Belly in the water |

Belly in the water

well folks...Saturday was the day. My 8 yr old Daughter and I went to the river and got the pirogue wet for the first time.
It was a great afternoon. The boat was high and dry and once gotten used to, quite stable.
We did a bit of paddlin and a bit of fishin too. It was priceless when my daughter hooked into a large pike, priceless I say!!! She was so excited!!! Lost it at the side of the boat but its the lost ones that keep'em comin back for more.
With my seat mounted at the center rib (just aft) it was a bit nose low with my daughter in the front but just right with only me in it. Very easy to paddle but a kayak paddle is in my near future. Hard to keep her straight with the currant in the river.
I'll post some pics tonight.
Thanks to all of you for the guidance and help, I wouldn't be in the water with out you.
The next boat is already in the planning stages. It will either be a UJ skiff or a 15'8" punt I found online

once again....thanks to coming tonight

One thing I did notice. The closed in section in the back will never get used, I had all my gear in a milk crate between my feet and it's all I can ever see the need for in the boat storage. If I make another pirogue it will be open front to back to keep it lighter


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2005
way down yonder
Friend Belly,

Yer pooch looks familiar. Kin we see a big pichur? I know this iz a boat braggin' section, but heck....we dont have a dog braggin' section. Some boats turn out ta be dogs. :lol:


You can't have everything. Where would you put it? Steven Wright
hey Bear:
That poor dog was a rescue about 9 months ago. She was found on the side of the road half dead with her leash tied to a large branch and the tags cut off. Some one left her out in the woods for the coyotes. Can't imagine why, she's the most lovable pet you ever met. She was about 6 lbs when we found her, skin and bones.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2003
Central , Florida
Bellybuster said:
hey Bear:
That poor dog was a rescue about 9 months ago. She was found on the side of the road half dead with her leash tied to a large branch and the tags cut off. Some one left her out in the woods for the coyotes. Can't imagine why, she's the most lovable pet you ever met. She was about 6 lbs when we found her, skin and bones.

Who ever did that to the pup needs the same thing done to them after they are neutered because they have to at the bottom of the gene pool if not below it. Dam scum bags. :evil:



Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2007
Short Shorts, Arkansas
Buster, That red looks great on the boat and the skipper looks happy to. Good looking out with the dog. Some people can be very mean. :evil:

As for the next build you are knocking on the same door I was. I want to get something I can stand up and fish from that is able to hold 2-3 people.
The Punt looks like a great build. Let us know which one you choose.
