<Try that in Kansas or Georgia or most other places. Except for the Sesame Street Generation i'd think that SOMEONE would get their 12 ga out of the closet and fight back. Hopefully..... >
I'm not so sure about that any more Piper.
Oh, perhaps a few geezers such as those on this board might do so, but we should bear in mind that we are very much a minority. The programmed automatons of the 'Sesame Street Generation' outnumber us. What I AM sure of is that the 'Sesame Street Generation' will be cheerfully complicit in ratting out gun owners when the government finally feels powerful enough to make the grab. For reference just look to the Soviet Union & National Socialist era Germany where state schooled children turned family members in to state authorities for 'crimes against the state'. Then review in your mind how long the government has been in charge of education in the US.
Around the globe academia has always been the refuge of Marxist/Leninists and that has been very much the case in this country. Can there be any surprise that academic thought has entered our teaching system? Or that Lenins' thoughts are being executed in our society through the school system?
"Give me your four year olds and in a generation I will build a socialist State."---Lenin
"Destroy the family, and the society will collapse." ---Lenin
But perhaps Stalin stated the idea best: "Ideas are far more powerful than guns. We don't allow our enemies to have guns, why should we allow them to have ideas? "
With almost 2 generations having been turned out by public shools ran by Marxist/Leninist followers my confidence level about the American people having the will to do anything other than follow orders is at a low ebb indeed. At this point I see no hope unless a charismatic leader steps forward to arouse the American people to anger about what has been done to them by a rogue federal government. And we know how well that worked out in 30s era Germany.
I'll close with an observation from he who has been called the Father of our country:
"How soon we forget history. Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. A government is like fire, a handy servant, but a dangerous master."---George Washington
Tom @ Buzzard Bluff