Cucumber , Onion & Vinegar Salad | Page 2 |

Cucumber , Onion & Vinegar Salad


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2004
Mis'sipy Delta--Temporarily

Now you said:

Make that a bacon & fried egg samich with a little catsup on it and you got yourself a deal.

I ain't much of a catsup fan but I like fried egg sandwiches. World been gettin' under my skin lately so last night I kindasorta thought about going fishin this mornin. I woke up a three thirty so I decided to go fo sho. Didn't eat nuthin, just made coffee, thermosed it, 'n left.

When I got back I uz pow'rful hongry so I made me a egg sandwich but I didn't have no bacon er sech. I did have some souse that I buy frum a little country store that's purty close ta th real thing so I said, "What th Hell...?" 'n put a slice a it on my egg sandwich. Now, by golly, that was a right tasty egg sandwich. Ya jes never what what chain of events is gonna pull tagether ta come up with a discovery--frum world-wartin ta a culinary masterpiece......'n I even got a ol Mr. Whiskers what'll make more'n enuff fer supper.



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Southeastern North Carolina
Jack.... now ya have me thinkin.... that waz 50+ years ago... I recon I did as Mom would have been highly upset with her boy. And we all knew that no one wanted to get mamma mad.... :shock:

Sides, I'm athinkin that I probably took a bath after comin in... sortta like the little ol' lady in Mac Beth.... :wink:



Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2004
Mis'sipy Delta--Temporarily

What are you a-sayin??

Sides, I'm athinkin that I probably took a bath after comin in... sortta like the little ol' lady in Mac Beth....

I kinda remember a line what follers in that lil ol lady's talkpiece--"...will all the pefumes of Arabia not sweeten this little hand...?" :shock:

Lordamercy, "perfumes of Arabia" ta "sweeten yore little hands"? That on top of pink tutus 'n spandex? :? Soooooey! I rekon I'm a-gonna hafta think twicet afore I go 'n paddle th Deliverance River with ya :wink: :lol: :lol:



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Southeastern North Carolina
Not to fear OT ! I waz communicat'in the fact that I had sum blood to rid mah hand of .... I reconed I'd of used Miss Taylor's brand instead of anythang frum them thar people over in the oil countries....
Nowadays I'd use "Ode to Possum" er "Deer Scent"/ "Buck Fevor" er sumthin of that nature...

Back in Willies's Day them Arabs were poo folks and had to use "tolet water" to freshen up thar hands after a daily consitutanal.... recon he never saw th' future of oil.....

swampy in camo sans tassles



What's all this "Mister Whiskers" stuff? Aint ya scairt Miz Pamela Anderson will come over 'n put a nipple whuppin' on ya? It aint politikle correct ta tell bout eatin' no cat....'er pooch.

Less ya give up yer recipe. :mrgreen:

I am sho kiddin' on that one folks. If Miz Pamela iz readin'....I even give up chicken fried up by them Kentucky boys. [Psst....Miz Pam....Swampy looks like he aint give up on the Kentucky fried chicken jest yet.] :wink:

I'm kinda partial ta Popeyes anyway. They dont jest whack their chickens. They put little Nike hightops 'n a purple scarf on 'em. Then they hypnotize each one 'n cook it whilst it thinks its jest in a hot tub with all the folks on "Friends".

Not only that, but me 'n Ole Tenzin Gatyso iz jest like "that". I wuz tellin' folks ta Free Tibet before the Hollywood folks set out ta help 'em. That iz near bout always a death kiss. :cry: Ever since Ole Rich Gere went ta rantin', folks jest dont seem ta care what them dirty Commies done ta Shangrila.

I figgered after that young Chinese fella walked up 'n faced down a whole line a tanks, everbody would call them Chinese Commies what they wuz. Jimmy Carter tole 'em off purty good, but everbody else jest wants ta partner up with 'em so they kin sell stuff ta the Sam Walton store. I reckon the folks over ta Coke 'n Mickey D's musta missed that Tinanmen Square story.

