( Chuck here.... Before you start reading this , take a potty break , get a cup of Joe and get ready for a tail about camping an paddling , solo style. It is like a potato chip once you start you will want all of it/them )
I reckon ya'll seen I made it back? When all ya'll read this fine river tale yer gwine ta see how I come close ta a Mister Chuck Darwin Award, dishonorable mention. When I got off the river, I drove up ta the Bluff 'n I spent a hour with Tom ('n a few glasses of Dago Red) tellin' him jest what me 'n Dan done on this expedishun. They all got good times 'n bad times. I am sho some of them South Pole explorin' fellas who froze jest a few hunerd yards frum home base seen good times too. I reckon that iz enuf hyperbolatin'.
After enuff wine we figgered Miz Bear wuz ta blame fer everythin' that went wrong. She been with me near bout all day 'n all nite fer the last 10 years so the part of my brain that used ta recall stuff dont work so good anymore. The High Sheriff, oldyaker, Paddlin' Gator, Swampy, Commodore 'n a few others on here recall that time I fergot all the homemade chocolate cookies Winnie made fer the 2005 Buffalo River Expedishun http://sports.webshots.com/album/323974553ZYiqhf 'er me leavin' them dang hot dog buns in my truck on one of the St. Mary expedishuns, but forgettin' where ta meet up with yer friendly Arkansaw shuttle bunny jest aint a good sign.
Miz Bear aint likely ta fergit no homemade cookies....which she later sez she ate. Ate ever dang one of 'em....so it wuz hard when everbody went ta bashin' me. I jest plain fergot. I didnt eat no homemade cookies. Miz Bear would not have fergot the hot dogs buns either. I know forgettin' hot dog buns aint like when ya pull the pin off a hand bomb by mistake, but it iz jest more straws on the camel.
Here iz my short tale. I drove cross the flooded part of the Arkansas delta Sunday. What wuz rivers iz now lakes. I drove some new (ta me) mountain twistin', turnin', steep roads ta git ta Ponca....where I met Dan 's friend who runs the Buffalo Outdoor Center. http://www.buffaloriver.com/ I asked if I kin park my truck at hiz place 'n if I kin set Tom's computin' machine in hiz office til Dan shows up on Tuesday ta pick up my truck 'n drive it ta the take out spot. He sez I kin, but if anyone messed with my tructk he'd shoot 'em dead. He sez in 20 years he aint never had no break in. That wuz good enuff fer me.
I drove down ta the Ponca Bridge. It wuz 40 cars 'n trucks parked 'n 5-10 canoes 'n kayaks loadin' ta put in. It wuz 1:30 p.m. The sun wuz so hot it near bout made me blind. The water wuz very high....no air space under the bridge. The water level had not dropped in 8 hours frum 3.75', cuz of the 100 year flood on March 18 'n the second flood at the end of March had the ground wuz soaked good. Nobody else at the put in had no camping gear.....jest beer coolers.
I cast my memory back ta the April 2005 trip 'n wished that all the Paddlin' Geezers on that trip wuz here with me....on a beautiful day, not a dull, gray, rainy day. After I unloaded my boat 'n all my gear, I drove back ta the Buffalo Outdoor Center, parked my truck, changed inta Lo Mien, give 'em my key 'n walked 300 yards back down the highway ta the put in where my canoe gear wuz waitin'. Many cars passed by, but none stopped. Some wuz likely scairt I had a RPG 'er mebbe they figgered I mite tell 'em bout the "Yellow Book"? They all stood back when Lo Mien come down ta the river bank. An algebraic teacher frum Dardanelle High School come over ta brag on the geometry of my hat....angles, formulas 'n such.......kinda like Greek.
The water looked a few inches higher'n it wuz back in 2005. On the river I moved fast. Roark Bluff come up first, then many named 'n unnamed bluffs fer the rest of the 20+ miles over the next 2.5 days. Before I knew it I wuz at the Steel Creek Campground.....2.5 miles downriver frum the Ponca Bridge. I give a thought ta campin' there cuz I shoved off so late in the day 'er I mite paddle on down ta Kyles Landing (the spot where the Paddling Geezer Canoe Clud camped the second day back in 2005) jest fer old times sake. However, movin' so fast I went a few hundred yards past Steel Creek before I made up my mind 'n come upon a nice solo tent camp site on a gravel bar.
