Bit the bullet! | Page 2 |

Bit the bullet!

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
oldsparkey said:
For those of you wondering, in this photo posted by Chuck, the tide is coming in.

(Do NOT bother Chuck with such mundane questions. Moon gravity, spatial bodies, mass, and fluid dynamics are not in his ken. Neither, it seems, is telling time or reading. sigh)


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
This is what you had ..............
img]<img src="">[/img]

I droped the img]<img src=" at the front and the "> at the end to make it a click on ............
[url=] ... 160026.jpg[/url]

Then I used the click on with Img at the front and end to get this.

The has to be touching the http:// >>>>-----> Like this.... [img]http://---------------------jpg.[img] at the end.

I see you found it as I was explaining it .... It is a lot more fun when you can put pictures with what you are telling folks. Some of us have a hard time reading so pictures are really a necessity. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2007
Short Shorts, Arkansas
Chuck, I really appreciate your help! I also like when you can see what is being written about. I'll try to keep up with posting once I get going on the boat and there is progress.



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida

I said a while back we are here to help with any questions , did not say if the help was worth a chit but sometimes we screw up and actually do something right.

Besides I have no excuse since the youngest daughter is a digital artist and even does web sites. YEP , She teaches the old Goat some new tricks on the computer at times , the rest of the time she is usually fussing at me about something.
Those times make me feel like I am on the forum getting picked on which the guys are good at and I would not have it any other way. It gives Jack and the rest a break for a short time. :lol:

We are here for fun , stress you can have at work , NOT ON HERE ...It is a NO NO on here unless you like stress then we can provide that. :p :p

I want to thank you for using the smaller pictures , that is a gripe of mine when someone posts a large picture that you have to scan , what a pain. Heck it is almost like working to look at it. The server and folks I have running southernpaddler say the upgrade I did to the forum will hold 10,000 pictures so we should be safe for a while. Then I guess it will have to be upgraded again.

Now when it comes down to taking Kayak Jack paddling an camping ... Boy can I forget everything that I have learned .... Chuck is the tide coming in .... Yep , Jack sometime today or tomorrow it will and then just go back out again.

Chuck what time is it , Jack it is Island time or time for you to purchase a watch. You have your watch , what time is it , Jack it quit running , Why do you still have it , It is correct two times a day. :lol: :lol:

Chuck where is the Island we will be camping on .. Jack it is out there , just keep paddling and when you see the Dolphins , turn right , paddle some more , then you will be there. It is the area which is white sand and dry ground. Ya know ... Over yonder .... that-a way .... a spell.


Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
oldsparkey said:
... Chuck where is the Island we will be camping on .. Jack it is out there , just keep paddling and when you see the Dolphins , turn right , paddle some more , then you will be there. It is the area which is white sand and dry ground. Ya know ... Over yonder .... that-a way .... a spell.
Chuckie should have said, "Over yonder .... that-a way .... a SMELL."

Clever & Cagey Cajun Chuckie spotted us right next to a Porta-Potty!


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Kayak Jack said:
oldsparkey said:
... Chuck where is the Island we will be camping on .. Jack it is out there , just keep paddling and when you see the Dolphins , turn right , paddle some more , then you will be there. It is the area which is white sand and dry ground. Ya know ... Over yonder .... that-a way .... a spell.
Chuckie should have said, "Over yonder .... that-a way .... a SMELL."

Clever & Cagey Cajun Chuckie spotted us right next to a Porta-Potty!

I wanted to make sure Kayak Jack would not want to publish a book that was already written a long time ago when he returned from the trip......

What one ... You Ask....... The " 100 Yards to the Outhouse by Bet-he Don't -Make it.
Besides all the fresh air off the Gulf of Mexico was sure to get to him so to keep him from getting homesick I knew the best place to camp was where he could have failure smells during the day. Then the dang Rangers came in and cleaned it.
Government folks , ya just can't trust them. They always wreck the southern hospitality, must of been some Yankees working there on temporary duty. Now guess where Jack sat or took naps most of the time , Ya got it , right down wind from the outhouse and he sleep like a baby. :lol:
Plus I have to say we had a good mile or more of beach to camp on ... not even thinking about the woods and sand behind us and then another beach past that ..... UP WIND. Heck there was another island (Tiger Key) just across from us ( No more the 100 yards away) with a beach around a lot of it and some good looking camping sites.

