovers raced across the grassy field toward each other like two freight trains, one having left Cleveland at 6:36 p.m. traveling at 55 mph, the other from Topeka at 4:19 p.m. at a speed of 35 mph.  Unknown high school student


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2006
Palm Bay, FL (East coast)
bearridge said:
Ask him. This fella paddled a kayak on the Nantahala. He wuz with anuther ole fella with a young Korean wife 'n anuther geezer couple 'n Kevin. He looks jest like Rick (frum the front). Swamprat may recall more, but they all come frum the Sunshine State.....mebbe frum Palm Bay? I think that trip wuz hiz first 'n last whitewater. He went fer several long swims.....messed up hiz leg comin' outta hiz kayak after Delebar's Rock. Didnt run the Falls, IIRC. He liked ta take hiz clothes off too.

Well, he does have several WW kayaks.

I asked, his reply "Not me. I've done the Nantahala several times and never swam."

We will just have to settle on "twins separated at birth"