This wuz a near bout perfect paddlin' day. I likely shoved off at Ponca Bridge round 3 p.m. (long after the folks piled in them 40 cars 'n all the shuttled folks had shoved off) so I didnt see hardly anybody on the river after I pulled off. I seen 5-10 folks paddle by. It wuz a beautiful Sunday afternoon. When ya paddle 'n camp by yerownself it makes yer eyes see, 'n yer ears hear, far. Sorry if that sounds like Dances with Wolves, but all "primitive" folks live like that, while the civilized folk listen ta Muzak.
I set up camp....Lord I wish I had some little Pygmies to carry my gear, set up camp....ya know...like in that Robert Redford movie..."Out Frum Africa"? I figger Hemingway hunted like that, but not Faulkner. I do better ever time I set up camp. I quit makin' many of the mistakes I made on other trips. The cheap aluminium foldin' table frum the Communists aka WalMart wuz great. After I finished my chores.....early in the afternoon cuz I pulled off early.....I sat in my comfortable plastic, Communist, folding chair with arm rests 'n a high back. My eyes begun ta see far. Az the sun set behind the bluffs, the turkey buzzards come out ta enjoy the end of the day. That evening there wuz only bout 15 of them ridin' the thermals, gracefully, touchin' wings ever now 'n then, dogfightin', floatin', driftin', watchin' the sunset hunerds of miles off frum 300' above me.
I am sad ta report that without my dear friend Swampy chatterin' on bout things great 'n small, I heard the sound of a four wheeler, a few Harley Boys 'n other jerks with loud mufflers.....a horror near bout az bad az a neighbor with more'n three dogs.
I made one mistake Sunday night. I didn't find a level spot fer my tent. I slept good fer 5-6 hours, but after that it wuz rollin' & a tumblin' all nite long....without a nurse gymnast. I had put some big logs on my fire before I turned in hopin' the coals would light up eazy Monday morning. I lay there in the tent listenin' fer the birds....so I'd know when ta git up. No whippoorwill that nite, but I heard one the next nite. When I rolled out ta see the day, I got the fire roarin', pulled out my Zip Stove, ate a blueberry granola bar, an apple 'n made coffee....drip coffee with the $2 drip coffee maker frum Campmor.
I figgered the river would be full of boats on a warm, high water, sunny, Sunday afternoon, but empty like it wuz back in 2005 on Monday. Them 40 cars parked at the Ponca Bridge wuz likely Sunday day trippers headed fer Steel Creek 'er Kyles Landing. The March floods had changed the river quite a bit. Nature iz danged powerful. Man aint. I dont recall no problems Sunday, but on Monday there wuz one tree down cross the whole dang river....but there wuz near bout 6" of water over the top of the tree near the bank. The beer cooler crowd likely floated over it. I hit it, but made it over okay.
On Monday I paddled another very short stretch down ta Kyles Landing where I pulled off bout noon. There wuz anuther 15-20 cars in the parking lot....a surprize. They wuz day trippers runnin' frum Ponca ta Kyles on Monday. There wuz 2-3 tents near where the Paddling Geezers camped in 2005....when we had the whole danged campground to ourownselves. I met a volunteer Park Ranger (like Van). They give him room, board 'n $5 a day ta help the high dollar rangers take care of Kyles. He come 'n raked the sand next ta the fire grate. I reckon he never pitched a tent next ta a fire....on a windy night.
I am tired. I will bore ya'll some more later. On this expedishun the dookie dont hit the fan til Tuesday.
ps The Ontarians wuz there agin....at Ozark Campround....just like they wuz in April 2005 when the Paddlin' Geezers showed up there. This time there wuz 48 college kids 'n 4-5 young teachers. They wuz part of a Wilderness Program at Summit College. They had 17 tandem canoes, some made in London, Ontario. They wuz organized 'n while I figgered they wuz on the road ta Communism, I tole Tom that I hoped the wilderness program might save a few of 'em frum too much college. There wuz too many gals huggin' gals, Valley Girl talk 'n earrings in the wrong spots, but I like the kids. They warn't loud 'er disrespectul. It aint eazy herdin' college kids thru campgrounds 'n rivers....somethin' I helped with fer 10 years til Miz Ann tole Dave not ta bring no more of our college kids back. [I wuz always a "river chaperone" never a "campground chaperone".] The Ontarians been comin' there in April fer 12 years. After runnin' 100 miles of the Buffalo, climbin' rocks at Horseshoe somethin'-er-other 'n runnin' my favorite Ozark whitewater river, the Big Piney [I already posted Richard 'n Chester the Molester's video links...two with me in 'em], they drive back to Summit College.
Disclaimin': I apologize fer bein' too blown out ta proof read this long, ramblin' report.
I reckon ya'll seen I made it back? When all ya'll read this fine river tale yer gwine ta see how I come close ta a Mister Chuck Darwin Award, dishonorable mention. When I got off the river, I drove up ta the Bluff 'n I spent a hour with Tom ('n a few glasses of Dago Red) tellin' him jest what me 'n Dan done on this expedishun. They all got good times 'n bad times. I am sho some of them South Pole explorin' fellas who froze jest a few hunerd yards frum home base seen good times too. I reckon that iz enuf hyperbolatin'.
After enuff wine we figgered Miz Bear wuz ta blame fer everythin' that went wrong. She been with me near bout all day 'n all nite fer the last 10 years so the part of my brain that used ta recall stuff dont work so good anymore. The High Sheriff, oldyaker, Paddlin' Gator, Swampy, Commodore 'n a few others on here recall that time I fergot all the homemade chocolate cookies Winnie made fer the 2005 Buffalo River Expedishun http://sports.webshots.com/album/323974553ZYiqhf 'er me leavin' them dang hot dog buns in my truck on one of the St. Mary expedishuns, but forgettin' where ta meet up with yer friendly Arkansaw shuttle bunny jest aint a good sign.
Miz Bear aint likely ta fergit no homemade cookies....which she later sez she ate. Ate ever dang one of 'em....so it wuz hard when everbody went ta bashin' me. I jest plain fergot. I didnt eat no homemade cookies. Miz Bear would not have fergot the hot dogs buns either. I know forgettin' hot dog buns aint like when ya pull the pin off a hand bomb by mistake, but it iz jest more straws on the camel.
Here iz my short tale. I drove cross the flooded part of the Arkansas delta Sunday. What wuz rivers iz now lakes. I drove some new (ta me) mountain twistin', turnin', steep roads ta git ta Ponca....where I met Dan 's friend who runs the Buffalo Outdoor Center. http://www.buffaloriver.com/ I asked if I kin park my truck at hiz place 'n if I kin set Tom's computin' machine in hiz office til Dan shows up on Tuesday ta pick up my truck 'n drive it ta the take out spot. He sez I kin, but if anyone messed with my tructk he'd shoot 'em dead. He sez in 20 years he aint never had no break in. That wuz good enuff fer me.
I drove down ta the Ponca Bridge. It wuz 40 cars 'n trucks parked 'n 5-10 canoes 'n kayaks loadin' ta put in. It wuz 1:30 p.m. The sun wuz so hot it near bout made me blind. The water wuz very high....no air space under the bridge. The water level had not dropped in 8 hours frum 3.75', cuz of the 100 year flood on March 18 'n the second flood at the end of March had the ground wuz soaked good. Nobody else at the put in had no camping gear.....jest beer coolers.
I cast my memory back ta the April 2005 trip 'n wished that all the Paddlin' Geezers on that trip wuz here with me....on a beautiful day, not a dull, gray, rainy day. After I unloaded my boat 'n all my gear, I drove back ta the Buffalo Outdoor Center, parked my truck, changed inta Lo Mien, give 'em my key 'n walked 300 yards back down the highway ta the put in where my canoe gear wuz waitin'. Many cars passed by, but none stopped. Some wuz likely scairt I had a RPG 'er mebbe they figgered I mite tell 'em bout the "Yellow Book"? They all stood back when Lo Mien come down ta the river bank. An algebraic teacher frum Dardanelle High School come over ta brag on the geometry of my hat....angles, formulas 'n such.......kinda like Greek.
The water looked a few inches higher'n it wuz back in 2005. On the river I moved fast. Roark Bluff come up first, then many named 'n unnamed bluffs fer the rest of the 20+ miles over the next 2.5 days. Before I knew it I wuz at the Steel Creek Campground.....2.5 miles downriver frum the Ponca Bridge. I give a thought ta campin' there cuz I shoved off so late in the day 'er I mite paddle on down ta Kyles Landing (the spot where the Paddling Geezer Canoe Clud camped the second day back in 2005) jest fer old times sake. However, movin' so fast I went a few hundred yards past Steel Creek before I made up my mind 'n come upon a nice solo tent camp site on a gravel bar.