I dont know how we think the little pardners kin figger all this out. I been ta the bodine diplomat school 'n I caint figger it out.......unless ya figger Ole Don Trump iz a mitey fine fella ta grow up ta be like.

Ya'll scuse me.....I done made myownself sick.



Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve. George Bernard Shaw


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Southeastern North Carolina
bearridge said:
[Psst....Miz Pam....Swampy looks like he aint give up on the Kentucky fried chicken jest yet.] :wink:

jest whack their chickens.
Ya'll scuse me.....I done made myownself sick.

Rightly so Bro Bar! Whackin mah chicken indeed.... :mrgreen:
bearridge said:
I figgered after that young Chinese fella walked up 'n faced down a whole line a tanks, everbody would call them Chinese Commies what they wuz. Jimmy Carter tole 'em off purty good, but everbody else jest wants ta partner up with 'em so they kin sell stuff ta the Sam Walton store. I reckon the folks over ta Coke 'n Mickey D's musta missed that Tinanmen Square story.

I dont know how we think the little pardners kin figger all this out. I been ta the bodine diplomat school 'n I caint figger it out.......unless ya figger Ole Don Trump iz a mitey fine fella ta grow up ta be like.

Ya'll scuse me.....I done made myownself sick.



Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve. George Bernard Shaw

I love the tinaman square story, tis a tale of standing up for what you believe in, and even dieing for it. To me it seems that this is something that americans are known for (dieing for our country, for freedom), but I say any man weather he be a commi or not that stands up for what he believes and dies for it should be honored for all eternity. Even if I dont agree with what that person is standing up for, if they are willing to die for it then they have earned my utmost respect.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Southeastern North Carolina
despotic931 said:
but I say any man wether he be a commi or not that stands up for what he believes and dies for it should be honored for all eternity. Even if I dont agree with what that person is standing up for, if they are willing to die for it then they have earned my utmost respect.

Justin.... I gotta ask.... you heart felt fer them suisiders from the mid-east?

Swampy who says to bury them in pig pokes ....


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2004
Mis'sipy Delta--Temporarily

Swampy who says to bury them in pig pokes ....

I been a-sayin that all along. Sumwhurs in histry, some brite gen'rl got th idea ta bury them folks in hog carcasses when they'uz executed fer crimes lak whut we seein taday. Hit seemed ta have wurked damned well fer him. Hit shore'n Hell ain't b'neeth th scruples uv them spooks......

Course they'd jest probably rewrite they version of th's hit didn't make no difrunce. :roll: Them radikal folks ain't no more religious than a cotton mouth. :evil:



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Southeastern North Carolina
OT , I won't go into what I'd really like to do to those morons ... Chuck is having kittens now with mah free lancing ..... :lol: :wink: :shock:

So, I'll jest say this:

( Edited by Chuck..07-08-04 ... Family Forum , Family Forum..... ) Sorry , Swampy but I just had to do it.... There I go again with my red pen .. Swampy you are going to have to get me a new one.

mmmmm better not that either.... little pards ya know..... :wink:

In fact I have only seen one movie that comes close to showin what i'd do.... Them were Chatholic boys that heped po folks in Boston....



Swampy said:
despotic931 said:
but I say any man wether he be a commi or not that stands up for what he believes and dies for it should be honored for all eternity. Even if I dont agree with what that person is standing up for, if they are willing to die for it then they have earned my utmost respect.

Justin.... I gotta ask.... you heart felt fer them suisiders from the mid-east?

Swampy who says to bury them in pig pokes ....

Yes honestly, could you imagine liveing in a society like that? Freedom is worth dieing for.


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2004
St. Clair Shores, MI.
blowing up yerself, and taking out women and children to promote your cause is about as cowardly as it gets.

Back to food. Fried egg sandwich- I dont get up early enouf ta make breakfast come deer season, so when we get back in from the morning hunt Its fried egg sandwiches. melt some butter in a pan,a dash of onion powder,a dash of garlic powder, heat it up and brown it ,now the pan is good and hot, crack your eggs for sunny side up, when ya flip them break the yolk, just the yolk should still be runny, on toast or just bread.. Its a quick hot meal.

