Army camo netting serves two purposes. It gives a three dimentional effect, thereby breaking up "flat panels" not found in nature, and it gives a multi color effect. You can always spot a camoflage color boat if you look long enough, since the colors are all on the same plane, cover that boat with 3D stuff and it disappears. By glassing your netting flat to your boat, you lose the 3D effect, and the rpigjer sirface wo;; kist s;pw upi dpwm/ Use good flat colored paint, and mimic the lines you see in nature-I painted my duck boat with vertical lines, mimicing the reeds where I hunt, and it's quite well hidden. The Art of Camo is blending with nature-use vertical lines with reeds, use splotches against varied colored leaves. This comes as 27 years experienceas a grunt, starting in the jungle to the desert and a couple of wars in between.