Can Stove pre-heater wick |

Can Stove pre-heater wick

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Very good idea. I'd advise wearing rubber gloves (some kind of plastic) when handling the fiber glass. It sometimes breaks off in your skin and irritates to beat he!!.

For the guys in Australia, maybe they should use a bolt with a left hand thread?


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Not sure about the rest of you but I don't need to preheat the little stoves I have. Just one less thing to carry along on a trip.

If you are going to be in cold weather then stop by your local pharmacy and ask for one of the 6 oz cough syrup bottles they put the cough syrup in. If you are a good customer like I am they will give you two of them at no cost , if they did charge you it is normally $.50 ( cents ) for a empty ( new ) plastic bottle. :roll:
They are leak proof and the alcohol will not hurt them. Plus the side is marked off in ounces so you know how much you are using.

Now........ If you are in cold weather then just carry the bottle in your pocket ( a jacket pocket will work really well ) or at night slip it at the foot of your sleeping bag and in the morning when you measure it out and strike the match and it will light every time.


Well-Known Member
Chuck, you aren't kidding us about this are you? " ask for one of the 6 oz cough syrup bottles they put the cough syrup in"

If you were camping with us over this way in January/Feb when it is running 15 degrees at night you'd want a pre-heater too.



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
islandpiper said:
If you were camping with us over this way in January/Feb when it is running 15 degrees at night you'd want a pre-heater too.


I would want a pre heater for me and nuts about the stove.
As long as the alcohol is warm it will light the 1st time and one of the little bottles is the easy way to keep what you want to use warm. It is also great for having just enough for the stove during a weekend outing , Saturday , Saturday night and Sunday morning.

You could get two of them , one for the stove ( denatured ) and one with the adult alcohol ( bottled and bonded ) in it for the camper. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Project, glad to help. I have some fancy (expensive) European stoves and a couple of others, and here in Louisiana have gotten to where I just carry the aluminum can stoves. These side-wicks really help getting them up to speed. I have a pretty good stove made from an aluminum beer bottle as they are thicker metal than cans and just a few drops of fuel on the outside heater gets it going fast.

I finally emptied one of those mini-kegs that came filled with Newcastle Ale and cut the top four inches or so off and rolled the cut edge down to make a nice cooking kettle. A bit of wire made a bail. When i wear it out i'll have to buy another mini-keg. Darn.



Jun 1, 2011
islandpiper said:
Project, glad to help. I have some fancy (expensive) European stoves and a couple of others, and here in Louisiana have gotten to where I just carry the aluminum can stoves. These side-wicks really help getting them up to speed. I have a pretty good stove made from an aluminum beer bottle as they are thicker metal than cans and just a few drops of fuel on the outside heater gets it going fast.

I finally emptied one of those mini-kegs that came filled with Newcastle Ale and cut the top four inches or so off and rolled the cut edge down to make a nice cooking kettle. A bit of wire made a bail. When i wear it out i'll have to buy another mini-keg. Darn.

I made a swedge at work today to turn the aluminum beer bottles inside out to make an open top side vent double wall stove.. Im going to tweek it a little in the morning but so far it works great.. the strength is incredible after forming.. Im 210 lbs and can stand on it with no hint of bending..


Jun 1, 2011
islandpiper said:
Pictures, lad. We need pictures. piper
Well I didnt have time to work on it this morning, sometimes my job gets in the way of the fun Im going to try to finish it up monday and I will post pics when im finished..