Popeyes Chicken-- Can ya still get the fried chicken livers there? yum.

Beer batter- one can of cold beer,salt,pepper,lemmon pepper,1.5 cups of flour,mix well, refigerate for at least 1/2 hour(mandatory),dip fish and hold over bowl to drain off excess, deep fry till golden,enjoy.



draino said:
blowing up yerself, and taking out women and children to promote your cause is about as cowardly as it gets.

Friend draino,

I got a hunerd sez Justin agrees with us. I figger its them dang words agin. Aint it crazy how ya kin type it, but it dont always come out like it wuz in yer head? :wink:

I like a egg sammich myownself. Mine aint much different frum the one ya make, cept I went lazy 'n jest put Zatarains on it. Tastes like it has a garlic 'n mebbe some onion, salt 'n cayene already in it. Same az yer stuff cept all in one shaker. ... _Sack_Size

I dont pay $8 a quart fer it. Seems it wuz only $6 up ta the grocery where the Not-So-Evil Princess works. If it goes up, mebbe we kin git up a group 'n buy a case? :wink:

My folks got one a them bread makin' machines. They dont like the end pieces 'n save 'em fer me. Put some mayo 'n lettuce inside 'n its a fittin' egg sammich. [I dust my egg down with the Zatarains soon az it hits the skillet 'n I bust the yeller.]

I made my mouth go ta waterin'. Its time fer puttin' the eat on some vittles. Reckon I'll come back ta Ole John Prine after a while.



No one means all he says, and yet very few say all they mean, for words are slippery and thought is viscous.
Henry Adams


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Southeastern North Carolina
bearridge said:
No one means all he says, and yet very few say all they mean, for words are slippery and thought is viscous.
Henry Adams

Iz Henry th' brother o' Sam? Knowin then that Sam's beer may have got him into trouble before it got him rich, hiz brother may have come on a perfect thought on speaking before thinking.... :mrgreen:

Oh them Adams! :wink: :lol:


swampy "Don't go pokin yer hand in here! :shock: :lol:


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Southeastern North Carolina
Friend Justin.... a word on what is freedom an what ain't.
Them suwee siderz ain't about freedom son. They want to kill us.... not train us, not convert us, not wanna make us go away, not want'in freedom, they wantz to kill uz... nuthin short o' that.
When an idiot wants to kill fer the sake of killin I'm a mind that they isn't friendly guys die'in fer free anythang...
Th high Sherrif dun got me above over what I think ought to be dun wit such cowardz... :lol:
But mah thoughts persist... :mrgreen:
I say poke'em in the eye real hard.....

Now that iz famlily enouff huh?

ole swampy

"Freedom is just another word for nothing else to lose" Janice

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
despotic931 said:
(SNIP) but I say any man weather he be a commi or not that stands up for what he believes and dies for it should be honored for all eternity. Even if I dont agree with what that person is standing up for, if they are willing to die for it then they have earned my utmost respect.
Well, sorta. I concur with your respect for someone who is willing to commit fully to what he believes. But, as General Patton once observed, "We don't win wars by dying for our country. We win wars by gettiing some OTHER damned fool to die for HIS country."

The difference is small - but critical.
Now hold on a second, first we are talking about tinneman square and the man in front of the tanks and now we are talking about terrorists?

I dont agree with bombings wether they be suacide bombings or not, and hurting inocent children is horrible, terrorism is something I deffantly dont agree with.

What I was talking about was the peaceful protestors in tinneman that were attacked. And how I felt bad due to their lack of freedoms.

I believe that if you believe in something you should have a right to say it, and I respect anyone who does not budge due to thier beliefs, just like the man who stood in front of the tanks and would not budge. But hurting inocent people is not giong to promot your beliefs at all and is just plain wrong!

Does that clarrify at all? :?