death of common sense |

death of common sense


Well-Known Member
This was sent to me by an acquaintance on a list that I frequent , when I clicked the link and read it I , couldn't believe it I thought it was a put on , just bullshit but I did a bit of searching and there were quite a number of articles about it , some with more detail than others , I'll include several of the links , but as I've said before , " you guys are stuffed "

It seems the state of Maryland has borrowed a trick or two from the KGB/USSR and 'detained' a teacher who wrote some fictional stories about school shootings for 'medical evaluation' . Evidently using a 'pen name' is now crime and writing about violence makes you mentally ill. We are being governed by madmen. ... some-kids/ ... -massacre/ ... tive-leave

On some of the other sites where people could comment there were quite a number of people who were saying , There has to be more to it than that , they just can't grasp that common sense is a concept from the past , from what I can see it's the school board and the sheriff who need psychological evaluation , then they need their arses kicked and fired

One thing though , it does mean I'll be reading his books



Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2007
Spring Hill, FL
It is sad/funny, that people read that and their first reaction is, "there simply MUST be more to it. Otherwise, they really wouldn't have done that. . . "

NEVER underestimate the power of human stupidity!

And when government is involved, assume the WORST.

That way, you probably won't be too far off.

Mike S.
Spring Hill, FL


Well-Known Member
Now for something even more silly ... -officers/

I thought this must be bullshit but I've seen the same thing from several different sources and so far it seems to be true , I thought that maybe they they meant a minimum of 60 points not a maximum , at 60 they can barely form a coherent sentence

I'd be very interested in finding out if this is really true and what people here think about this , especially serving or retired officers



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
One step forward , 10 steps backwards in this case.
I think the Chief might fall into the under educated group since all he wants is officers to follow orders then hire x-military since they will follow lawful orders.
Myself I would rather have a department made up of folks that follow orders and can think and understand a bad order from a good one and react to them accordingly. Even with a bad order you can question it but still have to follow it and then file a complaint later on ( Unless it is really bad and a violation of the law).

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
In the military, we were bound to follow legal orders. We were not bound to follow illegal orders.
This sherrif's problem is more with himself than with the IQ of his workers. If you do not have followers, you are not a leader. It sounds as though he has difficulties with followers.

On the other hand, some law enforcement types I've seen would unfortunately qualify for his group.


Well-Known Member
Now the dumbing down of every thing worries me , it doesn't just happen in the USA it happens here too ,

I've seen the damage done by some of the low IQ thug type police when they aren't supervised closely , they take a bad situation and make it worse because their normal response to any situation is violence and if there is none they create it

One Qld Police deputy commissioner once said outright that he didn't want cops who were too bright , he wanted cops who would follow orders without thought , do what he was told without over thinking it or letting his conscience or his sense of right or wrong get in the way , he went on to say that he wanted cops who weren't fazed by violence , some one who likes a good punch up , someone who doesn't have any quarms about putting the boot in , someone with a taste for it , there were also some derogatory comments about police women

The deputy commissioner , it seems was someone who had no qualms about speaking his mind while on the booze , he had a few too many to drink and come out with a bit of a rant in a room full of journalists and dignitaries at an official state government function , there was a bit of a stink about it for a day or two until some politician went and did something stupid , illegal and newsworthy

One of my mates thinks I'm anti police , I'm not , several of my mates are serving or retired police , one of my hunting mates just retired from the force about two weeks ago , I am how ever anti bad cop , and there are so many of them that the idea of the good cops getting them out is just a pipe dream ,

There just isn't the political will to do it

But won't apologize for wanting a higher level from our police officers , the job they do is just too important , but then I also like to see more pay and better conditions for them as well but I want them to be a lot more accountable as well , the job they do is too important to be left to the rogues and thugs ,

The police need to be as accountable for what they do as much as the rest of us , as it is when the police do things that would see the rest of us in jail they get a few weeks off with pay , when they do something that would get the rest of us a very long time in jail they are just asked to resign before they are sacked and in most cases still retain their pensions and such ,

If you ever have time look up the Fitzgerald Inquiry here in Queensland [ I can also recommend a few books ] , out of all the corruption only a very few of the top cops involved got any jail time at all , hell many got full immunity and were kept on in the force and one eventually got promoted to very near the top position with a good shot at it when the current commissioner goes

We here in Qld have had a long history with bad cops , they virtually run crime for a long time , there was always good cops but it was hard to tell the good from the bad as the good cops just went along with it even if they weren't involved and many of the good cops just gave up and left , the good cops who made a point about it tended to have bad things happen to them

We had a royal commission some years back but in many ways it's just as bad again , just a lot more sophisticated

Friends still on the job just reckon the best they can do is just keep their heads down and do the job to the best of their ability and about the only thing they can do when they see blatant corruption is to ask for a transfer or resign



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida

We have three types here in the states.
One , are the guys who want to do the job correctly and for the most part are most of any police force. You never hear about them since they do there job.
Two, There are the strong arm ones that seam to always be looking for a fight or something to get into , legally or illegally. These are the ones who make the news all the time.
Three , The ones that just turn a blind eye to everything and work really hard at getting out of work and will not enforce anything. All they do is to collect a pay check.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2010
Bates city Mo.
dawallace45 said:
Now for something even more silly ... -officers/

I thought this must be bullshit but I've seen the same thing from several different sources and so far it seems to be true , I thought that maybe they they meant a minimum of 60 points not a maximum , at 60 they can barely form a coherent sentence

I'd be very interested in finding out if this is really true and what people here think about this , especially serving or retired officers


Dumbed down people follow orders We have become a nation of TELIVISED SHEEP, The New generation of ME,Rude and Crude, with no respect for the Elders!
This generation seems to have brought us around full circle...Now go back in time to when it began on this land....
Quotes from Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee.....

"The white colonists chopped down the tropical forests to enlarge their fields; the cotton plants exhausted the soil; winds unbroken by a forest shield covered the fields with sand. When Columbus first saw the island he described it as “very big and very level and the trees very green … the whole of it so green that it is a pleasure to gaze upon.” The Europeans who followed him there destroyed its vegetation and its inhabitants—human, animal, bird, and fish—and after turning it into a wasteland, they abandoned it.
On the mainland of America the Wampanoags of Massasoit vanished along with the Chesapeakes, the Chickahominys, and the Potomacs of the great Powhatan confederacy. Scattered or reduced to remnants were the Pequots, Montauks, Nanticokes. Machapungas, Catawbas, Cheraws, Miamis, Hurons, Eries, Mohawks, Senecas, and Mohegans. Their musical names remained forever fixed on the American land, but their bones were forgotten in a thousand burned villages or lost in forests fast disappearing before the axes of twenty million invaders. Already the once sweet-watered streams, most of which bore Indian names, were clouded with silt and the wastes of man; the very earth was being ravaged and squandered. To the Indians it seemed that these Europeans hated everything in nature—the living forests and their birds and beasts, the grassy glades, the water, the soil, and the air itself."
-Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee