Getting on 30 years ago I had a mate who could play the didge , he wasn't bad either and he took it with him when he come shooting with us , there was 4 of us all together , mate liked to play his didge at sunset and sunrise , he thought it spiritual too , it may look good in the movies but 15 bloody minutes of it was 14 minutes and 40 seconds too bloody long , not surprising he couldn't find it the next morning and didn't get it back until we were packing to leave , I figure I saved that mate some pain when I hid it , the other fellers seemed to think it would make a great suppository for him when he started playing it at first light , some of us were feeling a little delicate that morning , some thing to do with the amount of beer , red wine and rum we had consumed
Noises that I consider spiritual at sunset are the noise your drag makes when a big fish takes your popper just on dark , the boom of a 30/06 when a pig comes down in the fading light to drink but most of all the noise your ring pull makes when you open a cold one while looking out over the water