Crocks.....thinking after those river run's | Page 2 |

Crocks.....thinking after those river run's


Well-Known Member
Thanks Chuck, will look them up.

Jack, These are just my thoughts as they apply to me and my needs only. The problem with boots is that they are heavier, more cumbersome and in a warm climate, they can get hot and uncomfortable. Even these new light weight, synthetic upper, so called hiking boots. They generally also require the wearing of socks.

The problem with ordinary crocks and their imitators is that while nice and light, the sole lends itself to piercing much more easily than more traditional footwear. This is why I prefer my Shimano fishing shoes.

A crock with a boot like sole would be ideal for my needs here. :D

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
A buddy in Califonia switched to solid innertubes on his bike to dodge thorn puncture. I used to hike, and ride dirt bikes, where he now rides. Only place in the world I've found boot-piercing thorns was on Cheju Do, an island off the southern tip of Korea. You guys must be in much thornier places than I've managed to find.