I have to admit that the idea of light weight , cool snake and thorn proof chaps does interest me , unfortunately we have had many illegal entries from the USA over the years , one of the worst for me is the rag weed [ Parthenium ] as it effects me badly with the asthma but we now also have Mesquite , Cholla cactus , we also have a great variety of cactus including great stands of Prickly Pear , Harrisia cactus and Sword Pear we also have Chinese Apple , Mimosa , Parkinsonia , Prickly Acacia , we also have Mossman River grass , Galvanized Burr , Goats head burr [ this is a good one as the thorns are long enough to go through the sole of your shoe and are configured like a natural caltrop ] , we also have burrum bush , there are a lot of others but there are the ones I most encounter where I hunt
So yeah the idea of cool light weight chaps do interest me , unfortunately the ones the mate bought back were heavy and extremely hot and yes when I went out hunting in a pair of shorts I did get cut up but at least I was cooler ,
That particular place really was a crappy place to hunt but there were lots of pigs and goats and more than a few snakes living in the trash around the prickly pear , needless to say we didn't camp amongst it
One place I stopped over night years ago was just open plains , no shade , middle of a bad drought and no grass as far as the eye could see , ground was just a mass of cracks , I saw a few snakes in the headlight as I pulled up but wasn't worried as it was too late at night and I was too tired to bother putting up a camp , so I just slept in the car , got out next morning to take a pee and disturbed a snake laying in the crack in the ground so I went about 20 ft further over to finish my pee , there were bloody snakes every bloody where just laying up in the cracks , I thought to my self bugger that and carefully got back to the car and left as quickly as possible , did I mention I don't like snakes