Even though I was not able to make the river trip because of an illness in my family, I did scuttle on down to Steele Creek yesterday afternoon to meet and greet all the Buffalo Trip boys. After everyone arrived, camp set up, everyone was famished Where is Swampy and old Yak. I had talked by phone to Yak about 1 1/2 hours before they were set to arrive at camp...but for some reason apparently Swampy's desire to have a an ice cream cone at Booger Holler caused adelayed. Now normally I understand this would not have been much of an issue, but see these boys were bringing the night meal....there were a few hungry guys waiting on these special sausages and kraut...Finally the two arrived, got the stuff going and enjoyed a great meal, along with Old Buzzard's wife's Winnie's special chocolate chip cookies....Now being one to speculate about this weather prognotigation that Chuckles is so famous for..I had to believe it for myself. I swear the weather was near pefect yesterday with little wind, warm temps, and bluebird skies.....well, er until Sparkey crossed the State line....I swear the skies immediately started to cloud, the winds picked up and cooler temps prevailed. There was discussion of Bear and Sparkey forming some kind of partnership...something about traveling to the midwest and for 50 bucks an acre....Spark does his famous rain dance..Bear, a student of PT Barnum or Colonel Tom Parker also sees this as an opportunity and was seen discussing in hushed voice a deal?
But everyone seemed to be enjoying the meal, making new friends and discussing past trips, blah, blah, blah....I hope I can name all the paddlers..lets see, beside Sparkey, Bear, Yak, Swampy, there is Van, Harry, Harry's son Harry, Dapper Al, Joe Fennel, Van, Tom from Buzzard Bluff drove the 2 hours to have dinner and camp the first night. There is one more and dang, my geezer mode has kicked in....can't remember. Anyway they all made it safe and sound and looking forward to great 4 day float.....oh, the heavy rain and thunderstorms moved in this morning. :lol:
But everyone seemed to be enjoying the meal, making new friends and discussing past trips, blah, blah, blah....I hope I can name all the paddlers..lets see, beside Sparkey, Bear, Yak, Swampy, there is Van, Harry, Harry's son Harry, Dapper Al, Joe Fennel, Van, Tom from Buzzard Bluff drove the 2 hours to have dinner and camp the first night. There is one more and dang, my geezer mode has kicked in....can't remember. Anyway they all made it safe and sound and looking forward to great 4 day float.....oh, the heavy rain and thunderstorms moved in this morning. :lol: