Buffalo River Trip Update | SouthernPaddler.com

Buffalo River Trip Update


Feb 10, 2005
Arkansas Ozarks
Even though I was not able to make the river trip because of an illness in my family, I did scuttle on down to Steele Creek yesterday afternoon to meet and greet all the Buffalo Trip boys. After everyone arrived, camp set up, everyone was famished Where is Swampy and old Yak. I had talked by phone to Yak about 1 1/2 hours before they were set to arrive at camp...but for some reason apparently Swampy's desire to have a an ice cream cone at Booger Holler caused adelayed. Now normally I understand this would not have been much of an issue, but see these boys were bringing the night meal....there were a few hungry guys waiting on these special sausages and kraut...Finally the two arrived, got the stuff going and enjoyed a great meal, along with Old Buzzard's wife's Winnie's special chocolate chip cookies....Now being one to speculate about this weather prognotigation that Chuckles is so famous for..I had to believe it for myself. I swear the weather was near pefect yesterday with little wind, warm temps, and bluebird skies.....well, er until Sparkey crossed the State line....I swear the skies immediately started to cloud, the winds picked up and cooler temps prevailed. There was discussion of Bear and Sparkey forming some kind of partnership...something about traveling to the midwest and for 50 bucks an acre....Spark does his famous rain dance..Bear, a student of PT Barnum or Colonel Tom Parker also sees this as an opportunity and was seen discussing in hushed voice a deal?
But everyone seemed to be enjoying the meal, making new friends and discussing past trips, blah, blah, blah....I hope I can name all the paddlers..lets see, beside Sparkey, Bear, Yak, Swampy, there is Van, Harry, Harry's son Harry, Dapper Al, Joe Fennel, Van, Tom from Buzzard Bluff drove the 2 hours to have dinner and camp the first night. There is one more and dang, my geezer mode has kicked in....can't remember. Anyway they all made it safe and sound and looking forward to great 4 day float.....oh, the heavy rain and thunderstorms moved in this morning. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
Danoinark has joined the list of those who believe in the Sparkster's magic powers. I intend to hire the rainmaker if there is a war protest rally my area. :lol:


Feb 10, 2005
Arkansas Ozarks
I did forget to mention...hehehe....that those that didn't make the trip .. well I did my best to keep this bunch from making all those deragatory remarks and being talked about behind their backs...I was not successful.
Dano :shock:

Tom @ Buzzard Bluff

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Ozarks of N. Central Arkansas
'Southern Piddlers' on the Buffalo

The revelations below are somewhat repetitive in light of Danos' well-written commentary but since I went to the effort to compose it while the site was down I'm darn well gonna post it anyway! :wink:
I'm flabbergasted to think that our fearless leader, Sparkatus, (Cracker god of lightening) hasn't been recognized as a National Treasure. Natural talent such as his could lower taxes, pay-off the national debt, reverse our trade imbalance, cure hunger around the world and bring 'Peace In Our Time'.
I can see it now---- a whirlwind tour of the US to drouth-stricken areas would get agriculture back on it's feet in no time. Loaning him to other dust-bowl areas about the globe (AFTER they take care of their indebtedness to the US of course) would wipe out hunger. With the masses fed and fattened around the world the age-old excuse of the need for 'Lebensraum' would leave no reason for expansionist wars. The entire Earth would become one great Liberal dream. OK---maybe not.
But he can make it rain.
When I got to the campground at Steel Creek on the Buffalo shortly after noon on Sunday the huge front building and looming ever more massive on radar images in Eastern Oklahoma had not yet sullied the azure sky of the Buffalo Valley. Redbuds and Dogwoods garlanded the hillsides with their Spring hues, birds sang lustily in the budding trees while Swallows traced their arcs across the sky, the air was crystal clear and the camping area was bug-free. The Florida paddlers had arrived only a few minutes prior and Al & Bear trickled in shortly thereafter. We regaled each other with great truths throughout the afternoon while awaiting the volunteer chefs, Swampy & Old Yaker. And waited. And waited. Shortly before succumbing to terminal hunger the tardy chefs arrived to cries of "Where's dinner"? Moderate lashing with green grapevines helped rekindle the laggards culinary ambitions and the cauldron soon was bubbling on the fire. Shortly thereafter we served ourselves generous helpings of Jim's robust Sauerkraut & sausage accompanied by Joel's great homemade bread and salsa. My wife provided dessert in the form Chocolate Chip cookies and it was all consumed with gusto. Also consumed I'm sure were a few of the swarm of tiny black beetles that materialized just as dinner was ready to be served. Along with the beetles came a rising wind and solid cloud cover.
Most retired to the accompanyment of a Whippoorwill a bit after 9PM and all was serene (if you could ignore the ominously flashing skies) 'til 1 AM when the first drops of rain started to pitter-patter on our shelters. Off and on 'til @ 4:30 the rain fell intermittently. Then it got serious about raising the river level. (Never-ever, allow Bear to mutter anywhere near Chuck anything about wishing the water was higher!) Even Noah would have became concerned.
About 6:30 the rain let up so I got up and, toothbrush in hand, toddled off to the comfort station. When I got back there was a general stir and by 7:30 I announced to Bear that I would precede all to the Low Gap General Store where Dano had made prior arrangements for a home-style breakfast at $3 a head. I told the proprieteress (to her great relief) that the crew really was coming and she started preparations while I waited on a fresh pot of coffee to brew. I finally got some coffee and waited---and waited some more. Two cups of coffee later the 'Southern Piddlers' crew arrived. Bear confided in an aside that the delay had been caused by Swampy's sartorial endeavors. If so then trying to gild that lily must be an exercise in frustration. He was still unmistakably the Swampus Cat.
Lessee---scrambled eggs that tasted like fresh from the farm, bacon, real country hash-browns, biscuits and sausage gravy that was more sausage than gravy were brought to the tables in bulk containers and when they were emptied refilled. Anyone who arose hungry had only themself to blame.
I followed the crew to the put-in at the low-water bridge at Ponca to stay behind to watch their gear while vehicles were shuttled but when 3 of the paddlers chose to stay I abandoned ship and pointed my van at Saddle.
Oh----did I mention that it started raining again as the boats were being unloaded?
The foregoing account may be believed in it's entirety despite subsequent assertions by the guilty that the truth is not in it.
As reported by the old Saddle tramp, Tom @ Buzzard Bluff

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Well, fellas, it may be time to start worrying. WX on the Buffalo is clear and visiblity unlimited (CAVU). I'm concerned about Sparkey's health. No way would the weather be that good if he was still alive. Better start a candle light vigil, ehh? (Do you reckon they'll tow him in or cremate him there on the marge of Lake LeBarge?)

(shuffling papers around here, ahem) "Oh Gods of water and rain, hear our supplication. Please be merciful to our Brethren of the Paddle (the olde farte geezers on the Buffalo) and spare them Sparkey's curse. Amen"

Pass the collection plate

Tom @ Buzzard Bluff

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Ozarks of N. Central Arkansas
Kayak Jack said:
Well, fellas, it may be time to start worrying. WX on the Buffalo is clear and visiblity unlimited (CAVU). I'm concerned about Sparkey's health.>

You're right. That's very concerning.

Kayak Jack said:
Do you reckon they'll tow him in or cremate him there on the marge of Lake LeBarge?

The only derelicts I saw on the marge of the Buff were the two who got there late to fix dinner.

BTW, what happened to the supply of single-malt you were gonna send? Sparkitus assured us it would get there but no messenger had appeared by the time I left. Olde Pharte on the Bluff


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder

I really want to tell ya'll how the Ole Sparkey curse raised the Upper Buffalo ta serious Class II. [The Roman numbers were useful fer Swampy.] When they all get home, this thread oughta be good readin'....if ya print it out fer the throne.

I drove in this afternoon 'n fergot my canoe dont fit the carport. Bad dents in plastic dont pull out like a Grumman. The trim on the carport busted off. My angle iron rack bent.



Tom @ Buzzard Bluff

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Ozarks of N. Central Arkansas
Well at least it seems that our concerns were unfounded insofar as the expedishun was concerned.
But sounds like you may have to remain in Pissimissi the rest of yo' life since things jes' natcherly go to Hell when you leave.
Tell us 'bout the big rise after your spirits are risen. OF


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
I have to say, OF is possibly one of the finest Gentleman I have ever met in my entire life, I only wish I had more time to spend with him, but when a hungry mob of geezers is about to attack, you better get victuals cook'n.

And now Dano, what can I say? Providing drinks and other items to make the evening more enjoyable, maybe he is running against Tom for "Great guy of the Century"....

I'm a better person for knowing and meeting both of you, hope to get a chance to visit you both again before too long!

PS: Tom tell your Lady that those cookies we're so good, I was returning stuff I never stole! :roll:

I also want the the other Buffalo boy's (Chuck, Bear, Joey, Joe, Al, the 2 Harry's, Ray and Van to know......I'll go down a river and hoist a cup next to a campfire with you boy's anytime, just call....... :wink:


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Truthful Jack,

I figger Swampus Bodacious aka Snatch 'n the oldyaker ought ta be home by now. The High Sheriff will likely make it home in a week 'er two. :lol:

I bet Dapper Al got home this afternoon. It aint much of a drive frum the Buffalo ta Michigan. There wuz Wisconsin paddlers 'n 4-5 busloads of Ontario paddlers.

We all dressed better (cept fer Swampy) cuz of the Dapper Al effect. I hope one 'er two pichurs show my good side....that makes me look a lot like Abe Lincoln's good side. :mrgreen:

We run up on a problem with them hammocks....it split us up cuz the first nite the hammock fellas stayed down on the river bank, while the tent fellas had to move off the big rocks 'n stay off a ways.

The second nite, the tent geezers wuz too wore out ta walk way off ta the woods where there wuz the "rite kinda trees" fer the hammock fellas. It split us up bad agin.

The last nite, the High Sheriff went back to hiz tent. Swampy 'n oldyaker jest laid out under my big ass tarp. Joe found the only tree close by.

No fault of the hammock. If everbody haz a hammock, I bet ya gotta spread way out. I didnt mind the snorin' that much. :cry:

I suppose there mite be spots where the trees are jest rite fer a heap a hammocks, but then the tent fellas would likely have ta walk way off ta find a spot.


bodine explorers clud

The believer is happy; the doubter is wise.
Hungarian Proverb

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Br'r Bear,

Yep, hangin around in trees does spread out the camp a mite. We started noticing that the first year I had my Hennessy. Guys goin around lookin for those "right kinds trees".

Last year, I got so's I just brought the trees along with me from one camp site to the next. Saved time. I have to get just the right spacing to avoid the doubled-echo effect for snoring. Single echos is OK in our camps.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
JEM said:
<SNIP> I'm still workin' for da man so I can't offord to burn a week down in Gatorland. Geezer-envy. :roll:
Can you and your wife afford to burn a week in Allegheny land the last week of September? All Class I and no portages. Easy days and langorous nights. Another lady is planning to attend.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend Matt,

Now yer talkin'. Section II of the Deliverance river.....I hear it iz mitey purty 'n fairly eazy water. Well...I dont know what it would look like after a hoodoochie frum the Master of Flow Bizness, but I have been readin' up on it.

I figger the paddlin' geezers kin handle it jest fine with different boats 'n less gear inside. It may be such a short run that all the campin' gear kin be left at the camp. Swampy, oldyaker, Dapper Al 'n Joe kin tell ya how much fun it wuz when the others took our gear the last day.

I seen a heap a purty rivers drivin' cross Carolina South that mite be fun.

There iz also some eazy paddlin' in Carolina Northwest. The drive frum Fayetteville ta Bryson City aint hard at all....real eazy frum Charlotte.

Please make a note ta paddle the Buffalo soon az ya kin. I bet its some ole fellas who aim ta do it agin. If Mister Hoodoochie hizownself dont show up, it iz a really fine river fer the kids....cept fer breathin'. It haz so many awesome bluffs, so much purty green water 'n wildlife it jest keeps takin' yer breath away.


paddlin' geezer

Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it. Mahatma Gandhi


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003

So, I'm unloading the truck and get to thinking........Bear got home OK, I got home OK. We need a head count of who got home safe and sound. Now we're 2 for 10. Let us know when ya got home or of anyone else who got home OK. Just my feminine side of mother hen concerned for the Geezer chicks or ol' crows................I left Swampy on the trail Friday in Nashville, said he may stop in Chattanooga to visit kin for a day or so....
Ease my mind with a short line say'n ya got home OK. :wink:


Dec 13, 2003
Melbourne Beach, Fl
Buffalo Trip

Just a line to let you all know that we had a trip of a lifetime with you guys. I May be overly sentimental but I don't think so. You guys are one of my favorite groups. Whenever anyone asks about our trips I respond with, "It is better than a trip to the doctors. This goes for Harry Jr., Ray, Van and myself. A special thanks to the Bear for setting up our itinary and the work involved in slowing down for us at the critical rapids. We drove home in two days arriving last night at eleven o'clock. This confirms my motto: Live life today and talk about it tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend Harry,

Glad ta hear ya'll made it back safe. It wuz my pleasure ta run the river with you fellas agin. Sorry the most difficult rapid slipped up on us, but after that, ya see how we coulda run 'em all. :oops: The one ya'll lined warnt quite az hard az that last one.

Since that last long rapid with all the ledges had ta be Gray Rock Shoal, I figger we oughta name the earlier one "Ole Sparkey's Ledge"....in honor of the man who put all that water in the river for us? :wink:

We will have a mitey hard time catchin' the water that good agin, but az long az Mister Hoodoochie iz on the expedishun, we always got a chance.


paddlin' geezer canoe clud

P.S. regards to the others too.

