Cheap kayak seat |

Cheap kayak seat


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2010
Bates city Mo.
I had some really really weathered chairs so I tried one...I guess I could lash it down...need to be as low as possible in this type yack..

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
A paddling buddy of mine layered up about 4 layers of the blue, closed cell foam sleeping pads from Wal-Mart, then carved out a hollow to fit his butt. Really lowers the psi; add a chamois skin and it's hog heaven.


Well-Known Member
I don't have yaks anymore, just the Swampwood Pirogue. I find that sitting on the seat, almost any seat, is only part of the problem. The real problem comes when i try to get up out of the the boat. Last trip i considered asking Joey to just bring my meals down to the boat and pass them out to me on a paddle and toss a canvas over me at night, but somehow i knew that wasn't going to go over real well. It is my stiff knees and hips that keep me grounded on the boat seat. Any serious suggestions? I can think of all the non-serious ones myself. piper


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2009
Piper I feel your pain. I have been searching for a solution also.
The problem is two fold, sitting low with the knees straight, and staying in one position too long.
My last boat and chair were built to address this. It is more stable than most pirogues or kayaks and allows me to sit higher (14" to 15"). The new chair I built has a concave seat that takes preasure off the back of the legs and allows me to straighten them when I want to paddle harded.
I would think a 14" seat woud be too high in your boat and would not work well for serious cruising. Changing seating height often during the day has helped me a lot in my pirogue. You could build a base like this:
1 st. option 8.75"

2 ed. option 10.75"

Your seat is similer to mine and is at this height:
Normal height aprox. 5"

Add a boat cussion and you get 3 more options.


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
I'm waiting for one of you guys to add power reclining to your boat seats! :wink:
I can sit on the bottom of a kayak OK, but getting back up out of there is a chore. I plan to try a helium filled balloon one of these days, with a trapeze hanging down to ........


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2005
Kirksville MO
One more recommendation from the racing world.

I bought one of these for the race from the recommendation of a couple older paddle racers. seat padding is a big issue for the 340.

This item is truly great. I put it in my hunting pack and take it along to pull out when needed. Hoping it will allow me to sit very still while waiting for a turkey to come over the hill this spring.

I will have it with me camping most of the time from now on.


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Therma Rest used to call that an "inflatable stadium seat". I see they've changed the color and the name; looks like the same cushion. I inadvertently left one on the Suwanee River.
When I started using them, I'd let it inflate and then add a puff or two of air. Now, I do the opposite. I let it inflate, press down with a closed fist to expel some air, and THEN seal the valve. Sits softer that way for me.

john the pom

Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2007
The real problem comes when i try to get up out of the the boat.
Watched a bloke who wasn't the most mobile paddler use a piece of rope he had tied well forward in his boat to help pull himself upright out of his seat. Seemed to make easy work of it. He said he really struggled before he used the rope . We tend to put our hands on the sides of the boat and push down against the coaming or gunnels which they were probably not really designed for. Will cost you five feet of rope to find out if its any help to you.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2012
I have an electric lift chair from my dad's estate. I would only need to build a wider boat with room for the generator.

I also have a lift/support pole that was next to his bed, although I think it would be more appropriate as a dance pole for the water nymphs that we come across.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2010
Bates city Mo.
Well I built a foam seat...the sheets have 2 colors laminated together making up the 3/4'' thickness....This aided in carving out the profile and making it consistant...So I glued 4 layers together making a 3'' thick block....




I used Velcro to make the seat adjustable and can take it out to carve on it more....