Bellybuster's build update |

Bellybuster's build update

Figured I'd start a thread dedicated to my build

I have my sides all done now, the cooler temps here made for a hard time for someone who likes results "now". Took a long time to cure, was only able to put one coat of epoxy on a day.
This weekend I shall join up my bottom ply and hopefully get it rough cut by the end of the weekend.
I have pics along the way and will put together a web page describing my build for others to view my mistakes and adventures.

jig for holding joint together

glassed joint
you'll notice the 2 different colours of plywood, all of it was scrounged stolen, or aquired by means not discussable. Most was scraps from other projects. This entire boat is going to cost only that of the epoxy
With any luck, my stems will arrive from UJ's this week and I shall have a boat shaped out this weekend
I made the mistake of assuming you must put one coat on, let dry then flip the boards and glass the other side. Obviously joint cracked, should have completely finished the one side first then flipped over to do the other

Too Busy

Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2008
Summerville, SC
Good plan on scrounge built boat. 8)

The first yak I built was entirely from mahogany plywood packing crates. We were importing a lot of materials from South America at the time and EVERYTHING came in a mahogany box.

My UJ kit seems to have got lost in the mail so I have not been able to do much with my build. David at UJ's has been very helpful and has said they will "fix me up" if it doesn't arrive by end week. Very good customer service.
Anyway.....I ordered the plans and built the folding seat. It turned out quite good. I modified it a bit but not much, I used oak that was left over from my Bro-in-law's flooring install (yes I'm a cheap bas@#%). I want to use some padding on the back, it is the only spot I find uncomfortable

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan
May I suggest that, before adding cushion, you adjust the curvature of the slats to fit you butt & back? That means more area contacting the seat, and more comfort. This will actually lower the psi (Pounds per Square Inch) of pressure where you contact the seat. Wooden furniture that is curved to fit is comfortable.

Then, if a cushion is still needed, it will be a thinner one.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2007
Short Shorts, Arkansas
Bellybuster, great work man. The use of available materials is not CHEAP I would say frugal. I really like the seat made of flooring oak. I made two versions of the seat and have settled on the original with a thin hunting pad that has an air valve you can adjust to just a little cushion without being squishy under your kiester. You can see it below.
I also made the version with the camp seat and made the center of gravity lower and it is great but I seem to prefer the original after getting used to the boat.

Carry on mate. Looks great so far.

well, finally received my UJ kit in the mail today and got right to'er. Also made my first mistake.
I put the stems on wrong . Being a man I neglected to read the intsructions and didn't notice the cutout in the stem for the bottom. I have the cutout at the bottom but not flush like it should be. I can't see it being a problem, I'll just cut a matching peice of scrap ply to fill the gap and carry on.
I also have started a skiff based on the plans on UJ and others off the net. Wifey wasn't too pleased to see 2 boats in the works but she'll get over it.....maybe.

Kayak Jack

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2003
Okemos / East Lansing Michigan

It's better to have to be a bit patient waiting for epoxy to set, than to have a half or three quarters of a batch set up while still in the pot awaiting you to get it onto the boat.

Lesser of two evils syndrome.
Update time..... I now have a boat, I'd love to post pics but I can't find my card reader and the cable for my camera is long lost. They will come later
The entire boat is together and just about ready for taping the seams. I keep adding on as I go. The rear of the boat is decked in, I was trying to figure out how to deck it in and found the plywood was just too bland and flat sooooo sitting on the floor of my shop was a crapload of 3/4 X 1/4 oak strips. Heavy??? Yes. Beautiful???? Yes....worth the extra wieght???? We shall see. Most of the strips show the "rays" of quarter sawn oak. The finished effect should be incredible
As soon as I find my card reader I will post pics. Getting very excited to get'er in the water