You can't run away from truble. There aint no place that far.
Uncle Remus


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2003
Oscoda, michigan
Amazing. Where did all that food come from? We had more good eats on the tables each night than ever before on any of our trips. And, the drinks get better each trip. Bear mixes some of the bet wines in the world. Turned my boat over and checked for more character marks and sure enough there are a few. Nothin to worry me but I probably will sand the bottom sometime this summer and give it a new coat of varnish and start new marks and new memories. We all bounced off a few Buffalo rocks (three that I can remember on my runs through the fast water) and each will stay in my memories forever. Who said wooden boats couldn't take a river like that? Got to thinking---wooden boats went down that river for centuries before the plastics came on the scene. Just causes one to concentrate more on the chutes and the slipin and slidin you got to do when you enter the rapids. It also reminded me a little of shooting pool---you got to go thru a rapid and wind up in the right spot to be ready for the next one, like making your pool shot and placing the cue ball in the right spot for the next shot. Had a nice trip home. Little traffic, except around Chicago where construction is still ongoing--been that way since the early 1800's I think. Sure enjoyed talking with two fisherman, Tom and Ben, and one canoeist that was catching perch and wondering where all the smallmouths were hiding. Bear, thanks for doing all the planning. The breakfast at the country store reminded me of Mammas cooking when I was just a little pup and growing up on that kind of grub. Brought back good memories. And, the price was a shock. Three bucks for all that fine food? Can't be beat and if we get back there again please take us there for sure. That food alone was worth the trip. For the guys that missed the trip we saw two wipe out canoes on the river. One was a fairly new canoe--looked to be in good shape , but was held under against a sweep in the middle of the river and another one (fiberglass I think) that was only three quarters there. The other part of the canoe was probably sunk and held under somewhere. Bear did his ballet with his high freeboard canoe and danced around the sweep trying to loosen up the good looking canoe but we had to move on and left it for someone that had more time than we did. That and many more memories will take me back to the Buffalo, soon I hope. D. Al.


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend Dapper Al,

I figgered the geezers would dress better with you bein' there, but I seen rite off that Swampy jest dont care what a fella wears. Jimmy cleans up purty good, but it jest aint no help fer Joey. We got homeless folk that dress better....well, not when he iz wearin' that purty blue tarp/cape. :mrgreen:

That expedishun wuz pure selfish fer me. It aint a thrill like seein' the Upper Buffalo thru the eyes of a fella who aint ever seen it before. The whitewater wuz a big surprize. Most of the Ozark paddlers have ta set on standby ta catch the water like that.



Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great. Mark Twain


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Southeastern North Carolina
A quick note here.
One: Yak and i were to arrive at 5 pm. in camp ... BUT without fault I waz possessed by the ice cream witch along the winding road to Jasper. Making it 60 -70 mph around those unprotected roads waz a challenge to these ridge runners. That sign done in cedar an' black paint lured me off course. Ol' Yaker pleaded with me about being tardy... "Frig 'em!", I seiz while I took another bite of ice cream.

Back on the road we pursued the clock. Taking a wrong turn into a Steel Creek Something or Another we re-grouped and headed north again. We entered the Steel Creek Official Campsite and didn't see anyone around!

We dismounted and looked at the river. We watched and wondered. "This is one of Bar's tricks!", I lamented. Suddenly Yak spots another road! We turned down it and sure nuff thar before us was the Geezers in all thar glory!

Funny how that old Rex Allen song popped into my head. Ya know the one about Hillbilly Heaven. There waz Tom o' Buzzard Bluff, Sparkey dry fer now, Bro Bar weav'in already, Harry an' Harry jr, Van an' Ray wit wide smiles, Daper Al's smile infested th' whole group, while I saw Joe an' Dano wonder'in which waz which. My heart skipped more one beat. More movin fer me than mah own wedd'in. Yak an I scrambled on over to th' group and began huggin az if long lost brothers had come together again after a year er so o' bein away frum each other. I know I waz all smiles grins.

Then they began to direct Yak and I to th' thoughts of dinner... :shock:
When I say direct I'm a talkin takin sticks and probe'in us to th'camp fire. Yak an I got it go'in an hadta chase several away frum the burn'in fire to allow fer th' fiddles to finish cookin. Once served they all got rather quiet. I could tell that if Yak an I had been another hour late the Donner party would have looked just like a party compared to these hungry guyz! :shock:

There waz a lot of talkin, to many to talk to in the short time to go. Each one a valued friend and wanting to catch up on some long time lies and facts ...

Harry Sr in camp:

Van pondering tomorrow's run:

Ray in camp:

HarryJr in camp:

Dano and Tom at camp:

Al and Joe along the shore of the buffalo:

The "River Boss" Bro Bar:

Old Yaker ( Jim) along the banks of the Buffalo:

I did dress to the code of the west out there. Will I ever win a fashion show ? Naw.... but I waz warm an' cozy... :wink: :lol:

More to come...