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Boston Legal Trailer


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2008
lakside village, texas
Well, It seemed pretty cotton pickin' humorous to me.
I admire Shatner's character's confidence and calm. For me it's two rounds, center mass, and change position.And repeat, until I'm the only one left trembling.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Like you .. with me it would of been a double or triple tap into the center ( nice tight group ) to avoid any confusion. Then move and do it again if necessary. Body armor , if they have it , decides the rest of the game... aim high or low if that double tap did not do any good.
A quarter of a century of pistol combat training makes it an move you just do and don't think about it , just do it , a natural reaction. :D

I like his for the comedy part but how sweet it was. How many times has a person thought of such a thing.... make the sucker suffer but that does not say he will not deliver the killing shot to you , I would of if it was me. :evil:

Comedy is good for TV , reality is better for survival in this world. The fantasy ( make believe ) world VS the real one.



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend Singin' Jim,

I dont figger ya own nobody no apology. There iz a heap a talk bout shootin' frum folks who jest like ta talk. I always listen close when someone who haz tells what it wuz like.


We can't expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism. Nikita Khrushchev


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida

Let me echo the thoughts of the rest on here.... No Problem. :D I'm just sorry it drug up old memories for you , the past should stay there , where it belongs .. in the past. As a Circuit Court Judge I knew liked to say ... "You can't unring a bell"

The future is always brighter........ or should be. It is always better if we learn from the past , that is what makes the future better for us.

A little home spun thought from this end ... Today is now and will become yesterday while tomorrow which has yet to arrive will become today and eventually yesterday. We can't go forward or backwards so the best we can do is to enjoy today.



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2008
lakside village, texas
Guys, I really appreciate your understanding, but I do think that tale wasn't appropriate in this arena. And I am sorry I wrote it.
I couldn't sleep for days after it happened, and now I am back in the same loop.
I wasn't afraid at the moment, the little training I had, took over, and I did what I was supposed to do.
After I talked with the police, fear overwhelmed me. I couldn't eat, and anything I could eat, I threw up.
I didn't sleep for days.
This occured thirty years ago.
Now, I can't sleep again. and I just threw up some excellent chicken soup.
I should probably delete this post, too. before I embarrass myself further


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Singin' Jim,

I am sorry fer yer bad memories, however there iz some good stuff in yer post. First off, a man haz a hard tussle with hizself if he dont come forward when a man iz puttin' a whuppin' on a woman. However, all my town law pals sez that iz bout the most dangerous time fer them. They watch real careful ta see that the woman dont stab 'em in the back whilst the officer stops the man. Second, yer bad time mite help the next fella see what kinda tangled web a boyfriend/girlfriend fight iz.

I tip my e-hat ta yer courage. Ta think that what ya done mite have got ya inta truble jest shows how we musta fell inta Bizzaro World. If this iz really rubbin' a scab, the High Sheriff kin delete the whole thing....cept where Capt. Kirk whacks that evil doer. :wink:


Lymph (v.), to walk with a lisp.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2006

You have my respect and thanks for helping that woman. As a 27 year (so far!) cop, I can't imagine you being in trouble for helping. Where I live, we'd pin a medal on ya! Sorry about the memories, but you deserve a big Job Well Done!
