Christmas is coming |

Christmas is coming


Well-Known Member
With the oncoming giftomania I want to make a canoe paddle for my son's GF. She is 5'3"......usually uses those short racing paddles. I want to make her a comfortable, longer touring paddle that looks nice and feels good in the hand. My question refers to length. I have always looked for paddles (for my own use) that were about nose high. Your expert opinions and ideas will be most appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend piper,

Most folks choose a paddle that iz too long fer 'em. Swamprat 'n me listened ta a fella at the NOC store tell us how ta choose a whitewater paddle. He mite recall what that fella tole us. I think paddle iz in the corner. [walks over, grabs paddle] It iz 3-4" below my of the breast bone.

This fella tole us ta set on the seat 'n hold the paddle in front of us. I fergit the rest of the test. It haz been a pleasure ta use....done some fancy paddlin' with it too. :wink:


Boss Paul: That ditch is Boss Kean's ditch. And I told him that dirt in it's your dirt. What's your dirt doin' in his ditch?
Luke: I don't know, Boss.
Boss Paul: You better get in there and get it out, boy.

a Bald Cypress

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2007
Northwest Louisiana

The ones I have made are crude but effective. After using several, I like the ones that come about "lip line' . I do believe that there is NO correct length. It's just what the individual likes and one that feels right to them.

But, somewhare between thorax & nose is a good area to strike for.

Blade shape may depend on the type of paddeling being done.

Handles are another like or dislike personal item. I dislike "T" handles whareas others may use them exclusively.

Whyunt you be askin the recipient what she would like?.

Whoops I forgot: Seeing the type of work you do, make it 59" long. Ifn she dont want it, I happen to know a person in the Northern part of your state that would [reluctantly] take it off her hands :wink:


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2005
Queensland, Australia

What is she paddling mate?

Is it a canoe and are you talking about a single blade?

If so, here is what works for me.

Sitting in the canoe, get her to hold her arm out so that it is about level with her shoulder. Measure from her hand to the bottom of the boat. This should be about the shaft length. Length and type of blade are a matter of choice and preference after that.


Well-Known Member
I may have to just guess a little, in order to keep the surprise factor intact.

She has a canoe....usually paddles a CONCRETE CANOE for the ASCE engineering student competitions and has gone to Nationals twice and regionals three times with Univ. Wisconsin-Pletteville. Now she bought a 16" SOMETHING OR OTHER commercially built plastic tub which she loves. All she bought with the boat was a pair of short racing paddles......but she should have one from me, just for kicks.

I may have to make it out of leftover kitchen cabinet scraps......about 274-little chunks laminated actuallyshe will have a GLUE paddle with some wood to make it look nice.



Well-Known Member
that much glue is to much weight, you know how weight effects some people on here. are you making a all around hang on the wall or one to match this person with that boat? here is a grain of salt, go with it. later keith

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
She'll love what ever you clobber together, Piper San. You re such an elegant wood artist that you'd make a toilet paper roller look great.

Come to think of it, your picture would look pretty good on TP too. Hmmm, now I have an idea of what to get your wife for Christmas.


Well-Known Member
Chuck'll probably pull this one, meandering off track. (Chuck, Jack started it)

Years ago I used to stock lots of gift thing was toilet paper with music printed on it. Well, one lady bought some for her father, a REAL musician. He opened his gift, looked at it and put it back in the box , discusted. "I'll never use this!" he said. His daughter, bent out of shape , asked why. the old man said, "This is the music for Fur Eliese.....that's women's music. I can't use it!"

And he meant it......



Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2007
Savannah, GA
Paddle length

My favorite paddle is 6 foot 6 inches, just half a foot over my head. Of course I use it while paddling standing up. :lol: Good luck with the paddle, I have made several all lengths to see what works for me and have found I am pretty comfortable with them all. Anything you make I'm sure will be cherished. :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
islandpiper said:
Chuck'll probably pull this one, meandering off track. (Chuck, Jack started it)


Piper , I would never do that to you but you can bet ya bottom dollar someone ( name with held to protect the geezer) will jump on the band wagon. :lol: :lol: :lol:

To get back on track , check her out with some of your paddles and see which one she likes ... Then do a custom one for her. You can do several things by doing it that way , get to spend some time on the water , let her find out which one she likes and she will never be the wiser to what you have planned.:wink:



Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. Jimmy W.......I think your easy meaure will be the one I try. She is a mere 1250-miles away so I can't often get out paddling with her or my son. They came here over Labor Day, I spent the weekend trying to cough up a lung with new-moan-yah.....they paddled my pirogue for about a half a mile, ran into some of the local A**holes, had an unpleasant experience and came home......with any luck these local guys will get good and drunk someday and fall out of the boat on a day when the gators are hungry.

Now......time to go looking for wood....needs to be pretty, and pretty cheap, and available......and glue-able.