Chad.. When you start building your boat ... You might want to start a new thread or post about it , we sort of got off the subject on this one and it is all Kayak Jacks fault. :roll:

For anger management , you can copy and then print this picture of Kayak Jack to use for a DART BOARD , If you would like to.
I'm not sure if a dart would stick in that Old Goats Picture , it might bounce back and hit you.


Who said we do not have some fun on here and out camping :lol:


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2007
Short Shorts, Arkansas
You guy's are cracking me up! I love the way you jeer each other and I'm sure it's all in good fun! I am very amused!. In a good way of course. :lol:
Throw darts?Hmmmmm. I'm thinking Jack can't be all bad he has great taste in hats!

I will start a new thread as I get going on the boat.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
Dang right, Tyer! That's a real Akubra hat on mine haid. Australian fur felt hats.

Top quality above and below. We handsome, erudite gentlemen deserve nothing less. (It almost floated away on an outgoing tide - which had been accurately predicted as an incoming neap tide.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Kayak Jack said:
Dang right, Tyer! That's a real Akubra hat on mine haid. Australian fur felt hats.

Top quality above and below. We handsome, erudite gentlemen deserve nothing less. (It almost floated away on an outgoing tide - which had been accurately predicted as an incoming neap tide.)

If a body was standing at the entrance of the river then the outgoing tide would be an incoming tide since it is coming in to that person. An incoming tide would be an outgoing tide since it is going out from where the person is. It just matters where you are , at the entrance of the river or upstream on the river.

So two paddlers one at the entrance and one inland could have different tides at the same time. One would have the tide going out (away from him) while the other has it coming in to him.

Yep... That is my story and I am sticking to it. Besides I am use to paddling rivers where all the water , all the time goes down hill and never changes it's mind.



Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
cctyer said:
Don't goats eat almost anything?
Friend Chad,

The Paddlin' Geezer Canoe Clud mascot iz a old one. We named him Chuck. He eats grits. :wink:

bodine culinary institute

In general, the art of government consists in taking as much money as possible from one class of the citizens to give to the other. Voltaire

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
I've finally come to the conclusion that, when Chuckie speaks of tide - it best be the sudsy kind. No veracity on any other. sigh

Sorry to submit you to the family's messy laundry, Tyer. But, now that your a member too, the dysfunctionalism will spread. (I can see the tide of it approaching now!)


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2007
Short Shorts, Arkansas
As soon as I stop laughing at (I mean with) you guys I will gladly accept the invite to the dysfunctionalism. :shock: I would'nt have it any other way! What is functional anyway? ........... Huh! I know a tidal chart might be!!!....or a sense of humor..........Oh yeah an authentic Aussie fur hat!
Yeah, those things are funtional. I guess! :lol:

Chuck are you eatin yer grits wit shrimps or mudbugs! Either way dem grits ur dam goood! Oooooweeee! "A lil for da pot...A lil for me" Don't ya miss Justin Wilson? :(


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Justin was my hero , he could cook a Yankee pot roast and make it taste Cajun. Then the stories he would tell , they would make Jack look like a school boy , the man had it down to a fine art.

Going to have shrimp tonight for supper but I am thinking some rice (Swamp Seed) with them.

Now as far as us being dysfunctional , there is no way we are that , we are just screwed up in the head and have no idea what we are doing most of the time. But do it anyway.

The freighting part of all of this is when we are camping we are a harmonious group with everyone doing something and actually knowing what the others are doing without asking them. I always knew when Jack or oldyaker needed the toilet paper so that is when I would grab it and use it as a football for a game with Mac.

It is always a pleasure to camp with friends as long as there is a spare roll of the TP hidden someplace.:roll:

Darn , I remember about a certain someone up on the side of a mountain answering natures call and his foot hit the football so it rolled down the mountain side ..... Best part was .... he was chasing it , drawers in hand .... Us ..... Dysfunctional not at all ..... we just are not graceful.

Unlike Kayak Jack .. Here is a picture of a very trusting , good natured , fun loving and all round good person who only tells the truth , the truth and nothing but the truth all of the time. "O" did I say handsome also ?


Anyone who wants to click on this and add yourself to the Geezer Paddling Club.......



Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2007
jesup, ga.
yep justin was almost a geezer like chucky. i liked him.

chuck is the tide what messed jacks & yaks brain up on that last trip. :lol: (cat)


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2007
Short Shorts, Arkansas
Yeah Chuck & catfish. I used to love it when he got all heated up on da BurrrGahndi. He really brought some flare to the old kitchen,outdoor grill or whatever he was cokking with. Hell, I bet a time or two he cooked up a can-o-beans on the manifold of his truck. MMMMMMMM!!! Good vittles.

Which leads me to another question? Who does all the cooking on one of your trips while your figuring out if the tide is slack,coming or going! depending on wich side of the inlet or island your on of course? :lol:

P.S. That's a great looking hat also chuck!


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Most of the trips I go on .. I get volunteered as the cook. I like to cook and we do eat really good on the trips , so far no one has complained , except for gaining weight.

Everyone fends for them selves at breakfast and river snacks but when supper comes along it is Steaks , Potatoes (One the fire , below the sizzling steaks) salads and even one time a Chocolate Cake on the river bank , courtesy of swampy.

We also do pork steaks , chicken , shrimp , scollop's , fresh fish , hot dogs , hamburgers (big thick ones that make the bun look like a top hat) , Cajun cooking , Etouffee's , Chili or Stews in my well seasoned and old Dutch Oven plus oldyaker did a Souther boil on one trip with everything under the sun in it.
We do eat good , really good , to darn good , way to much. Jezeeee on one trip we were in camp and Georgia Jack ( Stevens) was cooking fresh catfish ( Not the one on here , the swimming variety) and we had so many left over we fed a tour group from England that was camping near us. They had a good time with the Corn Fritters and hush Puppies. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I found that if everyone plans there breakfast and snacks , then when you meet before the trip , everyone kicks in the pot and you go shopping at the local supermarket , have the meals planned and get the chow , this way everyone has the same for supper. It also costs a lot less for each supper that way.. One Okefenokee trip we ate like champs and it ran each person about $4.00 for supper and we had a ton of food.

One night I did Turkey , Potatoes ( mashed), Dressing , Cranberries , Green peas with pearl onions in them , gravy , and sopping bread for supper. There was plenty for 2nds or even 3rds which some of the guys had.



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
I need to tell you... Oldyaker ( he is Eye-tal-ion ) and he did a sgetti and meatball supper for us one night on the Edisto River (Page two of the trips report) Swampis report is at the bottom of page #1 Trip Reports.

We had one pot and needed it to do the meatballs and tomato sauce in so we used it . Looking around for a pot to do the sgetti in and there was none to be found ....... Soooo we cleaned out swampis hobo coffee pot and cooked the sgetti in it.

Swampi also did some bread in his Backpacker (he is our baker) and as you can see everything turned out pretty good , NO ... that is not coffee in the cup , the coffee pot was used to cook the sgetti (Remember) so we had to suffer thru supper with some Red Dago Wine.:lol: :lol:

As Justin would of said .... "It was so good your bottom lip would be beating your nose bloody trying to get to it"




Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2007
Short Shorts, Arkansas
Holy cow cud Chuck! It sounds like the eatin is real good on your trips. I cook for a living so my Motto is: any meal I don't have to cook, is the best meal I've had.

got a boat question also> I read in the shop notes that the sideboards are to be cut at a 45 degree angle. I put a 45degree line on to see how it looked and the stem seems to long which is also noted. Do I flush the stems with the top or line up the bottom with the notch so the top is higher than the sideboards. If so are they supposed to stick up about an inch above the sideboard on top?