Camp coffee | Page 2 |

Camp coffee


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Kayak Jack said:
Yes, Vista. Think that's the culprit?

I'm running FireFox and there is not a problem.

Try this link , it is right to the coffee presses but I did shrink it down with the tiny URL help. It sent me right to it.

JACK...If not here you go ..... there whole lineup of the presses..... :D

Nisan...... Stainless Steel and Insulated. $20.01

GSI... Personal $19.99

Java Press 33 oz for $22.99

GSI .. I liter $34.99

GSI 50 oz ...$29.99

Jetboil ..$19.99

I found a way to get around coping there pictures..... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2008
Hoschton, GA
We have a french press and use it when we are in out camper. Takes up less space, and you don't need 110V power. Just boil water. I think it makes a good coffee.



Well-Known Member
I found a French Press in a Ross Store, overstock, one of a kind sort of place. It cost me a whole $2.50. Great thing, but I don't like carrying glass in the boat unless it is sturdy stuff. I really like the idea of just packaging coffee in regular filters with a rubber band on them, and dropping them in the water.

This last trip i carried the little TasterS Choice single serve tubes. That's good stuff, the best instant on the market.

When we were out in February i made coffee a couple of times by just putting the coffee in the water and then settleing the grounds. That works, and makes REAL coffee, but is a bit of a mess.

Coffee is a necessity.


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
I used to drink 10-12 cups of coffee a day. Changed to tea and never looked back. I DID take enough naps that first week to total about 8 hours after I stopped drinking coffee. I was a night's sleep behind. Tea is easy - boil water (don't even have to boil it, just real hot) and add a tea bag. VOILA'

I enjoy coffee, but don't drink any for weeks or sometimes months. And, you van make tea form lots of stuff in the outback.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
A few years I had ta switch coffee cuz of my gut tried ta kill my ass, then I tried mixin' coffees ta git some taste back. Since then I been searchin' fer the coffee grail. I like some chocolate in my coffee. When I git some coffee at the gas stations, I mix in some hot chocolate. Ron sez he had some truble with Folgers 'n went ta Maxwell House. I tried that too, cuz hiz coffee on the Brazos tasted mitey good, but now I caint tell that it iz any better'n Folgers 'er Community 'er Extra Dark Columbian, yada, yada 'n more yada.

Near bout all the coffee I ever drank in the woods 'er sandbars wuz tasty. Near bout all the food I ate out there tasted better'n it would taste back at home. Seems I need ta trick my tongue inta thinkin' that I am in the woods. Sippin' whiskey 'n dago red taste better in the woods too. I got a dollar sez a can of Sweet Sue Chicken 'n Dumplins dont taste near bout az good at home az it does in the woods.

Mebbe if I cooked them dumplins inside a big alcohol can? [chuckle]

juan valdez

The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple.  Oscar Wilde


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
bearridge said:
Near bout all the coffee I ever drank in the woods 'er sandbars wuz tasty. Near bout all the food I ate out there tasted better'n it would taste back at home. Seems I need ta trick my tongue inta thinkin' that I am in the woods. Sippin' whiskey 'n dago red taste better in the woods too. I got a dollar sez a can of Sweet Sue Chicken 'n Dumplins dont taste near bout az good at home az it does in the woods.

Bear , Sweet Sue Chicken'n Dumplingsn is better out camping then at home , something about having a little sand in it while camping just makes it a lot better, even better then the salt an pepper on it at home. It seams to work the same way with steak and taters when camping.
The sipping whiskey improves when tasted out of a tun cup or one of Mac's red plastic glasses and some ice from his ice chest. I think what improves it is the mingling of all the flavors of the stuff in the ice chest. Or it could be the water from the Mosquito Lagoon and Mims , Fl that is used to make the ice.
Camping coffee is always better then any thing from the store or done/brewed up at home. :D



Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2007
on the bank of Trinity Bay
Mrs.B says that Eight O'clock coffee cain't be beat, but she is not willing to pay the extra money that it cost. If I could not drink coffee or eat onions I'm afraid I would have to do some of that Hairy Carey stuff my people used to do. :x


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
Saw a good coffee-making hint on "Good Eats" with Alton Brown. He says to never skimp on the amount of coffee you use. If you use too little, the water dissolves more of the undesireable compounds in the coffee and you get a more bitter cup of coffee. Using a little "too much" coffee allows the water to dissolve mostly the flavors you're after. Sounds good to me.


tx river rat

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2007
Waco Tx
On a river bank watching the sun come up,don't get any better than that.
Bear I should have dropped you a note,figured something else out on that coffee . It wasn't the coffee it was the water
When we were on the river we were using drinking water I bought,and that I use at home ,dang good coffee,
I switched brands of water and it started tasting bad again,went back to the water in gallon jugs from Wally world and was right back on track.
I use a stainless perc pot 10 cup can't beat it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
tx river rat said:

I switched brands of water and it started tasting bad again,went back to the water in gallon jugs from Wally world and was right back on track.


Same thing here , I go threw about a half a gallon of ice tea a day and I make the sun tea. Switched water and the tea was not right , went back to the one I was using and everything is OK. The funny thing about it is that it was the same folks but what they called Spring Water. Went back to there drinking water and was happy. Guess it is just what you get use to. :wink:
We don't use the community water system for our cooking or drinking water unless we get a craving for Chlorine and they do like to use that in the water.



Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2009
bearridge said:
but now I caint tell that it iz any better'n Folgers 'er Community 'er Extra Dark Columbian, yada, yada 'n more yada.

blasphemy! How dare you say anything negative about Community Coffee. Community Dark Roast or nothing. :mrgreen: :lol:

just kidding.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
TO: Geezers
FROM: Southern Test Facility
RE: Bad Coffee

The java test iz over. Alton wuz wrong....more coffee dont help. The best we kin tell ya'll iz ta make some hot a separate cup 'n mix a few ounces with each cup a java.


ps The Shade Tree Medikle Clinic iz runnin' some more tests. It mite be that yer taste buds mite go on the fritz.....'n yer coffee tastes like it wuz made frum a two day old ashtray. I will let ya'll know if the FDA bans coffee....... [think I am jokin'?].

It is the common fate of the indolent to see their rights become a prey to the active. The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt. John Philpot Curran


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2007
South Louisiana
Water has to be a big contributor to the taste of coffee. Brewed coffee is probably 99.9999 % water. One other thing I've found. When I draw water from the faucet for coffee ( we have decent water when it's not brown :roll: ) I run the tap full speed and hold the pot low and get the water real frothy and oxygenated. It DOES make a difference.



Well-Known Member's a hot tip: if your tap water gets FROTHY and stays that way you might want to look into another water source. good, clean drinking water is just a delightful combination of hydrogen and oxygen , no loose proteins, no surfactants, no phosphates. When i come to visit i'm bringing my own water.

grandpa paddler

Well-Known Member
May 25, 2005
WNY-land of exhorbitant taxes
Been usin' a lexan JAVApress from CSI Outdoors for a year and like the coffee it brews, just gotta be sure it's a very coarse grind. Tis great to be sippin' my mornin' coffee whllst my buddies are watchin' the perky thing-a-ma-jig.

Sadly, this last trip (on a section of river that Jack doesn't like) the plastic frame on the plunger screen busted. Fortunately, it was the last mornin' and I was packin' it up. I emailed CSI this mornin' complainin' (nicely as I coulda) hopin' that at the very least they send me a new plunger 'sembly. If I gotta buy a new one, it'll be the stainless steel and not another lexan. Don't care much 'bout it bein' a little heavier.

Unfortunately, this week-end farm campin' with the munchkins I'll have to use the perky thing-a-ma-jig (if I can find it :? :? )