This wuz a near bout perfect paddlin' day. I likely shoved off at Ponca Bridge round 3 p.m. (long after the folks piled in them 40 cars 'n all the shuttled folks had shoved off) so I didnt see hardly anybody on the river after I pulled off. I seen 5-10 folks paddle by. It wuz a beautiful Sunday afternoon. When ya paddle 'n camp by yerownself it makes yer eyes see, 'n yer ears hear, far. Sorry if that sounds like Dances with Wolves, but all "primitive" folks live like that, while the civilized folk listen ta Muzak.
I set up camp....Lord I wish I had some little Pygmies to carry my gear, set up camp....ya know...like in that Robert Redford movie..."Out Frum Africa"? I figger Hemingway hunted like that, but not Faulkner. I do better ever time I set up camp. I quit makin' many of the mistakes I made on other trips. The cheap aluminium foldin' table frum the Communists aka WalMart wuz great. After I finished my chores.....early in the afternoon cuz I pulled off early.....I sat in my comfortable plastic, Communist, folding chair with arm rests 'n a high back. My eyes begun ta see far. Az the sun set behind the bluffs, the turkey buzzards come out ta enjoy the end of the day. That evening there wuz only bout 15 of them ridin' the thermals, gracefully, touchin' wings ever now 'n then, dogfightin', floatin', driftin', watchin' the sunset hunerds of miles off frum 300' above me.
I am sad ta report that without my dear friend Swampy chatterin' on bout things great 'n small, I heard the sound of a four wheeler, a few Harley Boys 'n other jerks with loud mufflers.....a horror near bout az bad az a neighbor with more'n three dogs.
I made one mistake Sunday night. I didn't find a level spot fer my tent. I slept good fer 5-6 hours, but after that it wuz rollin' & a tumblin' all nite long....without a nurse gymnast. I had put some big logs on my fire before I turned in hopin' the coals would light up eazy Monday morning. I lay there in the tent listenin' fer the birds....so I'd know when ta git up. No whippoorwill that nite, but I heard one the next nite. When I rolled out ta see the day, I got the fire roarin', pulled out my Zip Stove, ate a blueberry granola bar, an apple 'n made coffee....drip coffee with the $2 drip coffee maker frum Campmor.
I figgered the river would be full of boats on a warm, high water, sunny, Sunday afternoon, but empty like it wuz back in 2005 on Monday. Them 40 cars parked at the Ponca Bridge wuz likely Sunday day trippers headed fer Steel Creek 'er Kyles Landing. The March floods had changed the river quite a bit. Nature iz danged powerful. Man aint. I dont recall no problems Sunday, but on Monday there wuz one tree down cross the whole dang river....but there wuz near bout 6" of water over the top of the tree near the bank. The beer cooler crowd likely floated over it. I hit it, but made it over okay.
On Monday I paddled another very short stretch down ta Kyles Landing where I pulled off bout noon. There wuz anuther 15-20 cars in the parking lot....a surprize. They wuz day trippers runnin' frum Ponca ta Kyles on Monday. There wuz 2-3 tents near where the Paddling Geezers camped in 2005....when we had the whole danged campground to ourownselves. I met a volunteer Park Ranger (like Van). They give him room, board 'n $5 a day ta help the high dollar rangers take care of Kyles. He come 'n raked the sand next ta the fire grate. I reckon he never pitched a tent next ta a fire....on a windy night.
I am tired. I will bore ya'll some more later. On this expedishun the dookie dont hit the fan til Tuesday.
ps The Ontarians wuz there agin....at Ozark Campround....just like they wuz in April 2005 when the Paddlin' Geezers showed up there. This time there wuz 48 college kids 'n 4-5 young teachers. They wuz part of a Wilderness Program at Summit College. They had 17 tandem canoes, some made in London, Ontario. They wuz organized 'n while I figgered they wuz on the road ta Communism, I tole Tom that I hoped the wilderness program might save a few of 'em frum too much college. There wuz too many gals huggin' gals, Valley Girl talk 'n earrings in the wrong spots, but I like the kids. They warn't loud 'er disrespectul. It aint eazy herdin' college kids thru campgrounds 'n rivers....somethin' I helped with fer 10 years til Miz Ann tole Dave not ta bring no more of our college kids back. [I wuz always a "river chaperone" never a "campground chaperone".] The Ontarians been comin' there in April fer 12 years. After runnin' 100 miles of the Buffalo, climbin' rocks at Horseshoe somethin'-er-other 'n runnin' my favorite Ozark whitewater river, the Big Piney [I already posted Richard 'n Chester the Molester's video links...two with me in 'em], they drive back to Summit College.
Disclaimin': I apologize fer bein' too blown out ta proof read this long, ramblin' report.